Monday, April 10, 2017

Muslims Lead Prayer Against “Infidels” In Senate


The cult of multiculturalism is a virus attacking the American body politic. One U.S. veteran in Delaware took a brave stand in order to halt the infection.

Dave Lawson, an Air Force veteran and the Republican representative of Marydel, chastised his colleagues for immediately bowing their heads in submission when two Muslims began a prayer inside of the Delaware Senate, via Delaware Online.

First Muslim Prayer at Delaware State
Senate's Opening Prayer
 Sheikh Tarek Ewis & Dr. Naveed Baqir

We just heard from the Koran, which calls for our very demise,” Lawson barked after the prayer had been read. “I fought for this country, not to be damned by someone that comes in here and prays to their God for our demise.”

While many milksop Republicans and Democrats rushed to label Lawson as a “bigot” and an “Islamaphobe,” Lawson’s claims are actually supported by the Koran itself.

The Islamic 'holy text' is replete with violent injunctions against “infidels.” In one passage (9:5), Muhammad tells his followers: “…when the scared months have passed, then kill the Mushrikun wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush,” Religion of

The call to action further implores Muslims to relent on persecuting non-Muslims only if they convert, submit, or repent.

Let’s face it: Islam is an anti-Western and anti-Christian belief that has nothing in common with our culture or history. It does not deserve a place at the American table.

Islam’s violence is not only inscribed into every nook and cranny of the Koran, but Islamic history proves that jihad, or holy war against infidels, is the natural way of Islamic life.

Spanish historian Dario Fernandez-Morera outlines consistently in The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise that the Islamic conquests of the 7th century represented the downfall of the Greco-Roman and Christian world by a backwards people who knew nothing of architecture, music, or classical learning.

Islamic Spain was not a bastion of tolerance, but rather a place where Christians were subjugated by oppressive tax laws, churches were destroyed or turned into mosques, and classic texts from Ancient Greece and Rome, which the supposedly barbaric Visigoths knew well from Byzantine translations, were burned.

It was the Muslims who stole from history a fully Romanized Visigoth culture and kept the Catholic West and Orthodox East from their traditional lines of cultural communication, via The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise.

Despite what many politicians and pundits say, Islam is a faith that cannot be fully assimilated. A religion that demands that its followers carry out jihad yearly is not fit for the West.

Today’s terror attack in Sweden is further proof that the best defense against Islamic terrorism is not to have Muslims in your country in the first place, via Breitbart.


archangel said...


It is time for a new crusade to be sure. This needs to be much bigger than a Christian crusade however. Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and indigenous tribes around the world must all ally against this common enemy and lethal threat. Islam has declared a Jihad against the entire earth and against all nations, religions and cultures. They have declared this from their own demonic mouths. Islam is now a fourth of the worlds land and population and they fully intend to finish the job. They have invaded Europe in a big way and are invading America as well. In 1970 there were 100,000 Arabs in America. Today there are 10,000,000. They are weaseling into our education, finance and government in every way. Every one of the thousands of Mosques is a Jihad fort of conquest. The Quran is much more than their Bible, it is their ideology constitution and law library of Sharia. They have no intention of blending in with the host cultures and peoples whatsoever. The Quran forbids this. Their own law book declares that we are to be either converted, submitted or killed off (murdered). They are not kidding either. This has been their way and agenda for one thousand four hundred years. Here get some education and have a little research adventure.
This man, Usama Dakdok from Egypt will lay out the truth without reservation. He is a devout Christian whistleblower doing his best to warn the world of this virulent mortal danger to our lives and cultures. Maybe you can’t handle the horrible truth but we better because we are running out of time very fast.
In the previous papers I laid out the situation and some strategy for remedy. We need to purge our lands of these people for the most part. There are some of them who are blending well with us and want to enjoy a civilization with peace and harmony. Many have become Christians and fans of common law and democracy. But the rest, the Jihadists need to be expelled back to their homelands at Gods Speed. Everyone will do well to go online and educate themselves about this situation and I am sure most all of you will agree after that. Usama is a good place to start. If you love your children and wish for them to have a free and happy future and inherit the lands of our ancestors who entrusted them to our care, then take the first responsibility of stewardship and intercept and remedy this great danger that faces and threatens us all. Thank you and God bless you and yours. Live long and prosper, be fearless and free.
In peace and love
“We can forgive, we never forget, expect us”

Anonymous said...

If the demwits say that a bill prohibiting foreign law is targeting muslims, is that not an admission that muslims are trying to impose a foreign law? Why would demwits in government want Sharia? It would put them out of a job. Sharia is administered by the religious sector, not the government, so under Sharia, our government would pretty much be abolished. Seems to reinforce the concept that liberalism is a mental illness.

Furthermore, Sharia law is a religious law. The first amendment prohibits the government already from imposing religion or religious laws on the people. So the Montana law should read that 'In furtherance of the first amendment to the constitution, the government of Montana is prohibited from establishing any laws based upon religion'.