Tuesday, June 7, 2016

NLA and Karen Hudes — For Concerned Parties

Anna Anna von Reitz
In answer to the question I received tonight: 
“Karen Hudes joined the NLA call tonight and is asking for concrete support in helping getting the frn exchanged for the gold backed currency. She says if the exchange does not happen soon, the frn will crash and there will be a 3rd world war.  Why does she say that?  do you know?”
It’s because she and her buddies have deliberately confused their own worthless promissory notes with actual United States Dollars and people all around the world have been defrauded as a result.  They thought they were buying our lawful currency, but they were buying Federal Reserve funny money instead.
They were naturally angry and blaming the Americans, but I said—- whoa!  This isn’t our fault. The same rats defrauded us, too.  And I instructed the Bank of International Settlements to settle the “United States National Debt” by transferring the equal National Credit owed to us to balance the books and get all the other countries off our weary backs.
Now the Bank Rats are desperately trying to get us all to accept their gold casino chips and start their same old fraud game again, only this time using pieces of metal and “gold certificates”  instead of other pretty pieces of paper. 
We need to understand that there is really no difference. Both things are almost equally worthless and merely symbolic of the value of our labor and the natural resources of the Earth. 
They confiscated our privately held gold back in the 1930’s and traded their worthless promises for the gold in Fort Knox, then claimed bankruptcy protection for themselves and left us holding the bag as “presumed” sureties standing good for their debts. 
Now they have moved the gold hoard to China and the Chinese government is trying to get us to go along and buy back the gold that was stolen from us in the first place by these fraud artists at super inflated prices. 
Gold traded at about $30 per ounce in 1928.  It now trades for around $1300 per ounce.  The difference of $1270 per ounce is pure profit for these criminals, which is why they are so desperate to get everyone herded into their new casino.  
But their scheme doesn’t work if we don’t take the bait.  They are stuck with tons and tons and tons of gold, a substance that is objectively not worth much.  It makes pretty jewelry and is an excellent conductor of electricity (second to silver) – but that is about all. 
So, everyone, tell me again why gold is so “precious”? 
The reason Hudes spouts off about World War III is that if they can’t get us to buy into their fraud— at our great disadvantage— they propose to kill off their Priority Creditors so they don’t have to pay us back what they owe. 
This idea is attractive to the Bank Rats because (1) they avoid paying us back; (2) they collect on the life insurance policies they’ve bought on each one of us (using our money, of course); (3) they get to charge our accounts for the “service” of killing us; (4) they get to claim our homes and lands and businesses as “abandoned property”. 
It’s Hitler’s Final Solution all over again. The German Jews were the Priority Creditors of the Nazi Government. 
I have a Better Solution.  We kill the banks and corrupt bank regulatory agencies instead. Liquidate them as crime syndicates. Seize all their assets in payment of their debt to human society.  Establish a public worldwide trading platform using block chain technology. Guarantee everyone on the planet access to food, water, shelter, medical care, education— all the basics, plus an investment account that they can use for any positive purpose. 
Contrary to fears that people would just sit on their butts and do nothing in such a system, actual tests proved that after an initial adjustment period wherein people paid off old bills, did needed maintenance on their homes, and took care of medical and dental needs they had otherwise been putting off—they went on working, or went back to school, or took early retirement and started doing things to help their families and communities thrive. 
Even more embarrassing for the social planners— Mom and Pop proved to be significantly better investors than Wall Street, beating the index 70 percent of the time, because they invested locally or otherwise in business sectors they knew from experience.  They didn’t play the market like “institutional investors” by throwing a handful of darts and hoping that enough of them would stick. 
There is absolutely nothing standing in our way but the greed of banks, the stupidity of politicians, and fear. 
Oh, and let’s admit, openly, in public, that we have been bamboozled, defrauded, robbed silly by our own employees, and let’s finger the banks responsible for this. 
The IMF set up the UNITED STATES, INC., a storefront “governmental services corporation” and fifty STATE franchises right under our noses and we stupidly mistook this for our own government.  THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA sponsored by the FEDERAL RESERVE came in right behind them, and offered to do the same thing and tried to set up a re-run of what FDR and the United States of America (Incorporated) pulled on us in the 1930’s. 
The criminals need to be recognized and what they have done needs to be recognized for what it is—-crime. 
This is the only way that we can deal with the problem and make sure that it doesn’t morph into something even worse.
Karen Hudes wants immunity for all the bankers despite their heinous crimes.  She wants us to buy into the gold casino so that the same bankers can profit beyond their wildest dreams — at our expense.  She wants to drive us into their trap like sheep or cattle, by threatening World War III if we don’t. 
Now do you all have a clear picture of exactly who and what Karen Hudes really is?  
At the end of the day, the world only works because we work and because we create and consume products. That’s it. The bankers have no real power of their own. They rely on lies and deceptions and false claims—- and its all just snake oil and Wonder Powder.
If we won’t trade for their gold, who is going to make us?  And given the circumstance—that those who have the gold stole it from us and the rest of the world and are now hiding out in China?—– why should we?  The Chinese are looking worse by the minute: not only stupid for allowing the parasites to set up shop in China, but dishonest for trying to profit from stolen goods.


Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen! Someone said a good while back that Karen Hudes was working for the Cabal. Isn't the proof in the pudding? The Chinese think that they are going to come over here
(militarily, etc.) and take over America and kill off the Americans. Somepne else had said that China has 10,000 tanks just across the border somewhere in Mexico, close to Texas. Obama gave all of America's dinars (that the Bushes stocked up on) to China, which would more than pay off all of the debt of America. I believe it was trillions of dinars, and it is written in
David Wilcock's book Financial Tyranny.

Anonymous said...

Silver is the money of America and is based on the weight of the Spanish milled dollar.