Monday, April 10, 2017

3 Refugees Rape 5yr Old Girl In Idaho

In Idaho 3 refugees, ages 14, 10 and 7 pled guilty to sexually assaulting a 5 year old girl. They were From Iraq and Eritrea. How many of our citizens have to be killed or raped before the country as a whole realizes that they don’t have the same fundamental beliefs about life as we do. ISIS Fighters are raising their children to clear buildings and take out enemy combatants and we have to debate men going into our women bathrooms as a civil rights issue.  We can’t expect refugees that grow up around a lifestyle that has zero respect for human life or women, to coexist here in America.  This story has gotten hardly any attention because it shines a light on the failed open border polices of the Obama Administration. We no longer have to allow political correctness, the same PC culture that has allowed this muslim rape culture to flourish with out any repercussions. This young girl will be haunted by this experience for the rest of her life.

If President Trump can keep his promise to the American People and secure the borders you’ll see a decline in these types of attacks from refugees that have no respect for our way of life. We will properly vet anyone coming here from muslim countries and make sure we get the ones that actually want to assimilate.

No longer will people be scared to report these crimes because of liberal backlash. No longer will Americans have to worry about being labeled a racist or Islamophobic under the Trump Administration for pointing out that there are cultural differences between Americans and Muslims in the middle east.
I can’t put a lion into a petting zoo and think everything will be ok. We can’t expect men from countries that treat women like slaves to just come here and see a woman the way we do. As a strong positive force and member of society. They see them as sex slaves and as servants. Why do we think they will come here and act any differently?


790 said...

Im sure we can find a liberal Judge that will make the case that she was asking for it by wearing shorts.

Anonymous said...

Off with their heads