Russian SU24 Bomber Faces Off Against US Aegis Destroyer-- And
I, Erasmus of
America, spent eleven calendar years in American military academies, then
boldly entered military intelligence operations, and later had successes such
as cracking the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. I had a
top defector from it train me in all the nuclear attack plans of Russia for the
annihilation of America like I was a Soviet general in nuclear attack plans to
annihilate America with. I recognize the tactics of Putin of Russia as he and I
studied the same basic nuclear attack plans originally prepared at the Moscow
Institute For Nuclear Studies. Putin by his actions indicates that he has
already or will have ready shortly the Soviet era Doomsday Bomb ready for the
annihilation of America. It breaks through all air defense systems and wipes
out any continent that is the target it is aimed against. I am the only
American who knows how to stop it from annihilating America.I understand Putin and I think that a nuclear World War III is entirely unnecessary to have to be fought between America and Russia. We have this incredible fool Obama in the White House pushing Russia to a pending nuclear World War III between Russia and America. I propose that a Strategic Ultimate Weapons Command be set up and I be named a five star general under it as a branch of the U.S. Army which I was trained under. I have the authority to do things like arrest the President of the United States or usurper in the White House as Obama is and put him on trial for high treason regardless if an American citizen or not while in the White House. Also, as proposed in my report with Nesara News for Nov. 12, 2014 that I be appointed Military Regent for six months for America to get America out of the military jam of likely annihilation of America caused by the idiot Obama in the White House. Congress still meets and passes laws, etc., but for six months I call the military policy of America, not Congress. The Pentagon and I will work out the plans that defuse this insane military position that Obama has put America in and I require that my proposed Omni Law be passed by Congress and state legislatures as my price to save America from pending nuclear annihilation. The Omni Law gives the American people the right of referendum over the national government when the government refuses to carry out the will of the nation in laws and policies. The people are now masters of the government, and government now their servant, not the other way around. My Nov. 12th report with Nesara News was "OBAMA PREPARES MILITARY SURRENDER OF AMERICA." FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA.
Pravda from Russia also had at the same time this editorial how once America gets rid of Obama to restore the greatness to America as a nation:
America needs a father
By Xavier Lerma
America needs a good father. The land once freed
from tyranny is now enslaved and needs a leader to not only show the way but
defend it from the communists and liberals who have destroyed its former
conservative values. Alan
Keyes once said America needs a St Paul, a man of action who changed the
empire of Rome. The US resembles that empire in many ways now. The Republicans
have won the Senate and the House but will they compromise with their masters
or make their Founding Fathers proud?
There is no reason for war with Putin of Russia. While Obama is in office in
the White House, Putin has to protect Russia from being annihilated by Wash.,
D.C. under Obama. I read the same American book that Putin did written by a top
brain to the evil cabal running America on how to destroy Russia forever by
engineered policies of Wash., D.C. to ruin their economy, their land,
government, race, culture, etc. I am an enemy of the same evil cabal as Putin
is. I have several figures for this evil cabal. They want to kill off nearly
all of mankind through front events engineered by them so 6 billion of mankind
are killed off and the dumb public of many nations never figure out that these
6 billion dead were murdered by engineered plan and not by random circumstances
that no one could control on earth. Some figures I have seen on the amount of
mankind they want killed off include leaving 1 billion alive on earth, 500
million, 200 million, or even just 50 million left alive on earth and the rest
of mankind killed off by the evil cabal who plan to rule over the humans
remaining as their slaves for their global plantation as they call it in secret
circles. I once met maybe the main leader of the evil cabal in America (also members
in Europe) who boasted to me how he and associates were the secret government
of America as the American people according to him were "too stupid, too
irresponsible, and too morally unfit" to be allowed to govern America, so
the evil cabal did using Washington, D.C. as their front. I was offered to be
made a major leader with them if I would join them. I never joined with them,
but Obama did and he is maybe even more evil than most of their members. I
understand that Putin had to be clever how he did it, but he successfully
maneuvered to get Russia free of internal control by this very evil
international cabal. They are lunatics as I am sure Putin knows, but they are
easily worth over $300 trillion and know how to use money to create evil power
for their evil clique. I don't know why they hate the human race so strongly,
but they do totally hate the human race on earth whether Russian, American,
Chinese, European, Middle East, or people of all other nations on earth.
Putin, I am a descendant of a minor branch of the royal line of Russia and
would have no tolerance for the annihilation of Russia as a nation and
race. I still intend to build up powerfully the national defense and
military of America so no nation will be tempted to annihilate America then.
But also my pledge. I will deliver this power to a good nation of Americans,
not an America led by Obama and other haters of the human race like him. Also,
I have no intention of letting extremist Muslims take over America the same as
you Putin have no intention of letting extremist Muslims take over Russia and
then destroy it from within. As I make America stronger which will be on a
quick track of time as I know the smart angles how to do this, you can also use
me as an argument against any extremist military elements in Russia who may
want to annihilate America quickly if possible. If you will check into some of
my 500 or so national reports posted on Nesara News in America, I also said
that once I had the hand to, I wanted to help Russia recover either the Czarist
gold or equivalent in money Lenin paid to Wall Street bankers so they would
finance him into the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917. This gold returned
to Russia or equivalent in money would help fast build up and skyrocket the
economy of Russia in the process. As I studied under six of the most brilliant
economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally
endorsed by Albert Einstein, I would offer you my assistance in fast building
up the Russian economy as I know smart answers in economics that likely none of
your economists in Russia know about. I am a fierce supporter of free
enterprise but done correctly and honestly for the nation. I am planning to
fast build up the American economy with some of these brilliant economic
answers I learned, but will also share my economic answers with Russia if you
don't mind having an American of Russian royal ancestry help you where I can.
Just for the record as I know that you respect brains in Russia, my mother was
once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up
to her time and several times over the years I scored the highest I.Q. ratings
of any student in several private schools and later they said scored one of the
two highest I.Q. ratings ever tested in Wash., D.C. when I first came to Wash.,
D.C. I always present powerful ideas with a lot of common sense that ordinary
people can normally understand. This way I am sure that smart Russians and
probably ordinary Russians also will fast catch on to smart ideas I suggest to
improve and fast the national economy of Russia. Obama has created an evil
divide between the people of Russia and the people of America which both races
are capable of great talent when given good leadership for the nation and also
capable of great evil when placed under evil leaders.
To block the takeover of America by foreign nations claiming ownership of the
land of America, I did legal maneuvers under international law which saved the
ownership of land in America for the Americans and blocked Obama and other
traitorous enemies of America from being able to lay valid legal claim to the
land of America to foreign nations as he tried to do. Russian intelligence is
smart. Look through some of my hundreds of filed national reports on the
internet and you will spot where I used international law to save the land of
America for the American people. And I proposed a plan for the future where as
independent nations, America and Russia can have a form of confederation
leaving both nations totally free and independent but also can use our
resources and national talents freely to help advance both nations to grow
faster and better by cooperation in approved areas while still leaving our
people and nation free and independent. America has a good culture in many of
the principles of the American Revolution in 1776. And got some rotten culture
created in our nation by scheme of the evil cabal trying to set America up for
the great fall as a nation. Excuse me for any implied bias, but Russia had the
fast growing economy in the world under the Czars of Russia shortly before the
Communist Revolution. And frankly a U.S. State Dept. report once stated that
Russia was estimated would be the industrial leader of the world and not
America by 1970 and likely twice as rich as America by then. The Communists
destroyed that bright future for Russia. The evil cabal also destroyed much of
the super future America would have had if they had not captured control of
America to fight what was good in it and try to corrupt the people to great
evil instead of good. Just so you know, I had also suggested that Canada be
allowed to join this great confederation I would like to see between America
and Russia. With our super minerals, large lands, and talented people, we would
make a great world team pulling together as a confederation if I am a correct
judge of human nature!
So don't be alarmed if I make America a mighty nation again. I am no threat to
Russia but only to those who would enslave mankind and ruin the potential great
future of mankind by being would-be tyrants.
I plan to build the Soviet era Doomsday Bomb that can break through air defense
systems and destroy any nations or continents targeted, but this stops the
Islamic extremist plans to conquer the world and kill off all of mankind not
converting to Islam as they plan to do. I am not trying to pick a fight with
Russia nor intending to. It is not fear of Russia but maybe pride in the race
and nation some of my forefathers founded starting in Kiev and I don't want the
Russian people to fall nor the Americans. We can live together in peace once we
get rid of these lunatics like Obama who want to act like latter-day Neros who
fiddle while they burn down the world in the process.
People of America, copy and pass this report around. This helps push passage of
the Omni Law, restores the proper strength to American national defense, will
help rebuild the American economy once the Omni Law is passed, and Putin seeing
this report will calm down and not want to nuclear attack and annihilate
America after that knowing that America will soon be in good hands by the
leadership raised up by passage of the Omni Law shown on our website
Our email is still As the Rothschilds
know who secretly own the government of America, political events do not occur
without money backing them. Back us financially so we win America or else we
face World War III and die as nuclear dust in the atmosphere fills our
lungs with radioactivity. If not ordering through the website, then send
your order or money through the mail instead of through our website. Our
mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc.
out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for such as health products,
reports, etc. or else our loan program to help finance the Omni Law Drive. All
money raised helps pass the Omni Law soon and also as now is the only smart
angle in America to keep America out of a pending nuclear World War III which
was going to happen unless I arose with this report. This pours oil on troubled
waters and world war moves back from immediately happening. Pass this report
around Russia and the bridge of friendship between the Russian people and
American people will soon reach all sides and grow to great strength between
our two people and nations.
Also, I firmly oppose any form of law trying to confiscate the money of
Americans deposited in bank accounts under either international excuse or
national excuse not legally sanctioned by the true legal terms of the U.S.
Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as originally written. With passage of the
Omni Law, we will make it high treason trying to take out money from American
bank accounts of the American people and give it to other sources trying to
steal the money of the American people by what is called legal double-talk.
Obama would love to steal the money of the American people and give it away to
foreign sources so all Americans can then be poor or bankrupt by Obama policy.
I follow his actions and his Communist intent is very obvious to any good legal
brain. Also, I will not allow the land of the American people to be confiscated
for Communist schemes for nationalization of the land of the American people
using Communist front names such as "protecting the environment,"
"protecting the wetlands," etc. When Gorbachev came to America after
losing power, he wrote to Communists in America to push the environmental
movement in America as the Communists secretly controlled it and would use the
name of the "environmental movement" as the new name for the Communist
movement to make America a Communist nation. I have a strong background in
military intelligence and know what my enemies are trying. I do not get caught
by surprise! My own invented proverb: "A wise people follow and listen to
wise leaders." I support the "RV" of foreign currencies at this
time so long as it helps nations straighten out and strengthen their economies.
As Henry Ford said, if we encourage trade enough between nations, this can help
to replace war in the world. But our trade must be fair trade for nations, not
technically "free trade" which as Karl Marx pointed out could be
manipulated to create price wars in nations and bankrupting the economies of
the non-Communist nations when not preventing this in international trade.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American
leader who will bring peace between the people of Russia and America. And a
message to the Orthodox Russian Church in Russia. I am a strong friend of yours
and once the Christians return back to their early Christian roots, there
will be found much common ground between the Roman Catholics (Christians),
Greek and Russian Orthodox Catholics (Christians), and once you get them firmly
rooted back into the first Christian positions such as Protestants included in
this, then we may well have a new breed of honest Christians called Apostolic
Christians. First Christians soon called themselves Catholics meaning in Latin
"Universal" but first name was Christian as started in Antioch according
to the New Testament. Broken away Christians, time to return to your claimed
position as seriously returning to first Apostolic Christianity as your
claimed reason for breaking from the basic foundations of the old Roman
Catholic and Orthodox Catholic Christians. Much was valid taught by the first
disciples of Christ founding the churches that grew into such as the Roman
Catholic and Greek Orthodox Catholic. If some problems arose later on, why
cannot these problems be solved by large councils of the best talented scholars
of all sides of Christianity? Work out and solve the issues at hand until
common sense and consensus maybe show where all sides maybe could stand a
little reform on their own sides in order to return to the early Roots of
Apostolic Christianity that all sides are supposed to be loyal to even in our
age. Don't let pride get in the way of the truth whatever that is found to be!
If Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then His Christianity
should still be the same today as when Christianity was founded nearly 2,000
years ago! Many of our temporal problems of society in general are spiritual
problems that were not solved, so turned into temporal problems to make our
lives rough on earth! I found Jesus Money used four times in history always
skyrocketed the economies and left no poor nor unemployed in society. The
people were blessed, the businesses were blessed, and the governments were
blessed! Then corrupt elements not liking everyone so prosperous in society and
living without crime, war, etc. conspired and overthrew Jesus Money in order to
restore poverty, bad times, crime, and war to general society. All this was
censored from your history by the evil cabal who behind the scenes rule America
instead of the American people, and rule much of the world through hidden trick
means of big money! Enough said. Time to stop World War III before it starts
and pass this report all over America, Russia, and why not join us Canada for
the coming hoped for confederation of three fine, great and noble nations once
we let the good lead us instead of the evil?!!! And once we start here, we can
help other nations join together in unity also whatever ways makes sense and
does not threaten their freedom nor prosperity!)
1 comment:
Erasmus of America, I support your opinions! We americans need to oust this puppet obozo regime corporate bs. I live on kauai , what can I do to support the true patriot REPUBLIC OF AMERICA? I love GOD and JESUS also my neighbors as myself. Lets do this already...........
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