Saturday, April 8, 2017

MASSIVE BUST! Trump Sent ICE Agents To Get Illegals Off DC Streets – Then Something Incredible Happened

The President and his administration has been relentless in cracking down on illegal immigration. For good reason to. Thanks to his hard work border crossings have been cut in more than half. That is no coincidence. It has now been reported by a spokesperson for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency that agents have arrested eighty-two illegal immigrants in a raid that lasted five days.

The raid took place between Virginia and Washington, D.C. Of all the people arrested twenty-six of them came from different countries. WUSA9 reported that the raid happened between March 26th and March 30th.

The raid brought to light some very serious crimes these illegal immigrants had committed! You’ll be shocked to see what happened! Sixty-eight of them had criminal convictions that included armed robbery, larceny, and drug distribution. Two of them even had connections to the MS-13 gang, another two had already ignored previous deportation orders and three were overstayed their visas.

In one of the most high-profile arrests, a member of the Somalian National Security Service was taken into custody! He was known as a second lieutenant. That organization is known as a flagrant human rights violater. Who would have thought immigration raids would have led to this! While it is surprising for us it surely isn’t for the President. He said this would happen all along. Here are some of the countries these criminals came from…

Algeria, Bolivia, China, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Iran, Jamaica, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Somalia, South Korea, Sudan, Trinidad, Vietnam and Sierra Leone.

A spokesperson for ICE said the following,
This is the first targeted enforcement operation in Virginia on this scale under the new administration.”

The mainstream liberal media and Democrats would have us believe the people being deported are not just criminal illegal aliens but regular families who have not committed crimes. This is not true. But Democratic Senator Roy Wyden said the following about legislation to combat the raids and deportations,
Federal officials trampling on decency and common sense so they can barrel into churches, hospitals and other sensitive places to hunt for people does nothing to make America safer. This legislation is urgent business because it would prevent the administration’s misguided and malicious approach to law enforcement and ensure that people are not afraid to go to the doctor, to send their children to school or attend a place of worship.”

The fact of the matter remains. There are hoards of illegal aliens running on the streets. People who have committed heinous violent crimes and are connected to terrorist organizations that violate human rights laws. As seen in this latest raid. That is who is being arrested. We should be thanking our lucky stars the President is cleaning up our streets like that.

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