Friday, June 10, 2016

Dr William Mount: Secret US Gold Mines



Dr.William Mount
Secret US Gold Mines
Thu Jun 9, 2016


We believe, along with others, that the United States
Corporation has horded thousands of tons of gold and
is secretly negotiating how to restabilize the US Economy.

There appears to be an internal war between the likes
of Obama and Hillary and those that wish to bring back
our Republic and bring back Gold Coins as the actual
monetary system
To this end the US has in force

1) US Marines guarding the Ancient Egyptian Base in the
    base of the Grand Canyon - which appears to be an
   Ancient Amarnen Gold Mine

2) US Marines guarding the Huge Gold Mine at
    Chocolate Mine Gunnery Range

3) US Based Archeology Team at the Ancient
    El Amarna Landing Base

4) Indonesian Gold Mine

5) The US Corporation Demands Yangsha Island -
    Scarborough Schoal - A Mountain Of Gold.
    This is the prize in the war with China

So lets look at the proof….

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Keep up your prayers  
the Lucifarian Left is about ready to break
  so keep praying 

Once exposed, many more will join us in prayer and
they are through. The vote yesterday for Hillary was
one of desperation - they are breaking. I can feel it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let er rip! It will the blessing of all blessings to see all these non human and evil self serving humans be extracted from the planet and not soon enough.