Generals Ready to Arrest Obama After CIA Columbia Obama Trial

Pentagon Generals ready to Arrest after CIA columbia Obama Trial. Recorded 31 December 2013.
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So Why has it taken 3 years for the Generals to make a decision?
So Why has it been 6 months for the Generals to STILL Take NO Action?
Military Personnel DIED for the Failure of the Generals to Take Action!
So it is NO different than the Bergdahl actions!
So obviously Dr. Manning can't be trusted to do the right thing either. He is waiting on a sign from God to have this THUG arrested. What does he think a guilty verdict is????? GET ON WITH IT!!!!!
funny how so many elite have a real bad disdain for the military brass (( the military brass even have been called nothing but a dumb animal to use and directed as needed)) and the ""middle class"" recruited solders who are the ones who bleed blood when the elite says bleed, always with b.s. false flag events (to piss us off into violence and racism to the victims )) they created the false flag as the excuse of the victims act of war, and then accuse the victims as the cupid of the false flag operation,
all of us can see these events accruing because of the many brave people and i.m.o. our heroes who risk it all to wake up the public or the sleeping lion, i hope our military brass will have brass balls and stand by america as a proud and noble solder and soul who has honor.
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