Good morning to the castle.
[lilypad] MarkZ it is been a loooooong weekend for us in the castle
[notsoguru] MarkZ gm :thanks for keeping us updated!
[MarkZ] notsoguru I haven't had much free time but I was trying.
[MarkZ] notsoguru I did rather expect to see an RV early this morning. Not sure where it is right now but I am looking forward to tracking that slippery duck down today. :) I knew based on progress late Saturday that thinking we would have it Monday morning was optimistic but, I am a glass half full kinda guy.
[starpath1] MarkZ Friend, do you bring some new information for us this morning, or are we still waiting and watching the seeds sprout?
[MarkZ] starpath1 Mostly waiting for government and banking folks to go back to work so we can chase down something more than rumortel.
[lilypad] MarkZ it is been a loooooong weekend for us in the castle
[notsoguru] MarkZ gm :thanks for keeping us updated!
[MarkZ] notsoguru I haven't had much free time but I was trying.
[MarkZ] notsoguru I did rather expect to see an RV early this morning. Not sure where it is right now but I am looking forward to tracking that slippery duck down today. :) I knew based on progress late Saturday that thinking we would have it Monday morning was optimistic but, I am a glass half full kinda guy.
[starpath1] MarkZ Friend, do you bring some new information for us this morning, or are we still waiting and watching the seeds sprout?
[MarkZ] starpath1 Mostly waiting for government and banking folks to go back to work so we can chase down something more than rumortel.
Good morning all! Arvie is here.... MarkZ - Free groceries? ?
[MarkZ] arvdog21 Based on the banking calls this morning we should have them this week but I want some time to tell fact from fiction.
[gizmosmom] Mark do you think.theyre playing Us? If so why?
[MarkZ] gizmosmom lol no! We are not important enough for them to play with like that. Sad but true. :) A good bit was done over the weekend but based on you and I not being at the bank having coffee and doughnuts and getting the keys to our new toasters I assume not enough was done. Just give us time to find out where we are and everyone stay calm. We are still close and closing on done.
[notsoguru] MarkZ slippery duck? sure it is not a greased pig? have you ever been to a greesed pig catching contest? very difficult to catch! but funny to watch!
[MarkZ] notsoguru that reminds me of a FB post I saw today.
[starpath1] MarkZ I hope you and other intel-bearers know how much we appreciated what we do./
[harleycharley] MarkZ, might not be able to answer this, but I have some friends who are worried about high rates taking away power of attourney with an NDA or Contract any truth to this as fa as you've hears?
[MarkZ] harleycharley I haven't heard
[Readynow] MarkZ thank you for helping us through all this. :bighug:
[K Boom] MarkZ Good morning Mark- REALLY appreciate you coming on this early- given our expecatations. SO- the latest chatter leans to another week: 6/15- anything you have in that vein? Thanks
[MarkZ] K Boom Idoubt another week. My only concern is I know logisitcs are much easier to do it on a weekend. That being said no one has taken the easy road on this so far so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it just pop mid day this week.
[lilypad] Mark Z, Will the seating of the parliament in Iraq and the passage of the budget prevent us with the in the good ole USA
[MarkZ] lilypad I highly doubt it
[MarkZ] Papa Bear Good morning sir! How was your weekend?
[Papa Bear] Great. Like all waiting on email for action point. Yes there is Intel
[highhopes] MarkZ Wow great to see you so early....MsMagnolia posted this last night- have you heard this too? [MsMagnolia] @ 9:40 this evening our FED died
[MarkZ] highhopes I haven't seen it. The FED does not go away after this. They existed before they got the frachise to run the US's currency and they are a company that does more then print US money. They will not die when the UST takes back over our money supply. They just won't get to print free money on the backs of you and I anymore.
[highhopes] MarkZ Thats still great news...thank you
[Papa Bear] MarkZ I agree and know where MS Magnolia came up with that
[MarkZ] Papa Bear I should try to find what she posted
[highhopes] MarkZ Recaps posted MsMAgnolia
[K Boom] MarkZ Thanks Mark- Sunday is FATHERS' Day. Would be really nice, but at the same time keep some of us a bit distracted from Family time ;-)
[MarkZ] K Boom We could buy the kids new cars for fathers day. :)
[Dakotaman] MarkZ gm Thanks for the tweet & letting us know you dropped in... The news you bring sounds very good.. ty
[gizmosmom] MARKZ in your heart of hearts what is stopping this from happening over and over again, when all of you guys so strongly believe its here
[MarkZ] gizmosmom I do not look at it that way. I do not say what stopped it now, I say I wonder what they had to deal with to keep it coming our way. The guys handling it now are a juggernaught, when something arises they simply deal with it. We will have this no matter how many people"bad guys" they have to bury along the way now.
[lilypad] MarkZ, we were told a little over a week ago that the scheduled time was 3pm est. Of course that did not happen. So I believe you when you say it coupld pop at mid day anytime this week.
[notsoguru] MarkZ this friday is Friday the 13th! Feel lucky?
[MarkZ] notsoguru I fell exceptionally lucky
[junktion] Markz.....we are ready for more educational info....listened to farm 1 & 2 and ready for more.....whenever you have time. thanks
[MarkZ] arvdog21 Based on the banking calls this morning we should have them this week but I want some time to tell fact from fiction.
[gizmosmom] Mark do you think.theyre playing Us? If so why?
[MarkZ] gizmosmom lol no! We are not important enough for them to play with like that. Sad but true. :) A good bit was done over the weekend but based on you and I not being at the bank having coffee and doughnuts and getting the keys to our new toasters I assume not enough was done. Just give us time to find out where we are and everyone stay calm. We are still close and closing on done.
[notsoguru] MarkZ slippery duck? sure it is not a greased pig? have you ever been to a greesed pig catching contest? very difficult to catch! but funny to watch!
[MarkZ] notsoguru that reminds me of a FB post I saw today.
[starpath1] MarkZ I hope you and other intel-bearers know how much we appreciated what we do./
[harleycharley] MarkZ, might not be able to answer this, but I have some friends who are worried about high rates taking away power of attourney with an NDA or Contract any truth to this as fa as you've hears?
[MarkZ] harleycharley I haven't heard
[Readynow] MarkZ thank you for helping us through all this. :bighug:
[K Boom] MarkZ Good morning Mark- REALLY appreciate you coming on this early- given our expecatations. SO- the latest chatter leans to another week: 6/15- anything you have in that vein? Thanks
[MarkZ] K Boom Idoubt another week. My only concern is I know logisitcs are much easier to do it on a weekend. That being said no one has taken the easy road on this so far so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it just pop mid day this week.
[lilypad] Mark Z, Will the seating of the parliament in Iraq and the passage of the budget prevent us with the in the good ole USA
[MarkZ] lilypad I highly doubt it
[MarkZ] Papa Bear Good morning sir! How was your weekend?
[Papa Bear] Great. Like all waiting on email for action point. Yes there is Intel
[highhopes] MarkZ Wow great to see you so early....MsMagnolia posted this last night- have you heard this too? [MsMagnolia] @ 9:40 this evening our FED died
[MarkZ] highhopes I haven't seen it. The FED does not go away after this. They existed before they got the frachise to run the US's currency and they are a company that does more then print US money. They will not die when the UST takes back over our money supply. They just won't get to print free money on the backs of you and I anymore.
[highhopes] MarkZ Thats still great news...thank you
[Papa Bear] MarkZ I agree and know where MS Magnolia came up with that
[MarkZ] Papa Bear I should try to find what she posted
[highhopes] MarkZ Recaps posted MsMAgnolia
[K Boom] MarkZ Thanks Mark- Sunday is FATHERS' Day. Would be really nice, but at the same time keep some of us a bit distracted from Family time ;-)
[MarkZ] K Boom We could buy the kids new cars for fathers day. :)
[Dakotaman] MarkZ gm Thanks for the tweet & letting us know you dropped in... The news you bring sounds very good.. ty
[gizmosmom] MARKZ in your heart of hearts what is stopping this from happening over and over again, when all of you guys so strongly believe its here
[MarkZ] gizmosmom I do not look at it that way. I do not say what stopped it now, I say I wonder what they had to deal with to keep it coming our way. The guys handling it now are a juggernaught, when something arises they simply deal with it. We will have this no matter how many people"bad guys" they have to bury along the way now.
[lilypad] MarkZ, we were told a little over a week ago that the scheduled time was 3pm est. Of course that did not happen. So I believe you when you say it coupld pop at mid day anytime this week.
[notsoguru] MarkZ this friday is Friday the 13th! Feel lucky?
[MarkZ] notsoguru I fell exceptionally lucky
[junktion] Markz.....we are ready for more educational info....listened to farm 1 & 2 and ready for more.....whenever you have time. thanks
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