Drake has disappeared and removed from his normal posting places.
Does anyone know for fact what happened?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
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This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Can you please post multiple websites where he previously had postings (and that have been removed)?
The next show is this coming Sunday, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time.
Freedomn Reigns Clarification
This is the First episode of Freedom Reigns. Today we will be backing up and regrouping with Deatra and Teri.
Where is his normal posting place?
Hi John
My guess is that he got 'noticed',sort of like a gopher when you are out target practising.. or the abc boys told him to 'shut up',,or he was threatened...
I think that reporting negative 'Stuff"is not good for anyone ,even if it is arrests of bad guys, I'm sure that some of the families of these dudes would like some anonymity especially if there are children involved,
Has anyone contacted Freedom Reigns ? I hope he is ok. He should have top protection.
Dunno. He was to appear on Wolf Spirit radio today but after reviewing the schedule of the show today this slot seems to be now empty? Nothing on the Freedom reigns website as to any announcement or otherwise....Hmmmm
Freedom reigns FB page indicates that Drake just had some dental work done and is taking a few days off to recover.
Drake has moved to new radio outlet program....no longer on Wolfspirit.
He's not at wolf spirit radio. Usually there is an archive and it has a Freedom Reigns link or a Drake and Deadra link Today there was just a Drake link and I clicked it and it said the folder was empty.
What's going on? I'm encouraged more than panic'd. I know the ones who'd want to stop this would seek all all communications from him and stop it from going 'viral' as he would state.
If the message was harmless or useless, there's no need to get rid of it; look at all the bogus Redemption stuff still floating around, including deceptive audios and gurus.
Yep, our paradigm shift is close and I'm holding on for the ride, because I can't say 'stop and let me off' without leaving the ride in a way I choose not to.
Love to all.
There may have been a problem re: Kerry Cassidy and the WolfSpiritRadio site.
I see that all of Drake's interviews are posted in YouTube links at the FreedomReigns.us site.
this is where drakes interviews are normally hosted but have now been deleted: http://www.wolfspiritradio.com/archive/download.php?id=Freedom_Reigns
Just got this from Deatra, part of the reason there are no shows for a few days is Drake had extensive dental work done yesterday. I also hear he will be on Freedom Reigns tuesday.
Heck here is a http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomreigns/2012/05/12/freedomn-reigns-clarification Sorry about that
Drake is right, even him needs dental treatment and is better to fix before the arrests starts in few weeks. Can you wonder watching the arrests and no dental surgeons around?? Lol
I'm going to do mine as well..
Drake and I will be doing a show on Tuesday together... subject MILITIA history, purpose and relevance to today.
It would be nice if there was notification given as to what is happening. Like a notation or something.
That is correct he had dental work done.
If the old interviews with Drake are hard to find you could try:
This guy likes to cut up interviews into 30m segments and host them on his blog. He has at least two old Drake interviews and probably more.
If you want to download/re-listen to all the previous radio shows with Drake, here is a link where someone has put them all in one conveninent place
The Kerry Cassidy thing was a misunderstanding. The comments that Drake took offense to was on Project Avalon blog which Bill Ryan owns. Neither Kerry or Bill are responsible for what their bloggers say (free speech and all) and both their websites have a disclaimer to that effect. Kerry called Drake and explained this to him and he is supposed to apologize publicly.
I just pray its all real. Holding on for the next 10 - 14 days, which was a time window previously projected by Drake. I am sure this thing is mind boggling in its complexity... ... I have searched for truth and hope for over a decade - haven't much energy left. We need a hero/Calvary now.
American Kabuki is not posting Drake interviews and David Wilcock's is distancing. What is the deal?
I have just been informed that Drake Is Moving on to another service to get the message out. That is all.
John: You don't need to post this,but I reasoned that he and Deatra chose to disassociate themselves from the likes of Bill Wood,Brockrader,whatever,and Wolf Spirit radio wasn't willing to off BWood from their programming,so D& D decided to not be a part of the Wolf spirit radio as long as this MK ultra CIA sap was there. Just a guess,but it makes for a logical assumption,given the fact that D&D wanted to distance themselves from this fraud.
Yes this is very true John, thanks for sharing. I spoke with deatra today and they are going to be starting a new radio network coming out this sunday with a new drake interview on tuesday.
What are you guys going to do when no arrests are made by June 5th? Drake is just spouting off BS like Fulford. He'll come up with some excuse and then go off on some other tangent while you sheeple follow him like the Pied Piper to the next BS story. In the mean time the guberment is gearing up to further destroy this country and take away your rights and freedom while you lap up the shit from these asswipes.
In my paradigm the arrests will happen. There are multiple universes just like there are multiple timelines.
You seem to not know the secret. You create what you see in your universe as it's a hologram of what you look for, seek, expect, desire, etc. All of us don't experience the same things. Even our spiritual vibrations are different. I can guarantee you I will get what I desire while you sit there thinking we all have been fooled and you would have placed yourself smack dab in a reality that you expected with . Isn't the Creator Awesome. And I don't even have to convince you to see things my way because by design you are perfect how you see things and create your reality and I am perfect how I see them and create mine and we both get what we focused our thought energy on. Thought energy is creative energy. It is real and it is powerful. Enjoy the life you create for you. With Love.
Most if not all of the Drake interviews in MP3 can be found at the following link for free download or online streaming. http://kiwi6.com/folder/81p11ko430
Seems the Freedom Reigns site has also disappeared. This morning, went to check for update ... comes up "Ever feel like you're in the wrong place"? ... Page not Found /Error. Hmmm ... must be real close to "Green Light"! Now, we'll all have to use our intuitive abilities, I 'reckon (as Drake might say) {smile}
i heard IF Obumma care passed to be law then ther'd be fewer doctors - why would dentists be arrested ?
are they transmitting anti-gov spy codes with their tooth mirrors ?
They do have a Facebook site.
Very well put....
I logged right in...sigh....
If these arrests are going to happen, let it happen BEFORE the NATO thing in Chicago. I believe that's where Uncle Fester and Homeland Insecurity will start the civil war.
There's a show coming up on Sunday, 2012-05-13, actually. Not sure what time yet. We're all waiting for that information from the Freedom Reigns Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/125145437569277/
I don't do facebook (sigh) Drake said the Green Light would be given on Freedom Reigns.us first before anywhere.
Reader reports: Drake was having dental surgery, now OK, says "Get ready..." Posted By: MrFusion [ E-Mail]Date: Fri, 11-May- 16:22:15,Hopefully this is valid: From reader da-ya: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello Mr Fusion, This is from a Skype room in which I participate.Latest drake news (he has been away for dental surgery). DRAKE was on freedomreigns chat room yesterday, and said get ready, going to get fun , should go smoothly. http://freedomreigns.us/Chat.html****** peace, da-ya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~********
Articles In This Thread:Fulford answers a question from an Oathkeeper re the Drake material (views: 2858)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 11:23:44// Reader: Its not just Oath Keepers who are concerned... (views: 1202)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 12:41:30// Reader: Perhaps Russian troops are coming to Denver to protect the NWO? (views: 465)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 15:37:51//If any reader has a visual sighting of Russian troops in the U.S., please let someone here at RMN know (views: 308)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 15:50:05// Reader: Big question is, WHERE IS DRAKE? (views: 608)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 15:24:32// Reader reports: Drake was having dental surgery, now OK, says "Get ready..." (views: 731)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 16:22:15// Another reader affirms Drake is not MIA (views: 478)MrFusion -- Friday, 11-May-2012 16:25:03
from: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=239458
If I remember correctly he said the arrests will happen 30-45 days from April 8th 2012, which means 23rd of May is the last day. We are getting very close to that date. We will know very soon, if all that is BS or the truth.
DRAKES NEW WEBSITE here >>> http://AmericanNationalMilitia.com
DRAKE'S NEW RADIO LOCATION here: Global Voice Radio >>> http://www.spreaker.com/user/4664624/drake_and_company_06062012
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