Saturday, June 18, 2016

From Obama to America with 'love' for the muslim crazies



June  17 2016

57604db1c36188773b8b45bd 2016-06-15 20:47:08-04   Posted in Featured General
I guess its better to be safe than sorry. Officials have tried to soften reports that relations are strained between the Pope and the Argentinian government after Francis turned down a significant donation from the Argentinian President because the sum included the figure 666. Foreign minister Susana Malcorra on Monday insisted that

“there was […]

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War Criminals In US 'Government' And Business Interests Are Provoking A Fight With Russia That Will End In Disaster

2016-06-16 05:57:19-04 
Posted in Featured General

Last month, I wrote an article about how NATO’s top general is predicting war with Russia, beginning in the Baltic nations, in May 2017, which is also the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. Several days ago, I wrote about how the US government is working with NATO to set up advanced missile “defense” systems […]

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Muslim Terrorists Are Using Boys As Honeypot Traps And Bargaining Chips Because The Afghan Police Are Addicted To Raping Little Boys

muslim2016-06-16 07:48:04-04Posted in FeaturedGeneral

The best thing that has come out of this Orlando gay nightclub shooting is that is it finally, at least for  a time, forcing people to look at the prevalence of homosexuality in Islam. It is almost entertaining to watch, but it is rather sad how the current “hivemind” in the West is saying that […]

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ISIS Beheads Four-Year-Old Girl And Then Forces Mother To Soak Her Hands In Her Blood

beheadedchildren2016-06-16 18:38:23-04 
Posted in Featured

If there is anything that can be expected from ISIS, is that it will always find new, creative ways to inflict horrible suffering on the most innocent for the sake of Allah: “A mother told her 4-year daughter to go home and she refused and then the mother told her unintentionally ‘go home and I […]

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Muslims Take Four Year Old Girl, Behead Her, And Then Force Her Mother To Soak Her Hands In Her Daughter’s Blood

beheaded copy
2016-06-16 20:32:32-04 
Posted in Featured General 
By Theodore Shoebat 

ISIS terrorists took a four year old girl and beheaded her, and then forced her to soak her hand in her own daughter’s blood. According to one report: Islamic State terrorists have beheaded a 4-year-old girl in the group’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa and forced her mother to soak her hands in […]

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Spanish Government Prosecutes Major Catholic Cardinal For “Hate Crimes” For Preaching Against Islam And Homosexuality

chile-student-protest 2016-06-17 05:16:01-04 
Posted in Featured

Fr. Antonio Cardinal Canizares is sometimes called “little Ratzinger.” As Archbishop of Valencia, he has been fearless in speaking out against the Islamic invasion of Europe, the LGBT attack on the family, and the evils of feminism. He even has the support of Pope Francis, who has encouraged him to ‘stay strong’ in his public […]

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Remember How Muslims Stone Jews In Israel? Well Muslims Are Now Stoning Dutch People And Their Businesses In Holland

2016-06-17 05:31:31-04
Posted in Featured

Remember all of those photos and videos of Arab Muslims stoning Jews and Jewish businesses in Israel that have been in the news for decades? For those same years, Israel was saying this was the face of Islam, but nobody listened. People in the West insisted that the Palestinians were just “economically deprived,” or they […]

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Mysterious Live Giant Dinosaur Discovered Swimming In The Ocean Proving The Flood Of The Bible

pl copy2016-06-17 15:41:31-04  
Posted in FeaturedGeneral 
By Walid Shoebat  

The mysterious image you see below was captured near Antarctica by Google Earth of what seems to be a plesiosaur. The image was first spotted off the coast of Deception Island in the South Shetlands on Google Earth on April 9. Its head and left flap emerging out of the water and the […]

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Anonymous said...

Every American should know what Teddy Roosevelt said on immigration....Les Wolfe: What has this country come to?

Olive Oyl said...

Anon 12:36 pm - Thank you for the mention of Teddy Roosevelt's statement on immigration. Teddy's statement is being posted today.