Friday, June 17, 2016

Dems quietly slipping gun control into mental-health bill


Dems quietly slipping gun control into mental-health bill

Legislation already under fire for perceived anti-liberty language

Democrats are trying for a backdoor crackdown to the Second Amendment, via a mental health bill.
Democrats are trying for a backdoor crackdown to the Second Amendment, via a mental health bill.

Cheryl Chumley
June 14 2016

A group of Democrats fueled by the Orlando LGBT nightclub murders committed by Omar Mateen (??!! already proven to be a false flag) – a Muslim who touted his allegiance to ISIS during a 9-1-1 call placed amid the shootings – are planning to slip a couple gun-control measures into a bill by Rep. Tim Murphy that’s supposed to focus on mental health. ??!!

The bill, which is slated for House Energy and Commerce Committee consideration (what does this 'committee' have to do with mental health and with gun control?!) on Wednesday, was already under fire for perceived anti-liberty language, as WND previously reported. But the gun control measures are new, added just after the Orlando shootings that left 49 dead and 53 injured.

Not all the text is available, but one, from Rep. Tony Cardenas, a Democrat from California, would lift a ban on gun-related research being conducted by federal entities, according to media reports. It comes as the American Medical Association voted this week to declare gun violence a “public health crisis” and to “actively lobby” for the federal government to conduct its own research on firearms, the Hill reported.

That AMA vote, while largely symbolic, is still a move that gives the powerful medical lobby a step into the political battle over Second Amendment rights, and is the first time the AMA’s deemed gun violate an actual “public health crisis.”

The House Energy and Commerce Committee is due to hold a markup of the mental-health legislation.  It’s not yet clear what other gun-control measures purported to be slid into the bill are slated to do.

Democrats are trying for a backdoor crackdown to the Second Amendment, via a mental health bill.

Not all the text is available, but one, from Rep. Tony Cardenas, a Democrat from California, would lift a ban on gun-related research being conducted by federal entities according to media reports. It comes as the American Medical Association voted this week to declare gun violence a “public health crisis” and to “actively lobby” for the federal government to conduct its own research on firearms, the Hill reported.

That AMA vote, while largely symbolic, is still a move that gives the powerful medical lobby a step into the political battle over Second Amendment rights, and is the first time the AMA’s deemed gun violate an actual “public health crisis.”

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