Clarification about Archons
This is a continuation of the intel about the Archons with a purpose of clarifying some ambiguities.
All physical and non-physical Reptilians, Draconians, Archons and all other dark entities have been already completely cleared from the whole universe, galaxy and our solar system, except from a small surface layer of planet Earth.
All Reptilians and other dark forces have already been completely cleared from all underground military bases. Those bases are now empty, and their entrances sealed.
You can now only find any dark forces in two places:
The first place is the etheric plane and lower astral plane (4th dimension) in a thin layer around the surface profile of the Earth, extending 8.6 miles in both direction at most. Great majority of those discarnate dark entities are in the immediate surface layer which extends no more than 60 feet in both directions (upwards and downwards from the surface profile). Most of those entities tend to concentrate in heavily populated areas, there are very few entities where pristine nature is preserved. Those dark entities consist of a small group of Archons, a larger group of Draconians, even larger group of Reptilians and vast number of amoeba-like elemental beings. There is a war going on now on the etheric and lower astral plane during which dark entities are being removed by the non-physical light warriors. This etheric and astral liberation operation is known under codename Pandora.
The second and the last place where you can find any dark forces is the physical plane on the surface of planet Earth. Dark forces consist of a few dozens Archons (found mostly in Jesuit circles), a few hundred Draconians (found among Illuminati banking cartel) and a few thousand Reptilians (found in private mercenary armies such as KBR and Academi-former Blackwater). Those beings will be removed with the coming mass arrests.
So there is still a war going on but we are close to victory and the planet will be liberated.
The fact that Archons came from the Andromeda galaxy thousands and in some cases even millions of years ago does not mean that everybody coming from Andromeda is on the dark side. In fact Andromeda galaxy is famous for some very bright heroes of the Light forces.
Leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet. He has crossed over to the Light ad is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary liberation process.
Lords of Karma have nothing to do with the Ascended masters. The whole teaching about karma is a disinfo programming attempt from dark force agents that have infiltrated mystery schools in India millennia ago. The purpose of that teaching was to strengthen the control mechanisms of the caste system in ancient India. Lords of Karma are beings on the astral plane that to a great extent dictate the incarnation path of those about to be reincarnated.
Where is Baldar of the Coneheads when we need him?
The whole universe is cleared, what a load of crap, the person that wrote this is black ops, or just crazy, anybody that has really looked into where we are knows, as more are finding out daily, the entire world is being flooded with radiation that destroys DNA, (Good Guys) right/ if there were any, this place would be paradise,The very same ones that created this hell, pretend to be the salvation you seek, this happens like clockwork, When the god thing doesn't work anymore then here comes the bad alien V good alien, but they are on the same team, sound familiar. This whole thing living on a planet, scarring for food, running from things that want to eat you, is a load of bull, what reason would or could there be for an existence ever, your not here to do some great work, your just an experiment, a hidden cloning operation to create minions for conquest and control, the big reality show of all shows. Come on wars, what good could ever come of killing others for their resources. That would imply every man for himself. This world gladly commits atrocities to feed them their drug of choice, your own kind does it for pleasure. This whole reality needs to be destroyed completely and never ever brought back, humans are inherently evil creatures and should never be let out anywhere good is supreme. Humans are not a product of a mind with good intentions period. So this I say is nothing but hell and enjoy your stay forever.
Your comment is kind of hairy scary or maybe hari kari. I think your just having a bad hair day. Things might look better if you had a shampoo with a shower and a little brain washing might brighten your viewpoint.
All is well with the universe, the supreme creator is still on the job and a little patience on everyones part will be proof that events have been best for all concerned.
Spread a little sunshine, while you are waiting, and be grateful that you were not tasked to cleanup the really big messes.
Extra-terrestrials = inter-dimensionals/subterraneans/spiritual wickedness in high places
Know who the *alien* deceivers are:
fallen watcher angels :
'TYPE 2' aliens/grays,
from the days of Jared, led by Semyaza, 199 in number, their 70 generations long punishment told of in 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; 1 Enoch is now over] Genesis 6/1 Enoch
[**not all watchers are fallen. There are multitudes of Heavenly Watchers still]
original fallen archons & other angels :
'TYPE 3' aliens - lucifer, lightbeings, pleiadians, galactic federation of light [gfol] [commander ashtar is the Biblical Ishtar/Ashtaroth/Astarte - all of them have names of pagan gods Thor, Dagon, Athena etc]
Isaiah 24:21/Ephesians 6:12
nephilim : giants/titans, ruled before the flood, offspring of the fallen watchers and human women
*New brood* of nephilim, created during *alien abduction* = Nordics/giant hybrids, part of the 4th reich ubermensch, they will work with gfol Genesis 6, Daniel 2:43
[Will the real nephilim please stand up!
Origin of the Nephilim - Larry Scott]
naga : another 'type 2' alien [along with the grays] - seedline of satan [dracos, reptilians, illuminati bloodlines, blue-skinned agarthans] 1 John 3:12/Genesis 3:15
Orbs - interdimensional demons/djinn : disembodied nephilim spirits [hence, can manifest and vanish instantaneously] these balls of light pretend to be *crafts* in formation doing the physically impossible
Project Bluebeam : holographic system [part of HAARP] will be used to help create the strong delusion and cause much chaos and confusion. 'The big space-show in the sky'
Yahweh's Army of Holy Angelic Warriors : will be described as 'TYPE 4' 'aliens' by the others, [see: Kardashev Scale for 'types'], Types 2 & 3 along with the kings of the Earth will unite to fight type 4 - the KING OF KINGS and His Supernatural Troops of Angelic Warriors
[The coming war] "Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him" Revelation 12:7-9
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 8:38-39
finally some one who knows there stuff!!!! Thanks. Soo tired of all this Satan in disguise following. Glad to know there are some real Christians still out there! Thanks.
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