Friday, April 27, 2012

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Reach Critical Mass

Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up
EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Reach Critical Mass
by Tom HeneghanInternational Intelligence Expert
Thursday April 26, 2012
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that elements of the U.S. military, European INTERPOL and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have identified a massive money laundry tying Dutch bank ABN Ambro, German Bundesbank, as well as the government of North Korea, in the misuse of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds. Co-conspirators in this ponzi scheme include current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and former Florida Governor, German neo Nazi, election stealer and nation wrecking enabler Jeb Bush.
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
by Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington

P.S. The U.S. Provo Marshals have presented evidence that the U.S. Justice Department is ignoring linking the aforementioned Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and German Nazi punk Jeb Bush to not only the misuse of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds involved with the aforementioned parties, but the use of the Southern Pacific Railroad in cost overruns involving the MX missile system.
by John Caylor
Read explosive investigative report


Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Reach Critical Mass (view more) //
BREAKING NEWS: Viva la France--Nicolas Sarkozy Pivots (view more) //
EUROBLOWN:The evidence against Lagarde: rounding up the usual suspects (The Slog) (view more)//
BreakingNews:EUROBLOWN EXCLUSIVE: Power draining away from the IMF (The Slog)(view more) //
Breaking News: Euro Scam Update (view more) //
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Anonymous said...

All we hear about are the arrests of the elite and nothing is ever verified. Well for your info, old 87 year old George Bush is in South Hampton, England and is going to take a sea voyage on the Queen Mary II back to New York. So why hasn't he been arrested? My understanding their are warrants out for him in Europe. Come on Fulford, Drake, Wilcock and the White Knights. Now's your chance to ponce. Bush is out of the country and you're doing nothing. Guess all this info about arrests and warrants for the elite is just a bunch of lies and hype.

Anonymous said...

This dude's obviously got a huge problem with GWB. lol Ever wonder why he doesn't post anything about Oboma? Bet he's a democRAT and doesn't see anything wrong with him. There's your FIRST CLUE.

Anonymous said...

OK Mr Know it All. As far as I'm concerned, they all should be arrested, including Obama. Problem is your buddies, Fulford, Drake, Wilcock and the White Knights are full of shit. There are no warrants out for the elite and none have been arrested. Take it up with them and find out why not. They've had plenty of chances. The reality is these guys are disinfo agents and snake oil salesman for the elite. Get IT!

Anonymous said...

I've been following this too and the longer it takes and nothing is done the more I think they are just buying time to give the scum all the time they need to finish putting the pieces of the One world government in place without people rioting. I think this guy is more credible and

I'm sorry Drake and David, I don't believe you anymore. There is suffient evidence on all these elites to haul them in and though some may have arrest warrants they are free to do as they please. Why????

Anonymous said...

gotta agree. disinformation all the way. The only that will happen that no one thinks will is the Iraqi Dinar will RV and will be used by the US to prop up the economy after the market tanks and Greece defaults. Propping up economy means consumerism. America is a consuming nation, no longer a producer of goods so there will be a few million millionaires added to the roles and they will be taxed for it as well. FDIC accounts are now insured to unlimited amounts and the tax rate for millionaires is increasing. Add a few trillion to bank accounts and the banks can lend "real" dollars under Basel 3. This also creates an artificial demand for dollars like we did in 73 when we struck a deal with the arabs for their oil traded in USD only in exchange for protection. Our protection meant putting in US sympathetic leaders into Egypt Iran Iraq etc so we didnt have to offer much protection to Saudi Arabia. They disobeyed their master and are now gone. Selling oil in anything but USD is a big no no. But now since we have China and Japan and India, Russia and many other larger nations not using USD to trade oil, the US demand has gone down substantially. The Rothschilds knew this and used the Iraq conflict to deflate and then inflate the money. The wealth was there in Iraq. The oil didnt go anywhere. The dinar will go back to at least $3 if not $4 by end of 12 or by Spring of 13. It will start out slowly rising and we may even see a see saw effect with it as the GOI is in turmoil with 3 different regions wanting to be their own states with sovereign authority. PM Maliki wants to be the boss of all of Iraq and his predeccesor wants his power back as do the Kurds.