Facility for Sale: Round-op Alpha Responds to Multnomah County’s Request for
Interest (RFI)
3, 2014 – Round-op Alpha S.I.N.G.J.A.
Announcement, for Immediate and Unlimited Distribution
Alpha was recently made aware of Multnomah County’s request for interest (RFI)
in relation to the Wapato detention facility (Portland, Oregon, USA) that is
currently available on the market, for sale.
- Wapato RFI Final Release
- Wapato RFI 2014 – Round-op Alpha
Acquisition and Repurposing: Multnomah County Wapato Facility
Of course we know that it is very unlikely that Multnomah County will take our response serious or even take time to read or consider it. Anyway, we feel it is our duty to inform them that we are interested in acquiring this detention facility, after all, it’s not every day that a prison is for sale.
For those people who are not sure: No we don’t have $108 million available ourselves to actually buy this property but in the event that we should actually have a chance at acquiring it, investors cannot be too hard to find for this very exclusive business concept.
It was actually more of a creative exercise to see what we can come up with and we got carried away in the process. Although deep inside we really hope to buy this detention facility, a special place for special individuals.

Round up alpha world press doesn't answer,so who are they going to round up.Its all a joke.
I am not at all convinced that this list is genuine. How do we know its not the Cabal. Look at the list. Does it all make sense to you? Putin is on there. Is that really right? The good military have already started arresting people; they already know who most of the Cabal is, they have been researching this a long time, so why are they now asking the public??! Is this in fact a list created to trap some of the good people? I don't know, but I am suspicious.
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