Chase Bank's website back up after being shut down by
"Islamist" hackers
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Tuesday, 12-Mar-2013 23:36:19
Date: Tuesday, 12-Mar-2013 23:36:19
Islamist - right. Or was it Al CIA-duh? UPDATE 7 p.m.: Following a denial-of-service attack by an Islamist hacking organization, Chase's website appeared to be back up late Tuesday evening after being down for most of the day. Previously: A denial-of-service hacking attack took down Chase Bank’s website Tuesday, Chase has confirmed to several news organizations. An Islamist hacking organization has claimed responsibility. The hacking group al-Qassam Cyber Fighters has taken responsibility for the attacks. They announced plans to attack U.S. banks several months ago, with targets including Citibank, Capitol One and Bank of America. The reason? What they say is a refusal by the U.S. to remove the YouTube video "Innocence of Muslims," which depicts the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a murderer and a pedophile. The hackers say that, for the attacks to stop, either "Innocence of Muslims" must be removed from YouTube or United States banks must pay according to the following formula: T = total views; L = total likes; D = total Dislikes; DF = Dislike factor = 10; C = Approximate Cost on US banks per each DDoS minute = 30000$ ---> ( if you think we are wrong then don't hesitate to tell us ) CF = Amount that US banks must pay for each view/like = 100$ ( based on al-Qassam jury's sentence ) TC = Total Cost US banks should pay for the insult = (T+L-DF*D) * CF { if ( TC < 0 ) then TC = (S*C*3) /* i.e. if those URLs yet exist then loop must continue even with a lot of dislikes*/ } TM = total minute we shall do DDoS to fulfill our duty = TC/C S = Average DDoS success rate per day = 7 hours = 420 minutes ===> TD = Total days we shall be busy DDoSing US banks = TM/S PD = Total days passed already = (total busy weeks) * (busy days per week) REM = Remained days we shall be busy DDoSing US banks = TD-PD { if ( REM < 3 and TC > 0 ) then REM = 3 /* i.e. if those urls yet exist then loop must continue even when all costs paid*/ } Chase tweeted about their problems at noon Pacific time Tuesday. more at |
That will give the banks an excuse for a "bank holiday".
Total Nonsense!!!!! Islamic Hackers??? These people are so behind the times, they can't figure out how a Bic Lighter works! This is more fear porn designed to do one thing and one thing only, to create a crisis in order to get the American people to believe we need to have a total internet takeover by our gov't saviors!!! Open your eyes, use your brain a little, just a little and you'll see the bigger picture here. The internet has been breeding American Patriots for many years now, what with all of the alternate media, youtube, Alex Jones, Global Voice Radio, etc.., we have had our eyes and ears opened and we have become way too many patriots for the cabal to handle. Some of us have been joining Militias at an alarming rate! Gun sales have never been higher! Now every time there is a shooting, gun sales skyrockets!! Al Gore swears to this day he created the internet, well then he might want to look over his shoulder from time to time because he could wind up on the cabal's most wanted list! You want freedom, you gotta take it, not violently like some fools have been doing in other countries, but with diplomacy. You can't just wait for someone else to do something, we all have to make our voices heard and say NO TO THE TYRANNY AND WE ARE WELL WITHIN OUR RIGHTS TO DO SO!!! Don't let corporate America tell you Our Constitution doesn't exist because of the fed reserve takeover in the 1930's. Wo died and made them the boss? The U.S constitution has never been more alive!! The gov't uses it constantly when they want to hide behind it for their own personal gains, but as soon as it pertains to loyal Americans, it's null and void? Horse Hockey!! Use your Brains America, rise up without fear and be counted! Flood your Congressmen with phone calls, emails, whatever it takes. If they want your votes and want to remain with their high salaries, then they have to remember that they work for us, its “We The People”, not we the gov’t. Walk with Jesus, walk tall without fear and you’ll walk with God!
Jackie Blue
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