Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This Blog now headed for 10 Million views

Folks --- it appears a lot of you are wakening up! Guess you are putting down your TV remotes and actually using your GOD Blessed brains. Thank you all for visiting and sharing your comments.

This blog is now headed for 10 million views. Amazing, especially as this is a 1 man & 2 computers effort.

NOW Think what you can do?

GOD Bless You and Yours.

John MacHaffie


Anonymous said...

John this blog much better then TV which i drop years ago,lol.

Anonymous said...

John, you're doing a great job keeping on top of posting the new items you get. Probably perfect the way you post throughout the day. Keeps it interesting and informative. Thanks for a great blog!

Anonymous said...

Congrats John. Thank you very much for starting this blog. I would still be deep in the dark about certain things if it werent for nesaranews. I am very grateful. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats from a fairly new reader! I hope your blog continues to grow!

Anonymous said...

No, God Bless You for showing us what one person can do!

Anonymous said...

Greetings All

Thanks for Standing Tall and spreading Light and Love John,,I look for opportunities to help uplift others from the things I learn here. This truely is a sign we are all waking up. Time to DANCE in the streets comming to All of Our Neighborhoods.


Anonymous said...


Do you delete a post that you have just posted because it is not backed up by proof or because you are getting threats. Just wondering. I know that you have said in the past that they have threatened you so if that is what they are doing are you ABLE to let us know that is the reason for a deleted post?

John MacHaffie said...

I deleted it because subsequent news article with a link said that a portion of BOA operation will be removed and not the entire BOA.

This happens in a live news blog.

Yea - and I am still getting threats.

Pete L. said...

Thanks for all you do John. This is the first place I look for great news to read and share.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that John. I hope that you and your family remain safe until the truth comes out and we are all free of this PURE EVIL.

Desert Owl said...

Congrats, John. You really deserve all the hits, cause it's hard work to keep a live blog like this one. I specially admire your impartiality! Hanlo

Anonymous said...

John congratulations, and you are right when you realized that a lot of people are wakening up, otherwise this will be just another websites about conspiracy and aliens and they will click on to another site. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again John for posting all sides of the big picture, whether some disagree or not, or whatever the "belief" behind it may be. You cater to all not just one group of people some of us are of the New Age and other are Christians, or of many other different faiths, but somehow you always have a little bit of everything for everybody. And also, the funny thing is...If we ever want to really find out what is really going on in the background all we have to do is visit your site and it's real easy to take it from there and put our own pieces together for whatever situation may or may not be emerging. Great site! I don't agree with everything here but that's just the great part of it. You post "all sides" without bias and in the end we have learned a heck of a lot of things we didn't know throughout the years with you.