Another way to kill US farmers: Seize their bank accounts on phony charges
Food Freedom News
Monsanto’s Food and Drug Administration can’t close down small dairies and private food clubs fast enough, bursting on the scene with guns drawn as if the criminalized right to contract for natural foods we’ve consumed for millennia deserves SWAT attention.
Now, Obama has the Dept. of Justice going after small farmers under the post-911 “Bank Secrecy Act” which makes it a crime to deposit less than $10,000 when you earned more than that.
“The level we deposited was what it was and it was about the same every week,” Randy Sowers told Frederick News. The Sowers own and run South Mountain Creamery in Middletown, Maryland.
Admittedly, when the Sowers earned over $10,000 in February, and learned they’d have to fill out paperwork at the bank for such large deposits, they simply rolled the deposits over to keep them below the none-of-your-fucking-business amount, rather than waste time on bureaucratic red tape aimed at flagging terrorism or other illegal activities.
“Structuring,” explains, “is the federal criminal offense of splitting up bank deposits so as to keep them under a threshold such as $10,000 above which banks have to report transactions to the government.”
While being questioned, the Sowers were finally presented with a seizure order and advised that the feds had already emptied their bank account of $70,000. The Dept. of Justice has since sued to keep $63,000 of the Sowers’ money, though they committed no crime other than maintaining their privacy.
Without funds, they will be unable to make purchases for the spring planting.
When a similar action was taken against Taylor’s Produce Stand last year, the feds seized $90,000, dropped the charges, and kept $45,000 of Taylor’s money.
Knowing that most farms operate on a very thin margin, such abuse of power wipes out a family’s income, and for a bonus, the feds enhance the monopoly power of Monsanto, Big Dairy and their supply chain.
You can just smell attorney Michael Taylor behind all this, Obama’s dairy dog. Who you’ll find, instead, is US district attorney Stefan Cassella. He’s the first to head the DOJ’s Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section, created in 2009, having wrote the books on it. He cut his teeth on seizing $1.2 billion from real money launderer, BCCI. Guess his focus has changed since then.
The Maryland Dept. of Agriculture had no trouble hitting up the Sowers for a recipe in its Buy-Local cookbook; but Cassella must’ve missed that public service, or it’s what drew his attention – “Ah! A small dairy! Let’s rob them of their cash, those evil Big Dairy competitors. They probably sell raw milk under the table. Even if we find no evidence of wrongdoing, we’ll keep their money anyway.” (Cue Curly’s, “yuh, yuh, yuh.”)
City Paper reports that in 2011, “Maryland brought 14 of the nation’s 99 structuring cases, making it the top state for such prosecutions. Nationally, the numbers have been rising; the 2011 figures are up 8.8 percent from the year before and up 57.1 percent from five years ago.”
Funny, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and other criminal banksters are still in operation, despite committing millions of acts of fraud during mortgage reassignations. But the DOJ prioritizes squashing family farmers since it’s easier to pick the low-hanging fruit than do battle with well-financed criminals who’ve illegally seized the homes of millions of US citizens.
Former Maryland assistant U.S. attorney Steven Levin told the paper, “The emphasis is on basically seizing money, whether it is legally or illegally earned. It can lead to financial ruin for business owners, and there’s a potential for abuse here by the government.”
Ya think?
The Bank Secrecy Act was passed after 9/11, another in a long line of Constitutionally-abhorrent laws enacted by officials who cannot prove they were elected to office (given those elections were held on electronic voting systems that can be hacked without leaving evidence of the crime).
With the current Administration’s Agenda 21 focus on destroying the natural food and herb industry, is it not unsurprising to see unconstitutional terrorist legislation used on innocent, law abiding citizens?
The government knows that the legalized theft system called the Federal Reserve is in trouble and so is its legalized collection system, the IRS. So, now they are just overtly stealing it from the public by making the public appear to be engaging in what the government calls criminal activity. Bank security my ass. This is a war on the American public by an out of control Cabal control government.
Just another brick in the wall of Monsanto / FDA "Mob".
Small farmers up against the wall on what Pigs can be raised or face felony charges....
thank you anon for putting it perfectly imho. and they the cabal are racing around trying to steal our gold again! Pathetic losers. Try as they might to do these things, they will not succeed, they are finished! Stand tall America dont put up with the b.s any longer, dont give into the false flag fear. Picture the good that is coming and have your self`s a wonderful day! If you are in the military and doing and going along with these creeps, be aware, you might as well put the handcuffs on your self. Fema is coming for all the bad. We are taking our lives and our country back! Viva Nesara!!!
As always, Thank you John. Maybe when the dust settles I can shake your hand and thank you in person for all you have done.
During the 1990's our gov't allowed the Monsanto Pesticide Corp to confiscate all seeds for the purpose of radiating harmful chemical poisons into vegetable and fruit seeds so not only to prevent these fruits and veggies from reproducing seeds of their own but to also cause cancer, sterilization and a host of other diseases in order to de-populate the world. Do the research; you’ll see I’m not ready for a straight jacket! After you see and begin to understand the grand design of all of this, you will begin to understand and believe that this IS ALL LEADING TO THE COMING OF ANTICHRIST. All the unconstitutional laws that Obama has already passed and will continue to sign into law will be needed to be in place and they will be enforced and mandated by the year 2017.
That is the year David Rockefeller says that everyone will have been “Chipped” by then. RFID CHIP for every man, woman, and child, free and jailed. He went on to say that without this chip, one will not be able to have a job, healthcare, a home, get a loan or a mortgage, and you won’t be able to buy and sell without a job folks! In Obamacare, there is a mandate for the RFID Chip for March of 2013, Coincidence? Not Likely!
If you read The Book Of Revelation, in Chapter 13, you will see the antichrist WILL cause everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead so that no man can buy or sell save he that had the mark. The only way that anyone can escape any of this, the Bible tells us, is to REPENT OF ALL SINS, AND RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST AS YOU PERSONAL SAVIOR. That is the only way PERIOD.
If you don’t believe any of this, I invite anyone to PROVE GOD AND ME WRONG!!! God said in Ezekiel 37:1 - “My word WILL NOT return to me void”
The county sheriffs need to be better informed and take action against these federal thugs. The people in each community where these types of things happen should set up an internet donation fund site for helping these folks recover their losses if the sheriffs don't do their jobs.
This is outright war! This is tyranny!
Attorney Michael Taylor and US district attorney Stefan Cassella, WE'RE coming after you, who are behind these DOJ cases against good hardworking American people. You are NOT going to go around stealing people's money from them AND get away with it! These aren't the only people's money who you ALL have been stealing. You are going to be cursed for doing this. God is going to get you and you WILL pay for this. Your ONLY hope is for you to RIGHT NOW make restitution to these people and STOP from doing this to anyone else NOW. Make restitution to everyone that you have done these dirty deeds to!
This is why every American needs to arm themselves SOON.
All those who are thinking of voting for Obama or Romney
should have their voting rights revoked due to mental
If anyone would read 31USC the $10,000.dollar amount is only for transactions tied to a Trade or Business. Trade or Business is a defined legal term in the IRS code that means "performing the functions of a public office". Farmers are obviously exempted, however they all used a SSN when they opened the account and only a Federal employee or elected public official can have or use a SSN according to 20CFR 422 et.seq. The Supreme Court has already ruled that the Congress cannot establish a "Trade or Business" in any union state for the purposes of taxing it. The unlawful foreign Cabel must be defeated by our military. Imagine what would happen if all Americans became educated and just said no to this foreign corporation? We have 150 million armed citizens. Its about time we started acting like it and stand together to battle this private corporate tyranny. Wasn't the Federal government completely dissolved and privatized under Presidential executive Order 12803 in 1994? What is the Military waiting for, an invitation? Park a carrier group off of D.C. and start lobbing in the cruise missiles. The American people will support our Military against the federal Rothchild owned cabal!
Another person who wants to change the words of the bible, which is an abomination to our Lord. How much difference is there between the words "on" and "in"?? ALOT! Please I appreciate your intentions, it is VERY important for people to know this verse, as with ALL prophecy to come, BUT please make sure you dont lead people down the wrong path! Since you quoted the bible as saying the mark will be ON the right hand or forehead, everyone will now go around and tell everyone that the mark IS a TATOO!! Please people, the mark will be IN the right hand or forehead! My best guess, as nothing else is even close at this day and age, is the CHIP, the Verichip. It can include NUMBERS.
2012-05-12, Armed Authorities, Coerce Farmers, To Massacre GMO Free Organic Livestock. at04:00,Posted by Vatic Master. Vatic Note /VN/: THIS IS A MUST READ AND LISTEN TO THE VIDEOS. This is probably one of the most heartbreaking examples of the total and complete lack of humanity, these zionist bankers have exhibited so far. You know they own those giant agricorps, whose lobby has done this in Michigan, and I believe, Like OKC bombing was to 9-11, this is the same thing. They want to see how this goes down in Michigan, before they flat out do this, to the rest of the country. They want to completely destroy our FARMERS and RANCHERS IN EVERY STATE and only have.... the GMO using Agricorps, that the bankers own. It is hard to believe this is America. Pay special attention to the proof that these government officials are working for the giant corporate farmers and their lobby. What is the proof???? The proof rests in their attacking and destroying clean organic GMO free livestock, that are range fed with fresh air, social contact in a natural environment, and sunshine with real food to eat, and they play. Compare that to the /ugly/Agrifarms that these piglets from the government, never touch. Its on the video, just watch and see if it doesn't break your heart, the horrific conditions and treatment, these animals go through their entire short life, before they are slaughtered and the filthy and toxic conditions and the GMO food they are fed, and these are the animals we get to eat, and the government in Michigan ignores. That is primae facie evidence of corruption , big time. Why is this happening??? Is it just for Greed? NO! Its for multiple reasons: 1. Depopulation using these /ugly/agrifarms to deeply embed GMO poisons into our bodies, that will destroy our organs at an early age like around 40, when we will no longer be productive slaves, start them at 9 and kill them off at 40, nice future for your children, 2. Food control. They are using whatever excuse they can, to close and shut down all our farms in this country (Remember the Amish farmer who has lost his farm, and the other guy with the raw milk coop and farm) and make us completely dependant on them, for our food which will come from South America for this continent, and from Africa for the Eurasian continent, and then Asia will be fully in control of all seafood that we get, and remember, they are famous for killing dolphins and putting the meat in the cans, and calling them tuna. 3. The final reason is to manipulate the DNA of the remaining population, after the die off is completed. GMO's, psychotropic drugs in our children, plus the "nanospiders" we covered on a blog here, ...will be the tools for accomplishing that task.//...part1/2...
...part2... Why? Because they do not want our "human" traits, such as resistance to tyranny. They want us to be slaves and like a good dog, love their masters and be at their beckon call. Its the only explanation for what they are doing, and greed is just not enough of a justification for harming humanity, in this way. Its not profitable to do so in the long run, so the agenda simply has to be much much bigger. And of course, they never do anything for only one reason. This is completely in violation of our governing document, the Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights. How did we ever let this happen??? Well, we can change that real fast. Chine, our other so called, propaganda enemy, is now being used to buy up our banks, with FEDERAL RESERVE PERMISSION. And that is while we are talking garbage to them, as if we want war. So its another proof any war is bogus, and all countries leaders are in on it. What a scam.... /// Armed Authorities Coerce Farmers To Massacre GMO Free Organic Livestock. Posted by Alexander Higgins - May 11, 2012 at 12:37 am -
Michigan authorities, presumably under lobbyist influence, force organic GMO free farmers, to murder their livestock in cold blood, based on ‘made up’ rule. Mike Adams of Natural News revealed on RT today the Michigan State Department of Natural Resources, has banned raising feral pigs, on their own accord by making up an arbitrary rule, that was not passed by enacted by any legislation. Mike describes how farmers who have been harvesting pigs for decades as their sole source of income, are being raided by armed officials at gunpoint, who are coercing them to murder entire populations of piglets. Some farmers have chosen to take on criminal charges by asserting their constitutional right not to be deprived of property without due process, while others, in an effort to have a clean criminal record, chose to avoid criminal charges, by slaughtering their livestock. As Mike Adams explains if they are allowed to get away with this where does it stop? What prevent them from ordering pet birds, cats or dogs, being murdered. Furthermore, our constitution does allow government agencies of the executive branch to just make up rules own their without a legislative mandate. ...(....) ...for more... ...for more... ....and..... ...for more...
...part1/2......(....) Monsanto is responsible for or involved in, directly or indirectly: the artificial sweetener saccharin, sulfuric acid, polystyrene, herbicides 2,4,5-T, DDT, Dioxin, Agent Orange, bovine somatotropin (bovine growth hormone (BST), genetically modified seeds, the artificial sweetener Aspartame, (NutraSweet), vanillin, salicylic acid, aspirin, polyurethanes, synthetic fibers, and rubber processing chemicals, just to name a few... Monsanto became the largest producer of Agent Orange for US Military operations in Vietnam during the 1960's and 1970's. The immense amount of damage to the health of US-soldiers caused by the defoliant Agent Orange is well known. Scientists working for Monsanto became the first to genetically modify a plant cell in 1982. Five years later, Monsanto conducted the first field tests of genetically engineered crops. After gaining position to dominate the world's genetically modified food supply, Monsanto set their sights on the production of milk. Without getting too technical, they developed recombinant Bovine somatotropin, which is a synthetic hormone that is injected into cows to increase milk production. That chemical in turn stimulates another hormone in the cow's blood stream, which is directly responsible for the increase in milk production and is a natural hormone found in the milk of both humans and cows, causing the quick growth of infant cows. The organic hormone occurs naturally in mothers' milk, but produces adverse effects in non-infants, behaving as a cancer accelerator in adults, and is associated with breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancers. In other words, use of the synthetic hormone on dairy farms accelerates cancer in adults and could be responsible for the increase in cases of the above named cancers worldwide....(...) Thanks to an having a man on the inside, Monsanto benefitied in great mesaure from the Court's ruling that, "newly developed plant breeds are patentable under the general utility patent laws of the United States." Hence, the right to patent life, and what resulted was the genetically modified Terminator seed and domination of the worldwide farming industry. And Monsanto's inside track? None other than Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who not only cast the deciding 5-4 vote on the case, but was previously employed for a number of years as an attorney for... Monsanto. .....The hearings were initially completed, with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court, because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year. Then along came Anita Hill, who presented herself to testify at his confirmation hearings. Hill testified in the October 1991 televised hearings, that Thomas had sexually harassed her, while he was her supervisor at the Department of Education and the EEOC. ...In October 2010, 19 years after this whole ordeal, Thomas's wife Virginia, left a voicemail at Hill's office, asking that Hill apologize for her 1991 testimony....//// Corn fed cattle would die from the corn, if they were not slaughtered when they are, as the corn leads to a condition called acidosis. Today, cattle now consume 70% of the nation's antibiotics, in order to keep them alive to the slaughter.
...Part2...The corn being grown today, is not even edible without processing. This chemical-laden, genetically modified terminator corn, has found its way into virtually every product we consume. High fructose corn syrup has all but replaced ordinary table sugar in everyday products like bread, spaghetti sauce, beer, soft drinks, anything with sweetener in it. Ditto for corn starch and oils. One can't leave the grocery store without a product that contains this corn. Not only are people and animals being slowly poisoned by this product, the link to diabetes and obesity is undeniable....Farmers can't afford to buy new seed every year because of the terminator. Nor can they earn a living using more expensive Monsanto seeds that, despite claims, still require specific pesticides and fertilizers.The End Game. So, where is all of this leading and what does it have to do with Planet X? Unfortunately, this all leads to the Svalbard seed bank in Norway, and the elites plan, for a post Planet X world....The Nordic Gene Bank began storing frozen seeds in an abandoned coal mine at Svalbard in 1984, and has deposited more than 10,000 seed samples of more than 2,000 cultivars of 300 different species, over the years. Strange coincidence; NASA discovered Planet X in 1983, just one year prior. ... the Svalbard seed bank is a testament to the elite’s determination to rule, the post Planet X world.Gold and silver will not be the currency in that world, seeds will be. Who will the survivors have to go to, if they want to plant crops? The elites; they will control the new world's supply of seed, and therefore, the world. ....Therefore, is really too much of a stretch to wonder if that on one or more occasions /Clarence T. and Anita H./ were intimate, and at some point, perhaps under the influence of alcohol, Thomas confided what he knew about Monsanto and their plans for the future, to Hill? And put yourself in the place of Anita Hill, what do you do to stop it? There is nothing you can do, until Thomas is being confirmed for the Supreme Court. Is it not possible that Anita Hill did the only thing she thought she could, to prevent a Monsanto attorney, from getting confirmed to the Nation’s Highest Court? A worthy question as in the process, she put the whole world ahead of herself, her reputation, her life and the lives of her family. ...But that is merely the opinion of this author, because this explanation is, a sort of fiction, based on fact........
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