Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Bet you Didn't Know this About Federal Income Tax

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
I Bet you Didn't Know this About Federal Income Tax
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 22-Jun-2014 19:38:43

I bet you didn't know that....
the so-called "Federal Income Tax" was not needed to, and didn't, fund the Federal Government during the first 155 years of our history ...from 1787 until 1942. truly free person would ever give up the details of his personal economic life to the government....any government .... voluntarily .... even once.....never mind on an annual basis.
To do so would be to give up one's 4th amendment privacy rights to be secure in one's person, property, papers and effects. (personal finances are none of the federal government's damned business)
The recent debacle in which the IRS was used as a political weapon highlights the folly of putting up with this bizarre, ridiculous, tyrannical, anti-constitutional, fraudulent, oppressive criminal custom.
If you would like to know the proper, liberty sustaining, prosperity generating, budget balancing system for funding the Federal Government, designed early on by Tom Jefferson and Alex Hamilton, you need a copy of the little book: "Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan" by Edward A. Ellison, Jr., J.D. and John William Kurowski and its essential little companion on money "The Miracle on Main Street" by F. Tupper Saussy.
Together they lay out the simple economic system that made America more prosperous in 100 years than
all other civilizations in all of history combined. It is the core of what really made America exceptional and a piece of American history that not one American in 10,000 today...much to their financial detriment.... knows anything about.
You can learn more about them here: http://WWW.CurrencyAlert.US

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet I do know. And it still isn't being used to fund anything; not a dime.