Video: Max Igan - OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust) - How
Does It Work?
------------------- Reader MS asks: Re: Reader RD Writes.... If you get a moment, could you tell me what OPPT stands for . Thanks Thanks MS, OPPT is an acronym for One Peoples Public Trust, which has become a viral phenomenon on the internet. The attraction of OPPT is fixed on the worldwide awakening that humanity has been used, under deception and coercion, as cattle for profit by a worldwide corporate fiat banking system and the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code). OPPT has become a focal point for millions of people who are aware of the international corporate fiat scam, but are at a loss as to what to do about it, or what they can personally do to change a corrupt system. In the following video, radio show host Max Igan, interviews Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf the creator of, and driving force front person of the OPPT. Lion ------------------- Published on Feb 17, 2013 Max Igan hosts a discussion with guests about the One Peoples Public Trust, a legal ruling that has been implemented and has the potential to free humanity from financial slavery and provide abundance for all. Included in the discussion is Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf the creator of the OPPT. More info at and See also: http://oppttheunfoldingstory.wordpres... & OPPT Trustee web site: Max Igan website - Max Igan YouTube channel - OPPT - How Does It Work? |
1 comment:
On the question: OPPT HOW DOES IT WORK?
The answer: IT DOESN'T!!!!
OPPT Is a set of UCC filings that SUPPOSEDLY bankrupt all the Corporations
posing as Governments, Including the Vatican and the Queen of England.
A person can accommodate This UCC filings and send them as "Courtesy Notices" letting all the Corporations know their gig is up and we are free.
A person can also use this UCC filings to informed Credit Card Companies, Banks and collections agencies they never "lend" any actual money and question the whole precedence and validity of the "Loans" and gives a person the "Power to cancelled any loan and stop paying this companies"
HERE IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS SCENARIO: First off no government agencies are going to acknowledge your letters, CC Companies, Banks, Utilities Companies and your local Cable Companies are going to call you crazy cut services to you and move on. Banks will be repossessing your car and foreclosing on your home, IRS will be leaning your name take any money you have in the bank and will take a big chunk of your paycheck if you are lucky to have a job.
If you are in a Court Setting things change a little, and not in a good way:
At this point you will be representing yourself as no BAR Attorney will ever agree to enter tis paperwork for you.(And we free people do not believe in Attorneys anyway) The "Judge" if he is a "nice" guy is going to give a warning and tell you to come to your senses, if he is Nasty, and most are, he is going to make an example out of you and give you the maximum penalty possible, just because he can.
You at this point can still proclaim to the world you are free,and you are,
we all are, but until the system collapses like it should we are slaves to it.In my opinion Heather did this process backwards. She should have made sure the System was bankrupt and inoperable and then she should have told us about it, instead she went and told us the system is bankrupt and you are free when the system is still in full force and as strong as ever. She told us you are free but there is nobody to ENFORCE your freedom but yourself, and the way the system is set up is really very little a person can do against a Monster of a System that was set ups to keep us slaving for it.
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