If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age.
My Twilight Years ~ Clint Eastwood
As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end. There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more." No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.
It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let everyone of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, "He was my friend, and I know where he stood."
So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this:
I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House!
Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.
More fiction
The Truth:
This message has been found anonymously posted in boards around the Internet long before it was attributed to Clint Eastwood. It appears that someone tacked on his name to the story and attached his photo to lend it credibility.
I really don't get comments like this. So many right-wing people in the US love to hate on Obama. Why?? Really, I mean all Republicans wanted to elect Mitt Romney!!!! Seriously, you really think he would have been BETTER??!!! Of course not. He made his money by buying companies and selling off their assets. In other words, the main experience Romney had was in DESTROYING US jobs and businesses. He was part of the Cabal; he was the favorite of the Cabal. He would have been far, far worse than Obama. You only had a choice between 'potientially good' Obama and 'clearly useless and destructive' Romney. So all of you Republicans, stop going on about Obama. The problem is the criminal, satanic Cabal, not the current person in the White House who is relatively powerless.
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