Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Restore America - James Timothy Turner alias 'Benedict Arnold' - More Oklahoma Info

I awoke this morning to the Robins chirping in my front yard. I at once thought of Doris Day's fabulous song, When the Red Red Robin comes Bob, Bob Bobbing along. But not the song. The words that shouted out at me were these, "...wake up wake up you sleepy head, come on get up get out of bed." That was it, Get out of bed. So I crawled out and started my day. Brother, it didn't take long till the lid came off. My phone, my Skype and my door has been crawling with people wanting to know what is happening.
Like I started this paperback novel, I heard it through the grape vine. That's right, through the grape vine. It is now being said that The Run-Away-Alabama-Boy Provisional James Timothy Turner is planning yet another personal and illegal trip to Oklahoma to hold an illegal election with his two bed partners here in Oklahoma just so he, JTT can have a republic that will rubber stamp his ideas and do things his way without calling his hand on the legality of whatever he wants to do. Yep, things are heating up and it is all said and done, according to the Big Bull Boy and his Canary Buddy. They still have the close ear of JTT through the Geiger-counter and cannot afford to have their French partner tromped on, so National is going to make sure their Canary friend is cared for with plenty of bird seed to keep him happy.
It has been said just this morning that if Mr. Turncoat comes to Oklahoma that he might be arrested and taken to the state line to walk home without his Little Body Guard. It is possible that the little BG will be taken to another state line and made to walk home another way. Maybe with his pants down. Maybe that will help these idiots to see that they cannot just come strutting into Oklahoma to do anything they like.THEY ARE STIRRING UP TROUBLE and the de facto does not like people who stirs up trouble.
Now that I myself have stirred up your minds, think this over; Our esteemed Christian Professing Provisional President of the Republic for the united States of America (CEOPEOTUSA) has become a criminal and is "Wanted By The Law". He has broken the Law of the Constitution and even if he does not set foot on Okie soil he has broken the law. What kind of salve to the eyes does it take to make one see the truth. Us farm boys in Texas back in the 50s knew how to deal with folks of this stripe and it was not nice. I sure hope it does not resort to this barnyard tactic, but who knows. National seems hell-bent on having their way and now de jure has merged with de facto by their tactics. Boy does this color things up a bit.
I got to stop and wipe my brow a bit. Whew!
I also heard it today that since so many states have had their run in with the Run Away Alabama Boy that a new Republic is in the making. If only 10 states are harmed in any way there is need for a Republic Revolution. A peaceful one but with strong arms. Where oh where can we find the 10? Remember the story of 10 in the bible. "If there are 10 people in Sodom that are yours, Lord, will you spare it? And the Lord said yes."
Well, I think the idea of the Republic and it's original vision back in 2010 is worth saving, even if it takes out those boys in National who think they can run away with the horse. WOAH ! TIME TO STOP THEM !
The Oklahoma Farmer, friend of the Oklahoma Patriot.


Anonymous said...

Oklahoma, if you have a better way to restore the country including the 50 states I like to hear it. The whinning is getting old.

Drake, hinkle and company says they have a way but havent heard anything except what Tim Turner has been doing. In fact, thats all you hear is what Tim Turner is doing, nothing about what everyone else is doing.


Anonymous said...

With over 300 million people in this country, thousands of crooked politicians and bankers, why are you so afraid of ONE MAN?
Has he threatening your lives in any way? or is it you don't have anything else to do.
For God's sake get a life, start spreading Love and Light instead of attacking others GROW UP stop feeding the cabals with your hate.
We need Love, Light and Peace
I wish Mr Turner all the luck in the world.May God bless him and protect him

Anonymous said...

Wow, OK farmer, Some of us Southern IL folks completely understand. Maybe we can get the self selected Chicago gov to travel in the caravan with TT, (she is so infatuated with him). Since she is at his beckoned call and has seriously harmed IL...we would be much abliged if ya'll can put her on the boarder too, cause we don't want her at all!

Yep, the idea was hijacked by the Alabama boy, its a given. However, the plan stands and remains valid. It looks like the original plan is being done by others and far greater numbers and wisdom will prevail. The Alabama boy only has an extremely small amount of people compared to the 80+ million ready to stand for this country. Yes a new republic exists, one that does NOT include TT. So anything that ol boy does is not worth the discussion, but dog gone it, he needs to be tar and feathered.

There is a war on for your mind! Do you know your neighbors and where they stand? Can you trust them and help feed them? I can!

The IL farmer

Anonymous said...

IL Farmer writes: (Still defacto using IL rather than Illinois), nuff said!

The Alabama boy only has an extremely small amount of people compared to the 80+ million ready to stand for this country. Yes a new republic exists, one that does NOT include TT.

Where's the information and group name for the 80+


Anonymous said...

You're SO smart! What's YOUR agenda!

Anonymous said...

Please hold your breath while you are waiting.

Anonymous said...

I am sure NO ONE is afraid of that dufus. NO ONE, however he should be tar and feathered for jacking with so many people. I hope he goes to prison for life.

Anonymous said...

I happen to be the Illinois Governor you are refering to and here to set the record straight. Dear Mr. Farmer, I have to say " you obviously don't know what you are talking about" I am always for the people no matter who is leading and have proven that over and over again. I was the first person to sign the Declaration in Illinois and remain steadfast..........I consider myself priveleged to know such an honorable man as JTT. I don't know who you are Mr. Farmer, but I do know and believe Mr. JTT and will continue to support his leadership of restoring our country to the beautiful place it once was. I also think you are pretty spineless, as you don't have enough guts to use your real name in this communication. By the way, I am not a groupie, I am the real deal. I AM Sharon Anzaldi

Anonymous said...

Wow, you get so wrapped up in the little things. So most people are still using IL vs Ill out of HABIT!!! KMA The only comeback you have is to call everyone DeFacto... who cares.

Look around you. There is NO group...and NOT one person will have to sign a bunch of idiotic documents to prove they are Americans, nor will they have to use a blood oath... gag! Your cult failed because instead of creating dejure juries and doing the local thing, you decided to become seditious and create a GOVERNMENT and you actually believe you will be running the show when things happen, or operating side by side the defacto. NOPE! Won't happen. It has been taken away from ya'll as deserved.

Instead of removing that National group who continues to perpetrate unconstitutional actions, you keep standing behind them, and the military WILL NOT stand behind you! The 6 month interim is far past, TT was unlawfully elected in mid 2010 and yet you are still calling him a president.... what is your excuse for that one? I was there from the beginning and I have documented evidence of much. You ain't gettin my documentation either. Many still know what you are doing, yet most in your cult are clueless about what is actually happening because their eyes are glazed over.

And if the only comeback you come up with is that I didn't answer your question of who the group is...then it remains up to you to figure it out dummy! YOU do the research, go look in the mirror, first!

Oh, and I think the number will actually be higher very soon!!!!!!

Please hold your breath while you are waiting for something to happen!

IL Farmer.

Sheep Dogg said...

IL Farmer wrote "....we would be much abliged if ya'll can put her on the boarder too, cause we don't want her at all!"
What's the matter, don't have enough cojones to stand up to a woman and do it yourself, you have to beg someone else to do it? I agree with Ms. Anzaldi, you are spineless. Your the guy who starts throwing punches over the person who steps in between you and your opponent, but wouldn't do it face to face, man to man. Can you show me where you have spoken out against Ms. Anzaldi and what is supposedly going on in Illinois on your own, not behind someone else from a totally different state?

What's YOUR plan??? I was taught that if you are going to point out faults in something, you better bring a solution to the table, or keep your mouth shut, especially if you don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Hey IL farmer. Right on. What part of Southern IL you from? I'd like to meet at your favorite bar and buy the first round. Most us folk in this neck of the woods don't care much for Chicago or anybody from there. As far as T.Turner is concerned he's too much of a smooth talker to be a good ole Alabama boy. Don't really hang on every word he says. Most of us figure the best thing to hit Illinois from Alabama is Lynyrd Skynard. Just another good ole boy from central Illinois....Jake

Anonymous said...

Well well well, I am so lucky to go head to head with the con artist herself. YOU in fact are a groupie and your words of adoration above proves it! I watched how you removed people, how you mistreated the smartest, (way more intelligent than you), how you removed MANY from correspondence, how you lied from the very beginning, and how you slandered anyone and everyone who started wising up to TT and YOU! BUT according to your small mind, you are and have always been for the people. LIAR!

It is all about YOU,YOU YOU, and CONTROL in this state, and just because you can copy other patriots work and call it your own work means nothing. Your documents are THE most disgusting. You decided you were going to use the county settlement doc (another copied work)at the state level. In other words folks, everything Cook county does applies to all 102 counties in Illinois. Mark my word, this broad could easily be clinically tested as a sociopath. She has a huge ego and must to be the center of attention, SO BE IT!

You belong in jail for conning people out of money. How much? Well, enough to land you in prison for MANY years! There is plenty of proof and many witnesses to your con game!

The Declaration in Illinois is NOTHING to be proud of ditz girl, I know everyone who signed it! How about all those times you tried to get people to sign uncompleted, poorly written, or blank documents, and heaven only knows what those were used for!

You are steadfast alright, but so dumb that you have NEVER been able to figure out just where TT is taking all of you. AGAIN...You, Sharon Anzaldi belong in jail! (we know you have been there before). The only people you can get behind you are boneheads like the one above, and convicted felons, or poor pathetic souls whose lives are in a complete emotional or financial shambles, hence they believe the lie that they will get PAID and will have freedom! They hang on to your lies of great amounts of money being paid to them, (I never could figure that one out) because they will be the new government. There really isn't anyone from your group with the wisdom or intelligence to operate at a local level, let alone a state level. Definitely not that sheep boy. Baaa Baaa!

It IS all about money, and especially for you. How many have you conned out of dinars? I know you were asking people how much they had. So is that the new funding? Creeps.

One of your brilliant selections for an office of sheriff is a convicted felon, and a bully, (go to freedomreigns.us people and listen to her April 18 Illinois call) That guy was thrown in jail for fake plates, (another one your money scams) and was running all over Chicago area scamming homeowners out of money and never finished jobs. A criminal!

The reason I don't use my real name, is because I am not an idiot posting my private info online, unlike you! By the way, I heard about your latest scam, and when the time is right, that will be exposed. Let's see how that plays out! You don't know who I am, so quick now, call me defacto... idiot!

You're the real deal alright! A true scammer that needs very special attention, like a striped suit!

Unlike you, I have no need for attention, I have been patiently watching and waiting for the opportunity to bait and then expose you! God you are dumb! KMA!

Illinois Farmer!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, I am from East St. Louis, and if you know that area...it is dangerous these days! It was actually nice at one time! Sort of. I hate the city, especially Chicago.

Maybe some day I will take you up on that offer Jake. Stay far away from that group, cause they screwed up big time. The original nesara and what that group started to do was good, but ego maniacs ruined it and could get people in deep trouble. I highly recommend you to the freedomreigns.us site and read the documentation, listen to the calls exposing some of the crap that has gone on.
Then you be the judge of whether to listen to TT or any of those severely mislead people.

If you by chance are a member of that group and stay, I highly recommend you stay away from any office for your protection, and move towards removing that con artist and her cohorts like Eugene Kissherassowski sheep boy and start over. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I know for a FACT that the military is not, never has been interested in this group! It was a lie from day one. IL is a joke, and the way these people have been deceived and put through so much, somebody needs to be prosecuted, and a good place to start is with the top office. Once the original guy who was bringing the state up, I forgot his name, Corsello or something proved TT to be a con artist and left the group, everything went downhill.
Once that drunk became the Gov that group never grew over a hundred people, probably less. If they say there are more, I wouldn't believe it. If it is a divine plan, as they keep spouting, it would have exploded by now. It hasn't, it won't!

Anonymous said...

Hey John, are you going to post my response to sheep boy, or do I need to tone it down?
IL Farmer