Thursday, October 11, 2012

Accountability vs. Impunity

Accountability vs. Impunity 18 February 2012
It is the purpose of this message to explain that empty talk about accountability is counterproductive among those that practice impunity.  Impunity is a matter of shielding parties from negative consequences of their reckless amoral actions.  To be addressed is Nationalistic, Partisan, Plutocratic and Zionist impunities.  NeoConservatives are either Machiavellians that employ empty conservative sounding rhetoric, or those that naively accept their deceitful talk at face value.  “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath coms on those that are disobedient” Ephesians 5:6  NeoConservatives refer to themselves as “conservative” although for whatever reason they ignore the founders warnings about Factions [the duopololy of Demopublicans is what Washington warned in his farewell address], having a private central bank issue our currency [although people are just beginning to awaken as to this problem] or reckless militant interventionism.’
NATIONIONALIST IMPUNITY  The ONLY time I have heard the phrase “Blame America First” are among those that use this twisted caricature to misrepresent what people like me – typically branded as “Conspiracy Theorist” [clearly a loaded term] have actually been saying: there is an amoral elitist group of TREAONIST [those that masquerade their treason as “patriotism”] that have violated international law and principles of morality that have repeatedly obstructed justice by misusing the term “national security”.  Legitimate national security is clearly a matter of the security of the people at large rather than keeping these psychopaths safe from the righteous indignation of an awakened people that have come to realize how horribly we have all been deceived.  The main thing to be understood about BLOWBACK is that the American people never had the Treasonist’s provocations clearly understood to put the repercussions of amoral interventionist foreign policy in context.  The GOP recently embarrassed itself when they booed Ron Paul speaking about applying the Golden Rule in Foreign Policy.
PARTISAN IMPUNITY Dr. Drew Westen at Emory University carried out an interesting study that came to be called “The Political Bias Syndrome” with a PET brain scan study – to cut to the chase – what he found is that when politically biased people are shown negative information about those they favor – unlike all other times – the cognitive parts of the brain do not engage – rather the emotional parts of the brain light up as the negative information is dismissed without examination.  Particularly disturbing is how that when this blind dismissal happens – the reward center of the brain is triggered in a manner disturbingly similar to drug addiction.  So – the question to be pressed to NeoConservatives is essentially this:  when you are dismayed at how Obama supporters dismiss the corruption within the current occupant of the White House – WHY DO YOU DO THE SAME THING ON THE OTHER SIDE????
PLUTOCRATIC IMPUNITY Towards the beginning of Aaron Russo’s “America: From Freedom to Fascism” [] we are shown a quote from Mayer Rothschild – the progenitor of the Rothschild Plutocracy said “let me issue a nation’s currency and I care not who writes their laws” The globalist agenda is being chiefly run by about 6000 people that through their lawless guile and deceit – control the majority of the monitory wealth of the world.  There is now in progress an awakening about how criminal and amoral their actions have been.  Through forged documents people have been ousted from their homes – lost their businesses along with their dignity and self-respect. What will happen when the people in mass come to realize that we the people are really not responsible for the vast majority of this so called “debt” – anymore than owning stock in Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme makes a person a debtor?  THEY are the ones that owe the debt – and their deceit is that that debt belongs to the people that they robbed by their scam.  In Iceland – the people repudiated the bad “debt”, peacefully ousted the body politic – replaced them with new body politic.  Currently there is more “debt” than there is money in circulation thus it is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to pay off the debt even if there were a moral obligation to pay this “debt”.  The very terms “debt”, “borrowing” and “lending” have been misused – for there to be actual lending something of value must be transferred from one party to another.  However, in our current system, that the founders warned us against, “money” is “borrowed” into being with the promise to pay back currency that did not actually exist before the so called “loan”.  All the above can be traced back to the root – which follows
ZIONIST IMPUNITY First, let it be clear that my Lord is the King of the Jews - He is not deceived by the lies of the Synagogue of Satan [Revelation 2:9 & 3:9] neither am I.  The contrast is made clear in Aaron Russo’s final full length warning when Russo went on record about his experience with Nick Rockefeller.  While Russo was, God rest his soul, a Sephartic Jew – meaning of the lineage of Abraham – his Khazarian counterpart – N. Rockefeller – is not. 
Personally, I have been nauseated by the misuse of God’s Word by those that follow the twisting of Cyrus Scofield.  Scofield was funded by Frederick Engles who also funded Karl Marx.  Scofield also abandoned his wife and children and was a known con man.  The Scofield Reference Bible was spread far and wide within America contaminating our Biblical mindset with Zionism.  How can I be considered “Anti-Semitic” simply because I agree with the Anti-Zionist Jews that simply hold that there CANNOT BE a legitimate state of Israel until the coming of the Messiah? [Of course, I would differ in that I hold that the Messiah has come – and will return – but there is no hostility as I hold to Ezekiel 18:20 in not blaming modern Jews for the death of Christ]  The Anti-Zionist Jews are never given any national coverage by the Zionist dominated media.  Clearly, the suppressed view tends to be correct, because there is no need to suppress a view that would show itself to be in error.  I agree with what Billy Graham said to Nixon about how we had to deal with the Synagogue of Satan that controls our media.  Graham also pointed out how the Satanic COUNTERFEIT of Judaism created Communism, Socialism and Zionism- they also created the global fiat Ponzi scheme that has spread poverty and been provacatuering wars in diametric opposition to Revelation 19:11.   We skeptics do not DENY that some kind of Nazi Holocaust occurred – we only deny that anything can rightly be known without clear objective examination.  Yet those that scream “Deniers!” themselves are NAKBA deniers [Nakba is Arabic for Calamity – esp. how 800,000 Palestinians were ousted from their homes at gunpoint and afforded no opportunity to gather their belongings – including documentation- then they were told that to be compensated for what was taken they would have to PROVE that they lived there while that very proof was stolen – as was the land.]
Zionism is based on the idea that we need not wait for the Messiah – just take the land by force of arms and twist God’s Word to make it to be a “blessing” to condone war crimes, atrocities, human rights violations among other provocations – and then pin the evil that Zionists have done upon the victims of Zionism.  Zionism has many layers and levels – and it is not my intent to make ALL out to be guilty of the crimes of the few.  The Holy Land belongs to God per Leviticus 25:23.  The idea that God GAVE them the land in 1948 is a horrid mistake – all the neighboring states objected to creation of a “Jewish” state [where ¾ of “Israelis” are SECULAR JEWS – their faith is not in YHWH G-d – their faith, such as it is, is in their weapons and technology, their intrigues – such as the Mossad’s motto “By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Wage War” See Victor Ostrovsky’s book “By Way of Deception”
Turning a blind eye to the evils carried out by “Israel” is emphatically NOT a blessing. Impunity only emboldens the psychopathic criminal element that typically rises to power within any body politic – and “Israel” is no more an exception than we are.  There has always been a gap between the real and the ideal – impunity widens that gap just as accountability narrows it.  High brass within the US Military now know that criminal elements within “Israel” were the actual terrorists that carried out 9/11 according to the former Director of Studies at the War College – Dr. Alan Sabrosky.  Politically biased people will dismiss this – those that question and examine will find this to be plausible – there is as yet no evidence I have yet to examine that bears the weight of scrutiny that Muslims carried out 9/11 – only TRIAL BY MEDIA – STOP – THINK – QUESTION – IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

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