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Truthers, Rejoice! CIA Leaks After Hitting The Iceberg of Truth
Posted By: DannyCahalin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 10-May-2012 19:15:30
And people thing I am being a smart ass for referring to them as the Criminally Insane Association.Take care all.
"From underwear bombers to Libya’s globetrotting death squads, it turns out that the US government itself is driving this omnipresent global threat and constitutes the premier state-sponsor of terrorism. From the very creation of Al Qaeda in the mountains of Afghanistan, to Al Qaeda death squads bombing targets across Syria today, the US is machinating behind the scenes to perpetuate its foreign policy through a false strategy of tension where the villains and “heroes” are of their own creation. It is only through apathy and ignorance that they succeed in foisting this narrative upon the public, as well as our daily patronage of the corporate-financier interests devising and driving this agenda." - Tony Cartalucci, "Latest Al Qaeda Boogeyman is CIA Agent."
On April 28, 2012, The New York Times published a "truther" article with the headline, "Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I." I couldn't believe my eyes. Is this the same New York Times that said Iraq was connected to Al-Qaeda and that the moon is made out of cheese?
When did conspiracy theorists start taking over the minds of the editors of the New York Times?
What is going on?
Is New York Times trutherism a mere ploy to stay relevant as the global alternative media gains greater credibility?
And why is the CIA allowing the NY Times and Washington Post to say that the CIA and FBI are deceiving the public about terrorism on an epic scale?
I thought CIA plastic surgeons would give Al-Qaeda a facelift after the demise of head double agent Osama Bin Laden, not turn it into a joke by saying it uncovered an Al-Qaeda underwear plot against American flight passengers.
Is the CIA trying to leak the truth that Al-Qaeda is its creation and its play toy to the American people and the world? What kind of game are they really playing? Why is the voice of media power speaking truth all of a sudden?
Is the CIA and other intelligence agencies going extinct as glacier of lies melt and icebergs of truth surface to global collective consciousness?
Do the National Security fraudsters in America and Israel understand that the game is up? Are they hanging up their uniforms and leaving the field of fraud on their own terms? Do they know they are drowning in a sea of truth and public fury?
The tricksters at the CIA and FBI must realize that there are only two ways out of the giant mess they have made: internal reform, or external revolution. The population extermination agenda has been exposed, and it won't work. The National Security State cannot escape history and suppress the record of its crimes and injustices against America and humanity.
The bad guys can attempt to sell political re-education camps, massive concentration camps, political detention centers, mass killings, martial law, world war three, etc. - but they will fail. They won't be successful in shoving tyranny down the American people's throats. Their game of fraud and treason is over.
Truthers and conspiracy theorists are clearly winning in the Infowar. Even the mainstream media machine now admits that the CIA and Al-Qaeda are basically one. The FBI and CIA have been exposed as terrorism factories, not security agencies.
What's next? Will the New York Times and Washington Post touch 9/11 truth? Will CNN and Fox News start paying allegiance to Ron Paul and the American flag instead of Barack Obama and an authoritarian global government? Will they treat the American people and the people of the word as humans instead of as animals? Maybe that's pushing it, but maybe there is some humanity in the corporate/state media in America and the West. Maybe these people are not totally evil. And maybe the public is not totally gullible.
Don't count on the MSM to expose the CIA, FBI or any other security agency to the extent Cahalin claims. They'll let just enough out to sweeten people's curiosity while the CIA, FBI are going full blast in the background with their agenda. Most Americans will not even pay attention anyhow until it's too late.
Lets get this straight, There will be no b.s. by the fbi or cia tolerated any longer the gig is up and they know it, either play nice and get with the winning team or else! The media will come around like it or not.
At this time, if one is involved in bad dealings they best think long and hard because the crime and deceit will not be allowed any longer. beside having almost 90% of our military behind us, We the people are awakening at break neck speed and all the good in govt. on many levels are there as well.
This is the new world we are creating, a world of positive influence and actions, words, hope and love will dominate. I for one do not tolerate negative people and their actions, it is not allowed in my world any longer. If one wants to cry the negatives to me, they can go in the corner and talk to the wall! I want my life back and my world, your world, our world back. Scum, liars, cheats, crooks, murderers and narrow minded individuals can go take a long walk off a short pier. Your war machine is dead, never to be restarted again. Wake up negative people, time to join the new world that is here, the new time line is now, say good bye to the old. :)
Yep the tide is our favor. The signs are all around if you just look. The rest of the rag papers and magazines had better get on board or be prepared to go out of business...permently.
Tell that to the TSA agents at the airports, bus stations, and now on the highways. You talk big but do you walk the walk. Bet you'll do anything the TSA tells you too. If you think 90% of the military is behind us, you live in lala land. Wait till they come knocking on your door like they did in Katrina. So crawl back in your hole since it's obvious you blow smoke and will do whatever the bad guys tell you to. Better yet, go to your local FBI or CIA office and tell them you'll no longer tolerate their shit and see what happens. The media will report a domestic terrorist was apprehended and that'll be the end of you.
POSTED BY SAMAN MOHAMMADI AT 4:00 PM, May 10th. Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto,Canada.His blog is TheExcavator - Email: ...for more....// ... ...for more...///
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