Update: Obama Just Admitted He Sides With The Protestors & They Are Going To Take The Country By Force!
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Veterans Day 2011 — VetFriends.com Honors & Thanks All U.S. … October 6th, 2011, Charleston, SC (PRWEB). In remembrance of the sacrifices and acts of courage that many men and women made during World War I, Armistice Day was declared a federal holiday on Nov. 11, 1938. Soldiers marched in hometown parades, politicians and veteran officers gave speeches and held ceremonies all in celebration of the peace they had won. In 1954, Nov. 11 was officially changed to Veterans Day, representing the nation’s thanks, loyalty and respect to all veteran soldiers. Carrying this spirit, respect and tradition of honoring veterans, VetFriends.com — the largest web site for reuniting U.S. veterans — has initiated its 11th annual “Honor & Thanks” Veterans Day campaign in support of U.S. veterans, active and reserve military personnel of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. ....(....) Founded in 2000 by a U.S. veteran, ..... . VetFriends.com has a current member count of over 1,197,000 people with 170,000 visitors per month to the site. ...... /// Posted in Military Photos | » Wall Street Protesters Accuse Feds, Biz of Infecting Food Supply … October 6th, 2011. Update: Obama Just Admitted He Sides With The Protestors & They Are Going To Take The Country By Force!The President just said the protests will continue unless he gets his way with Congress. This is f__king insane people. Do you realize what’s happening here? —-
When asked about the protests he just said “the American people will run congress out of town” “we need to do something bold – something big” …Godlike Productions /Link/ Important: If you have not been paying attention to this… it is time you did!! Remember Rahm Emanuel’s adage… never let a crisis go to waste… or is it more like create one if you need it?!? ..... Many believe it is the first step in creating enough chaos, to cancel the elections. Others think it is a way of diverting attention and focus from a closer investigation of the Federal Reserve. / President Obama Press Conference pt.1 to pt.6 / I’ve Seen it on Television: Obama Responds to Wall Street Protests . .....(....) http://military.maymie.com/ ...and.......
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