Saturday, April 1, 2017

Yet Another Kind of Fraud Alert

By Anna Von Reitz

Several years ago I became aware that someone was using my pen name, Anna von Reitz, as their name. They apparently "adopted" it without asking me. I own the international and common law copyrights to it since 1981. I have tried to get the police to shut this wannabe down, and I certainly have the track record for the trademark, too---- but as usual, the deadbeat de facto cops just shrug and say, "I dunno....maybe call this hotline and repor...t it...." so you report it and exactly NOTHING gets done. 

So everyone please be aware that I have my nutcases following me around and pretending to be me.

It it isn't short, blond, a bit pudgy, very German looking, and obviously "of a certain rather wear dated age"----- it's not me.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allodial title: Put 'em in cuffs if they ever come across your path. That should be obvious for anyone who has one following them!