Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tlar's Timeline of Events & Comments

Tlar's Timeline of Events & Comments

Post From Currency Chatter By Tlar

I am still on phone only in Austin. Somebody asked question on another thread if I still think July 1st date is good. Quite simply, yes. What is important to watch for is steps..

Step one.    New government is formed next week.

 Step two.   World governments immediately recognize new government in Iraq as legitimate government.

Step three.   Maliki leaves country or is arrested or is assassinated. Sunnis will join forces with kurds and Shia to expel ISIS.

Step four:    Turki will pull trigger the minute there is a new government and Maliki has been dealt with.
These are the steps. Us will offer new government all miliitary support the minute they announce a new PM which means new government.

These steps must happen by next week for Turki to have the confidence to play his part. He is just waiting as we are. Tlar

Maliki will only leave the way all dictators leave. In a box or under arrest. This guy is getting nuttier by the day.

Remember Hakim has already stopped him from arresting Chalabi for terrorism charges. So you will most likely see confusion to as not present or focus on any particular guy until he is nominated on Tuesday.
Until then I don't think any position will officially be announced publically but it is interesting that Chalabi is meeting with everyone but not on the list. Tlar.

PS - the results were ratified last Monday by the federal courts 354 out of 358 mps

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