ALL Patriot Americans
MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and
INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's
massive deceptions
Wednesday June 4, 2014
are NO Terrorists - There Never Were Any Terrorists
by Tom Heneghan, International
Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the
Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Team operating on American soil, along with
elements of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), have 'smoking gun'
evidence that Guantanamo Bay outpost enabled by year 2000 illegal White House
occupant NAZI Paperclip George W. BushFRAUD, was created as a "parking
lot" for Saudi and Israeli Mossad assets and intelligence agents who are
NOT terrorists but were scripted "crisis actors" who were used by the
Bush-Cheney year 2000 NAZI junta to script lifelong U.S. CIA and NSA employee
Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman as NAZI BushFRAUD's 9/11 patsy.
Bush Crime Family business partner and
employee Tim Osman aka 9/11 patsy Osama bin Laden
Note: In late 1999 then Vice
President now year 2000 duly elected , non-inaugurated, natural born
President Albert Gore Jr. recommended to then President William Jefferson
Clinton that Tim Osman was some what of a national security risk involving
infiltration of U.S. intelligence agencies on behalf of none other than the
NAZI Paperclip Bush Family.
Gore told Clinton that Tim Osman needed
to be assassinated immediately and
Clinton vetoed it saying that bin Laden aka Tim Osman was on a hunting party
with the Saudi Royal Family and had to be left alone.

The alleged U.S. prisoner of war
exchange done by the Obama Administration and the Taliban is a massive PsyOp
being once again ordered by the Bush-Cheney-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
President Obama is currently being
blackmailed by the NAZI Bush Crime Family to remove 9/11 witnesses from
Guantanamo Bay and at the same time continue to empower this PHONY "war on
terror" as to enable the presidential candidacies of NAZI Paperclip
former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush and former U.S. Secretary of State Bush
Crime Family financial Mena, Arkansas partner Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Reference: Then U.S. Senator Hillary
Rodham Clinton in September of 2001 was the major Democratic Party advocate to
ramrod NAZI George W. BushFRAUD's UN-Constitutional Patriot Act aka Hitler's
NAZI German "Enabling Act" down the throat of the U.S. Congress,
which leaves the American People to this day without a Constitution or a Bill
of Rights.
P.S. At this hour a European Central
Bank (ECB), U.S. Federal Reserve and Central Bank of Japan massive crooked bank
derivative ponzi scheme is taking place based on the continued manipulation of
the worldwide LIBOR rate by none other than the London LIFFE Exchange and the
Bank of England.
Admits To Planting Fake News Stories In The US Media
this clip, Bush tells a reporter it has been a long standing
government practice to pay journalists to run
prepackaged news stories, which serve as government
to further political agendas.
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