Monday, June 23, 2014



Friday RI went through - not RV - every country in the world recognized the RI new rate - including the USA.
Maliki was supposed to announce to public over the weekend - but is still negotiating his future.
History - DC says Iraq not having big battles in streets - but in areas where there is big population of Sunni's they are being allowed in by the population with no resistance
This is why an all inclusive CENTRAL Government is so important and the GOI must be completed and functioning to stop this.
And this is important because this affects the RV by providing incentive to stabilize the GOI and initiate the RV to calm the populace and stop the spread of the peaceful insurgence.
More History - Tony - USA has wanted the date of July 1 as the RV date since January.  There have been 60+ attempts to RV that have failed and been blocked.
Maliki's attempt to stay in power by instigating the problem in Mosul backfired and he asked the USA to assist. 
So all of these attempts and negotiations created all the delays Tony and DC have reported on after gearing us up.
The big WHY of JULY1 :  mid- terms for Dems in this country are looking dismal unless stellar ecomomic news comes about in3rd quarter - July-sept. which would help the dems tremendously and...Significant banking tracking from country to country because of Basel 3 compliancy starting July 1 and.....The  RV rates for the USA were significantly improved after JULY1 - we have more to lose as a country with the GCR monetary reforms than anyone else
This weekend more BS occurred but this RI IS rolling out throughout our system as of 11pm last night - could take up to 2 days to roll throughout the banking system
 They will take time to bring in VIP's and Groups ON THE RI  to draw this out to July1st to get to the majority of the dinarians.  Which then is likely to be the RV.
The RV paid people after July 1st will get the HIGHER rate.
 No double dipping - if you go and exchange at the RI rate you are locked in at that rate and cannot exchange at the RV rate later.

This may even go until July 4 so don't think we need to organize and raise hell if July 1 comes and goes for the RV.

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