Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dinar Intel Update

Cowgirl2002] [11:19:42 PM] [Blaino] I have several ForEx people... some more prominent than others... This from a less prominent (by choice) one and although I rarely can get her to commit... I have something interesting to disclose and share ... now... So here we GO! OK, She has access to a ForEx "Back Screen" of some type, I'm guessing it's Thompson-Reuters Interbank systems, through a very secret and secure connection she has via (Insert BLACK BOX here) [read that as "redacted"] which she says is showing the IQD 'renumerating' at very low levels over the last few days and as the pings are confirmed and answered world wide the rate sneaks up and another round of pings is issued worldwide at the new, slightly higher rate. (ALL COUNTRIES HAVE TO CONFIRM BEFORE THE NEXT MOVE)

[Cowgirl2002] Problems are solved as they occur. At this time the rate is passing $6.44... (that was the "wow") and heading to $8.43 or $8.44 where it will "lock in" and render us 'Revalued'.... (that was the "WOW") and she believes that the "lock in rate" will be acheived before 6AM Eastern Standard Time, USA on "Thursday", July 7th, 2011.... as I first indicated almost two weeks ago on our CC and here in Planetary Commons. I DID NOT SET THAT TIME/DATE/RATE BASED ON THIS INTEL!!!! Which makes me feel so much BETTER! I only recieved this "tidbit of 'telligence" this afternoon late and was able to get a second confirm a few minutes ago.... soooo, as promised, here it is for you, Citizen Members. I wish I could dispell all doubt, I cannot. I wish I could call this "fact", I cannot. This is a third party connect for me, but I have spoken with her several times before and she is a 26 year + ForEx Vet, NOT flighty, Not in any "Chat room" and NOT looking for notariety.... draw your own conclusions. I have drawn mine....and I'm posting this....Thanks for your kind attention, Blaino. STILL the cutting edge of the Dinarian Experience, (mind your toes!)

Subject: HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!! Posted 7/6/11
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 10:14 PM

elsie: lets move it i told them
elsie: rate continued to rise.. Banks watched it rate continued to rise.. Banks watched it
elsie: people were meeting at boa today.. They were trying to make deals with them to buy discounted rate.. Rate they wanted to pay
elsie: all people we heard from did not accept the deals
elsie: set up accounts....
elsie: offering deals for all DINAR... And then they said this is what we will give you today
elsie: if they would of thought about this they would of took that rate and turned around and bought more dinar
elsie: his appt is tomorrow, we will follow up
elsie: so we are looking at boa still scheduling people and offering deals
elsie is transcribing a mod call with tony
elsie: we looked at the receipt this morning.. Lady said we are buying it for 76 and selling it at 1.06 per dinar
elsie: we could not find out the limit.. The third call we made she was frustrated with all the calls and told us to come in
elsie: anyway we have to be careful what we put out and what we say
elsie: she did verify what was on the receipt
elsie: good news is after we heard all that.. Rate did go live last Thursday
elsie: was in the system yesterday.. Started LOW.. Rate goes up every 30 minutes until it reaches where it is suppose.. Goes up and down
elsie: once it went over 3:00 is what boa was basing deals on
elsie: has reached plateau.. It is fixed.. Banks have rate.. No hiccups... It is live
elsie: they need the go from the treasury.. Only thing holding us up
elsie: treasury guy told us it was stopped today at ten o'clock
elsie: this afternoon, O signed the document.... Signed the tax rate for the dinar
elsie: the tax rate is as follows
elsie: 15 percent flat TAX.... First 45 days.
elsie: treasury department
elsie: 45 - 6 months will be 18 to 22 percent tax
elsie: any dinar after 6 months will be 36 percent tax
elsie: i will repeat the tax once AGAIN... Treasury department
elsie: cash in before 45 days 15 percent
elsie: 45 to 60 days is 18 to 22 percent
elsie: over 6 months 36 percent
elsie: so this will be your decision when you cash out
elsie: after O signed document we were informed this can no go at any time
elsie: we know of nothing else holding this up
elsie: guys in iraq are being told they will be paid thursday at rv amount
elsie: we wait to see what happens
elsie: bank says it has stopped... We need a GO from the treasury
elsie: so you will have to decide when you want to cash in and if you r happy with the rate
elsie: will the rate go UP.... No guarantees
elsie: its been a good DAY.. Intel wise

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