Monday, June 9, 2014

Good Deal!

Subject: Good Deal!

    This is by far the best deal I have ever seen...PERIOD!



Anonymous said...

Take the deal, take the deal!

Anonymous said...

this is a good deal, for this solder will stand proud while protecting the u.s. citizens from harm.
the others is a good deal because for they love to steal the public's money of the whole world and put it in their private vaults , they claim land with bogus pieces of paper called a contract of ownership, banksters favorite tactic is using a bogus pieces of paper they alone have created FOR US TO OBEY AS THE LAW: called the banksters lien on property which was designed to steal people's assets later which they the banksters love to create more than a wars is the financial depressions and inflation thu opening and shutting down the places where the WORLD'S working class MUST WORK to keep paying the on the liens of the banksters, or COMPLETELY SO CALLED LEGALITY lose their family assets because of not paying the loan in full TERM OF THE CONTRACT, meaning the banks have stolen the assets at penny's to the dollar, and BANKSTERS overwrite the laws as they see fit for themselves.

and as A good example of what a monster is, the WHOLE WORLD'S public OF WORKING CLASS US 80% would like to know how our brave solders and military brass protect these monsters and their stealing, while THE military being blind and brainwashed that the victim is the bad guy just because these monsters leaders say so, as if they were people of honor, what a joke.

Dan said...

I have a Better Deal!
Feinstein and Boxer Introduce Bill to Rat Out a Family Member with a Firearm
Exploiting Isla Vista shooting in new bid to confiscate firearms from American citizens
California Democrat Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer will agree to letting you, Mexico, have those Firearms to control the Drug Cartel if you are willing to keep your people on your side of the border, as we, California, are running out of money to support your citizens coming here for a FREE Education.
By the way, we will pass a law to ban ALL Items on airplanes and in government buildings that have been used in at least a threat of a xxxxxx.
Sorry Pilot and sorry Congressman for you wearing your necktie to look decent, but it appears you tripped on your necktie when you got on that plane or in that building!
Some say that is an old fashion way of, sorry, can't say those words.