Allendale to Anindzija ~ 58 Starships to Give a Direct Message to the Cabal - December 23, 2011
Good day to you! We have news, indeed! You have been busy clearing up some past lives and lessons for your selves. We are very glad here, that you have come to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of your past lives, and of your mission to planet Earth and of your roles and relationship with each other. This is a wonderful development, and there will be more to come in the coming weeks, if you know what I mean. However, no need to be alarmed, the new information will only be available to you once you have processed what you have been given so far. Data is like food, it needs time for digestion and understanding. It takes time to be able to see the bigger picture.
Now, on to the news part! Nothing too juicy, but there are big things on the move. We are not making waves about all of this, because it can easily be delayed by the cabal naughty boys. As you can see, lightworkers are waking up and taking more and more stands, openly for the light. Ben is out there, putting himself on the line. He is tired and fed up of it all, as much as you all are.
Lets us just say for now, that the stories and channels you read about gold and moneys are quite accurate. I know you will connect very rapidly in various groups, and get fairly organised. There will be, shall we say, very little poverty on Earth by the end of 2012.
January is going to fly by, much will be accomplished, with very little hindrance. This will have you set up for the first part of the year. It will bring you the confidence you need, and will keep the cabal at bay also.
[What exactly are we talking about, Allendale?]
Well, the cabal will be brought down in several successful stages, which will prevent them from doing further damage to your psyche and well being. It will be gradual, but you will feel the effects and benefits of what I am talking about from January on. All behind closed doors still, I am afraid. So I can say no more.
Oh, yeah! Those 58 ships heading towards Earth, they are just a very little sample of the Galactic Federation of Light armada. These should constitute a direct message to the dark cabal, and they know, that from now on, there is absolutely nothing that can stop the Light from being victorious on Good Old Mother Earth! Those ships are putting up a show, and not only for lightworkers, if you know what I mean, hon!
Great times ahead, lassie and great light show. Enjoy the ride, Allendale out.
Allendale to Anindzija ~ 58 Starships to Give a Direct Message to the Cabal | AnonymousChannelings
NOTE: Anybody wanting to learn more about the Galactic Federation of Light fleet & their duties can read this. It is very good & informative:
I just found a video showing the 58 starships in question. Mr.Ed
Clear footage of 58 mother ships in space about to arrive on earth - YouTube
....part1/4.......Allendale to Anindzija ~ 58 Starships to Give a Direct Message to the Cabal - December 23, 2011.Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail] Date: Friday, 23-Dec-2011 21:11:07
Good day to you! We have news, indeed! ....(....)Articles In This Thread:
Allendale to Anindzija ~ 58 Starships to Give a Direct Message to the Cabal - December 23, 2011 (views: 1752) Mr.Ed -- Friday, 23-Dec-2011 21:11:07 //(UPDATE) Video report of 58 starships in question (views: 66)
Mr.Ed -- Sunday, 25-Dec-2011 15:22:31
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/category/aninadzija/ ****
.........SEARCHING more,found............
Posted on December 19, 2011.[Hello SaLuSa, Aninadzija here, could you tell us more about Allendale, his background?]....(...) What you are assuming about his higher self, and the physical form is mostly correct. His higher self and Shamus are one. Shamus is the name of the physical body. In fact his physical body is no longer entirely physical either, and Allendale is maintaining the body’s condition. So, in simple terms, he is a man with an integrated higher self, a prototype almost in your terms, or a very evolved and genetically advanced and enhanced human. The result of genetically enhanced genes. Well, I am side tracking. What I am trying to convey, is that his higher self and his body, are one. His Higher Self lives in a 3d world most of the time and this is never an easy situation. I know you understand what I am saying, one has to have this experience, in order to fully grasp what I am talking about.
The experience can be highly bitter, dear… SaLuSa from Sirius, thanks you all.
Posted on December 17, 2011.We are posting channeled messages, from various sources.
Allendale is the Anonymous caller from the recent David Wilcock interview on American Freedom Radio. He’s tasked with protecting some key players in the ascension process. We are four people channeling him in support of the global awakening: Tots, Hobad, Aninadzija, and Spike.If you wish to read the transcript of the interview click / here/link/.
If you wish to listen to the audio of Project Camelot interview with Anonymous caller / Allendale, Kerry Cassidy and David Wilcock, click /here/link/.
Our mission is to expose the cabal’s tactics and spread daylight, not fear. There is nothing to fear, as the Light has already won. We have Divine approval for our Ascension. We feel our messages could benefit the collective global awakening, and we hope to speed the process.
Please enjoy yourselves here, in the company of Light that watches over us all.The channelers prefer to be anonymous. Please click on the links below, to read each of our respective channelings. LINKS:
Tots Hobad Aninadzija Spike
from: http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/
..part2....Posted on Dec 17, 2011.Aninadzija: Good evening A., thank you for responding to me and for spelling out your name. You are the Higher Self of the Person who spoke to D. a few hours ago.//Shamus speaking toDavid Wilcock??
//Allendale.: yes indeed, I am so happy to speak with you all. ... Poor D. had an awful fright last night, but he is on the way up now, thanks to all the love and support from everybody. There was never any real threat, you know, the bad guys, as you call them Aninadzija, wanted to scare him and his readers really. Which they have managed quite well, I must admit. And yes, they are messing around with his head, as you know Aninadzija. It is very easy to inti-midate someone who works for the light and feels integrity, like D. is. He is a sweet soul and we love him very much here. I am trying to toughen him up, if you know what I mean. He has his hand on his heart all the time, but the bad guys, they just don’t think that way. You have to keep one step ahead of them all the time, otherwise, they would just eat you up, you know. No moral, no conscience at all in them, just like robots, if you don’t mind me saying that. ...
//Aninadzija:.... I guess it would be nice if you wanted to confirm our roles, speak about yourself, our relationship, well.. I feel really unusual familiarity with you, I can even right now, hear the voice I heard from you on the radio program, your intonations and all. Perhaps it is because I am somewhat used to the Irish North of Ireland accent, and I love it. //Allendale.: ..... No need for fancy phrases or words between us, straight to the point, as usual Aninadzija! ..We are off somewhere on a couple of spaceships, in orbit around the moon, cloaked, we have our basis there, on the far side, of course. In fact we share this space with a couple of your bad guys Aninadzija. And I can tell you, they are fairly happy you are on Earth, and cannot get them.. if you know what I mean! ( giggles) . So yeah, we keep an eye on D. and we come and go between Earth, the Moon, Mars. We have a set down under the ocean, in the Carabeans. You have been there in dreams, believe it or not. Well, you guys call it fancy remote viewing actually. ... always an eye on us, and wanting to know, are we on schedule, what is the delay? What are the bad guys up to this time?...(...)
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/aninazija-a/ ***
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/allendale-to-aninadzija-17th-december-2011/ ......
.....part3.....A Allendale to Aninadzija ~ (Why we Don’t Come to You?) Posted on Dec 20, 2011.. Things are on the move, the changes are putting things into perspective for the cabal. The cabal believes it can run away, off planet and take over their precious gold and goods with them. Along with technology borrowed or stolen, of course. Now, my lads, we can assure you. They are going nowhere! For that you have my very own word! They will have to respond for their crimes. Now, the other point I wanted to make, is that you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands in orbit, waiting for the tide to turn, if you know what I mean? Right! I know a few of you are getting fed up, with us talking of marvellous things, but never actually showing up. Well, let me ask you something. Who do you think all those ships, seen on the net belong to, my lads? This is us! Much is going on behind closed doors, the important thing is ...not to let your spirit down. Don’t be listening to people who have no idea about us. You know the truth, the truth, the only truth, the truth encoded in every single of your body’s cell. This truth which tells you every day, you are part of a huge family of intelligent beings. These beings are not going to force their way into your world and society. You, lads and ladies, you will have to elevate your own level of consciousness..... to the level these lads, in their ships are at. ... Yes, the most common ones are the light ships, they change sizes, and shape. You have seen a few in your room, when you began our relationship with us, in June. They can shrink to mini sizes, and enter your room, and do different jobs, if required. I must add that we enter your private space only on your request. You asked for contact a few times, and your energetic vibrations, allowed us for a direct response. .... We are happy to contact such beings at this late stage, especially when they are our ground crew, and of extrater-restrial origin, or when it is in their life’s plan, you know?....... [..question of... having direct contact or Disclosure. What can you tell them?]Well, I would say, if you have not been contacted by now, it is very likely that you would have to wait until Disclosure happens....... It is a matter of adapting to your circumstances. A matter of you finding your right place..... begin becoming a receiver. Begin doing the mission you are here for, my lads! You are here to contribute to global awakening, and for that, you gotta start focusing on yourself. ..... If you are going to be mad at someone, you’d better takE it up with yourself, because you agreed to this plan.....
.......part4... Posted on Dec 22, 2011......
Allendale and Aninadzija on the Cabal and Ascension......There isn’t much I can tell you in the novelty department. You know that the cabal reads all channelled messages. So what ever it is I would be telling you right now, I would be letting the cabal boys in the same little secret now, wouldn’t I?.... I want to let you in a little secret, which the cabal lads already know however. The cabal boys and girls are scared to death now. Not only are their plans not bearing fruit, but they are in the process of finding out who and what they are. In actual fact, they are scared when they realise what they are capable of doing to others, including their own family. Some of them are in actual shock, as their mind and consciousness is also evolving. They are sitting on their asses as it were, afraid of themselves, and what would happen to each and everyone of them. They are in the process of taking a deep, hard look at their own being and their own existence, for thousands of years and generations. This is no small matter, to find out that you have not being playing nice, for a few thousand years. In fact, some of them have never even played nice. The process they are going through now, is really quite distressing for them. I’d say, if we are able to take advantage of this momentary weakness, we would be on the winning side of thing fairly shortly, mam!..........
[I see. So, how long is this changing and Ascension going to take us?]Mam, as I said before, it is entirely into your own hands, as a race. Rest assured that we will do all in our power to make the changes as smooth as possible. For some people, out there, they have already made it, if you understand what I mean. They still hang around in 3D bodies out of habit, or because they don’t want to leave their families and friends alone. While others are embodied, like me, while ascended, and all the strings are pulled from way above. You do understand what I am saying here, right? [I do, I do of course]
For others, they are almost there. It is not a matter of time for them anymore, it is a matter of understanding what is actually going on for them, and what holds them back. As soon as they get it, they will let go of their own accord, and will ascend. While for others, it may take another 20 to 30 years, a millennia or another cycle. It’s just a matter of choice and determination, you know. You have to aim high. Understanding, understanding, is the key. Some of you lack love in their heart, in order to be able to ascend. Others lack knowledge and understanding, vision or imagination. The folks who will not be able to make it, will be relocated, some may be scattered in various parts of the galaxy. But, it matters not. We are all part of the one entity.[Some people are of the belief that all of us would ascend next year. I am not sure what to think of that?] Well, it is like this: If you want to ascend next year, you will. If you want this to take another 10 or 20 years, it will be granted. Think of this for yourself, you are well able to figure it out. Allendale out. **(from: http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/category/aninadzija/ )**
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