Monday, June 6, 2016

Gun Confiscation - UN back on American soil making plans

U.N. Back on American Soil Making Plans for Ways to Disarm Civilians


Anonymous said...

They are NOT HEARING US! There will be NO gun confiscation by the UN or anyone else! Government does not Grants these things, God until you can prove you are God, STFU!

By the way, We The People did not vote on, nor AGREED to join the UN, so, any Blue Helmets show up, and I think it's open season, as THEY would be a foreign troop on our land, which is considered an act of War/Invasion. No treaty that usurp our Constitution is to be considered Null & Void..Invasion consider it that way, and I hope my fellow Americans will as well.

We have a Natural Law of Self-Defense, and I don't give one rats ass to anyone that WA ts us disarmed. You are an illegitimate government, and I do not recognize you!

marie said...


Anonymous said...

The U.N. is another Rothschild creation for the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, The Group of 20 (or whatever), The Trilateral Commission. It's all just a made up bunch of baloney to capture leaders from other nations
to help them depopulate the planet and take over all control over each person's lives!

Anonymous said...

Like! :)