Friday, June 10, 2016

muslims burn 'refugee' camp in Dusseldorf over breakfast!!!!

'Refugee' camp in Dusseldorf is burned down by 'migrants' who were furious they had not received a wake up for                                                                     'Ramadan' breakfast                               

Huge fire ripped through 'refugee' centre, home to 280 'migrants', on Tuesday
Fire started 'after those observing Ramadan were not woken early enough'
Police say two men suspected of starting blaze 'in a dispute over food'
One 'seen pouring flammable liquid onto a mattress and setting fire to it'
OK - so two 'adult' men who should have taken responsibility for their own breakfast plans to wake themselves up instead of expecting others to do their job for them decide to burn the camp down so NO ONE has a place to stay much less eat - hum - and we want scum like these brought in to OUR nation?  Let's put the BLAME and SUFFERING ON OTHERS for OUR OWN LACK of RESPONSIBILITY for our own plans.  Makes complete sense - right?!
PUBLISHED: 04:50 EST, 9 June 2016 | UPDATED: 10:30 EST, 9 June 2016
A 'refugee' camp in Germany was burned down by 'migrants' amid claims they were angry they had not received a wake-up for Ramadan breakfast, it has been reported.
The large fire ripped through the centre - home to 280 'refugees' - completely
leveling the hall in the western German city of Dusseldorf on Tuesday.
Emergency crews treated 25 people for smoke poisoning before police started an arson investigation amid claims a mattress had been sprayed with lighter fluid then torched.
According to the German newspaper Express, two Moroccans living at the centre said Iranian security staff at the facility had 'deliberately' not woken those observing Ramadan ahead of their scheduled breakfast time.
The newspaper reports the two men as saying that a plan was then formed to start a fire.
Witnesses reported that there had been recurring tensions between followers of different religions in the Red Cross-run facility.
'During this time of Ramadan, there was one group that wanted to strictly observe the fast, and another that insisted on the usual timetables and usual servings,' said Ralf Herrenbrueck, spokesman for the prosecutors service.
'This had led on several occasions to disputes and altercations with officials of the German Red Cross,' he said in an interview with public broadcaster WDR.
'It got to the point where threats were made over what would happen if things didn't change, and that one threat was obviously implemented.'
German authorities last night said two North African men were suspected of starting the blaze and causing extensive damage 'as part of a dispute over food'. 'Refugees' are pictured resting outside after the fire.
Since the start of the year, police had been called 89 times to the 65,000 sq ft hall, which was formerly part of the city's congress centre, reports said.
German authorities last night said two North African men were suspected of starting the blaze and causing extensive damage 'as part of a dispute over food'. 
Police and prosecutors said one of the two 26-year-olds was seen pouring flammable liquid onto a mattress and setting fire to it, while the other told fellow residents: 'We had to do it so that things change.'
Investigators said an argument over food is believed to have preceded Tuesday's fire. 
They said Muslims who weren't observing dawn-to-dusk fasting during Ramadan had complained about what they said was a small lunch.
Prosecutor Ralf Herrenbrueck told ZDF television that both suspects have told authorities they are North African.
TV footage of the blaze showed plumes of black smoke billowing into the air at the facility on the site of the city's trade fair. 
The centre had been on fire since midday but the fire service brought the flames under control during the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Somebody should have woke them up and served them bacon and eggs.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this will bring about change. First off these ignoramuses responsible for this should be put in jail. Next, a ball and chain should be put around their ankle and they should be forced to rebuild what they have destroyed IF they want anything to eat at all. After it is rebuilt, they should be sent back to Africa where they belong. Never take a jungle bunny out of the jungle!

Anonymous said...

Agreed! And made them cut up the ham or bacon before being allowed to eat it!!!

Anonymous said...

As a child I heard: "you can take the bunny out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the bunny." Wherever they wind up, their demonic jungle mentality exercises its evil. Fits - right?! Why would we in America want to have to deal with this stupidity and demonic mentality here and just bring them in by the plane loads? We are begging for this kind of trouble - and worse.