Sunday, June 22, 2014

A MUST READ: Strange Phenomenon Felt Around The World; The Quickening


A MUST READ: Strange Phenomenon Felt Around The World; The Quickening

Vatic Note:  Now this has been proven to me.  I have felt this quickening for sometime now.   It has taken the form of two things for me..... the first is Synchronicity is happening much more quickly and frequently.   He does not mention this in the video, but it has been happening in my life.

If I need something, say, a piece of information for a blog, and "voila", it shows up unbidden.  A simpler example is when I go to the grocery store and the parking lot is loaded up with very little free space to park, and as I am driving up, EVERY SINGLE TIME,  a spot opens up right before my eyes.  A driver is just leaving and the space is only 3 slots from the door at the front of the store.  I swear, it happens every time.

I don't know if this is related or not, but I am also getting younger, or at least I feel that way, and guys 20 years  younger than me who are perfect strangers are flirting with me.  Now I can attest to the fact, that has never happened before. Well, OK, my second Husband was 14  years younger than me.  lol   In the sense that age has to do with time,  I feel somehow this is related.

Everyone knows, I do not publish off the wall weird stuff, but this has been a fact of my life for sometime now.  I need something and it shows up solving whatever problem I have.  Its a personal testimony to the truth of this below.   As to the why of it?  I don't know that but this below makes perfect sense and explains a lot.   Read it and see if you do not agree.

Is this why the evil ones are in such a rush to finish off this globalizing?  Do they know about this and are afraid of it?   This below conjured up more questions than answers.  

Strange Phenomenon Felt Around The World; The Quickening
By Mac Dee,  Before It's News, June 16, 2014

International Standard Version
Now as for you, Daniel, roll up your scroll and seal your words until the time of the end. Many will rush around, while knowledge increases.’”
Many people across the world are experiencing a feeling as if time is speeding up.  While a day is still constituted in 24 hour increments, time seems to be moving faster than ever for many people.

There are several explanations for the
time speeding up phenomenon.  The most popular explanation is that time isn’t speeding up, but our consciousness is, which makes it seem like time is speeding up.

Ian Lungold believed that time was speeding up because creation was speeding up. In other words, more was happening in less time. “When more is possible to happen in every moment,” stated Lungold, “there is more possible outcomes which opens the door to things called miracles.”  (VN:  I know many of you have read my meanderings about all the miracles I have been experiencing.  I am sure its not just me, so stop and think about it for yourselves and see if its not true in your own life.)

What many people aren’t taking into account is vibration.  Everything in existence revolves around vibration as atoms vibrate to create our 3rd dimensional reality.  As the atoms vibrate faster, the illusion of time speeding up is created because, physiologically, our bodies are sensing the speeding up of “something” but we cannot attribute it to anything familiar other than time.

Here’s a quote from 2012 Unlimited that discusses the time shift:
“Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equivalent of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. “

“The combination of “days flying by” and “having come so far in so few years” contributes to our perception that time is speeding up. These may both be symptomatic of the shift from 3D to 4D if we recognize that linear time is giving way to nonlinear time, that priorities are shifting from the trivial to the spiritual in accordance with the 2012 and related paradigms. (VN: Oh, this explains a lot....I have been more and more into spiritual work and thoughts, as some of you regulars here can tell.)

Linear time is measured in increments of trivialities such as astronomical or atomic motions, while nonlinear time is delineated in increments of freewill progressions. With a shift of priorities, trivialities fade into a repeating background pattern while spiritual events (leaps in awareness and maturity) increase in their frequency and novelty, both of which lead to the perception that time is speeding up for different reasons.”

Can this frequency jump in the Earth’s vibrations be partially responsible for the speeding of time?”
Read More

Ancient prophecies predicted it. Indigenous traditions honor it. Changes within the earth are affecting your sleep patterns, relationships, the ability to regulate your immune system and your perception of time. You are living a process of initiation that was demonstrated over 2000 years ago, preparing you to accept tremendous change within your body. That change is happening now.

Migraine headaches, (VN: no, not for me yet)
tiredness,   (VN:  definitely, and usually unjustified)
electrical sensations in the limbs and spinal column,  (VN:  not that I noticed, but then I am not sure what that would feel like.)
cramps in the muscular networks,  (VN: definitely yes,  I increased my intake of magnesium and potassium to deal with it.)
flu-like symptoms,  (VN:  yup, but no illness, no fever, no pain)
intense dreams….   (VN: yup again, and very lucid dreams)

These could all be caused by the changes taking place on Earth now. The human body is becoming more sensitive as a result of the new vibrations.

Here’s a quote from 2012 Unlimited that discusses the time shift:

“Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equivalent of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. “

“The combination of “days flying by” and “having come so far in so few years” contributes to our perception that time is speeding up. These may both be symptomatic of the shift from 3D to 4D if we recognize that linear time is giving way to nonlinear time, that priorities are shifting from the trivial to the spiritual in accordance with the 2012 and related paradigms. (VN: Oh, this explains a lot....I have been more and more into spiritual work and thoughts, as some of you regulars here can tell.)

Linear time is measured in increments of trivialities such as astronomical or atomic motions, while nonlinear time is delineated in increments of freewill progressions. With a shift of priorities, trivialities fade into a repeating background pattern while spiritual events (leaps in awareness and maturity) increase in their frequency and novelty, both of which lead to the perception that time is speeding up for different reasons.”

Can this frequency jump in the Earth’s vibrations be partially responsible for the speeding of time?”
Read More

Ancient prophecies predicted it. Indigenous traditions honor it. Changes within the earth are affecting your sleep patterns, relationships, the ability to regulate your immune system and your perception of time. You are living a process of initiation that was demonstrated over 2000 years ago, preparing you to accept tremendous change within your body. That change is happening now.

Migraine headaches, (VN: no, not for me yet)
tiredness,   (VN:  definitely, and usually unjustified)
electrical sensations in the limbs and spinal column,  (VN:  not that I noticed, but then I am not sure what that would feel like.)
cramps in the muscular networks,  (VN: definitely yes,  I increased my intake of magnesium and potassium to deal with it.)
flu-like symptoms,  (VN:  yup, but no illness, no fever, no pain)
intense dreams….   (VN: yup again, and very lucid dreams)

These could all be caused by the changes taking place on Earth now. The human body is becoming more sensitive as a result of the new vibrations.

The resonance of Earth (Schumann Resonance) has been 7.8Hz for thousands of years. Since 1980, it has risen to over 12 Hz. This means that 16 hours now equate to a 24-hour day. Time is speeding up!

The physical body has already begun to change. A new light body is being created. (VN:  aaahhh, that explains my feeling  younger). Our DNA is being reprogrammed from the Universe (as predicted in the Mayan Prophecy).

We are going from two-strand back to 12-strand DNA. Greater intuitive and healing abilities will emerge. Each year these will increase ten fold. Eyes will become cat-like in order to adjust to the new atmosphere and Light.

Read More

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Posted by Vatic Master

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