Saturday, June 11, 2016


The communist Chinese government is the nation that is in control of OUR NATION right now, and the GCR/RV?  So our nation is in a pact with one of the leading terrorist nations on the planet? This is the nation that General Dunford is attempting to 'negotiate' with? And settle debts that were created by the criminal cabal and not 'We the People'? And the Chinese communist government leaders, bankers and military can come to Nevada and screw with the whores there and spend their gold backed funds at the Vegas and Reno roulette tables, and eat the best range fed Black Angus steaks?


Chinese women forbidden to marry non-Chinese

Law addresses gender imbalance – for every girl under 18, there are 3 boys - and forced abortions of females continues to be the 'norm'

Legislation has been adopted in China that soon will ban women from marrying non-Chinese men, after promoters pointed out that for every girl under age 18 in the nation, there now are three boys.

WND many times has reported that the nation’s long standing one-child abortion policy recently changed to two-child but still requiring forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, is resulting in an overwhelming number of Chinese men who never will marry simply because the women they would have partnered with have been killed by abortion.

In 2015, WND reported the abortion of girls in favor of sons under the Chinese government’s policy is known to have cost millions of lives, and the full impact of the policy is yet to be seen. That was when the United Nations recognized that some 200 million women and girls are “demographically missing” worldwide.

The Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces said in its “Women in an Insecure World: Violence Against Woman Facts, Figures and Analysis” report that the “euphemism hides one of the most shocking crimes against humanity.”

And it’s not going to fix itself, according to Reggie
Littlejohn, president of Womens Rights Without Frontiers, whose group battles the Chinese one-child policy.  “It’s not going to be going away,” she told WND. “It’s going to be getting worse.”

The ripples of the anti-girl policies and practices will be felt for generations, she said. “In China, there are whole villages of ‘bare branches,'” said Littlejohn, describing the problem of men who will never will marry and have a family because of the gender imbalance.  “What worries me is that there are 37 million frustrated, marriage age, military age men in China,” she said.

Coincidentally, she said the number of men in India who will never marry is about the same, 37 million. Already the problem is manifesting itself with human trafficking and sexual slavery, she said.

She provided statistics to WND that shows the extent of the problem. In China alone, under its one-child policy, 336 million women have been aborted and 195 million have been sterilized.

The report on the newest legislation comes from the East Asia Tribune.   It said the plan comes from the Supreme People’s Court of China and will take effect in 2018.

The report said, “The policy had been fiercely debated for a number of months before it finally won approval from the required number of legislators. … Civil rights groups in China have condemned the restriction, pointing out that it discriminates against women by still permitting males to enter into interracial marriages.”

Protesters tried objecting to the legislation but were dispersed by police.

One of the legislators told the paper, anonymously, “The law was introduced in order to promote social harmony. We need to ensure there are enough Chinese women available for marriage; otherwise there is a high probability of increased levels of rape and other violence.”

Men still are allowed to many non-Chinese because, “we need to make sure Chinese men have as many opportunities as possible to find a bride,” the legislator said.

WND reported only a few weeks ago that Chinese sources previously have estimated an astonishing 13 million babies are aborted annually, but a new U.S. State Department report calculates the toll is 23 million, or 43 abortion deaths every minute.

Littlejohn said while China has four times the population of the United States, it has 23 times the number of abortions.

The U.S. State Department’s “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015” says it “continues to be illegal in almost all provinces for a single woman to have a child, with fines levied for violations.”

“The law mandates that family-planning bureaus conduct pregnancy tests on married women and provide them with unspecified ‘follow-up’ services. 

Some provinces fined women who did not undergo periodic state-mandated pregnancy tests,” the report says.

Littlejohn’s organization has cited the male-female imbalance as one of the reasons sex trafficking in Asia is surging, too. 

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”


Noe said...

sorry man, but after we read what is happening in USA, now we can see that China is more democratic and much less unfair than USA government now, I can understand this issue in China, because they need more women (they were aborting girl babies some decades long), anyway Judge Anna Von Reitz is saying that the cabal mafia now is operating in China (rotschild and bankgsters), sorry for China if this is true, because will be as USA in some few decades !

marie said...

Sorry but the difference between USA and China are miles apart. It might sound bad but we [THE AWAKE] are not buying what the Mafia is selling.