Monday, June 9, 2014

Should you get involved in the Private Transaction to Exchange dong! Pros & con's FROM TNT MEMBER

Posted by flame on June 9, 2014 at 9:55am those who cannot get into TNT brought this over for you information.Dinar or Dong owners an attorney at law, I was sent to review and comment on the foregoing youtube presentation. I was also sent to comment about certain documents and if I think it is a good idea to do this private tranasaction. I have not included the documents here in this discussion, but they consisted of a Power of Attorney, a W-9 IRS form, a NDA with the private group, an agreement, a form requesting all your personal information, your documentation proving your source of the Dong. [I am not advising one way or the other whether you should entertain this private transaction. My comments are merely for educational purposes. I advise you to retain your own legal counsel, your own tax consultant, your own broker dealer, or your own financial planner before you make your decision.1. You have to sign an attorney in fact, or better known as Power of Attorney. This means that you are not collecting your money directly from the bank yourself, but you are granting someone else to get your money for you from a private source. The representation is that this is done by some "Chinese" who have put aside 100 Trillion US $ to do this. There is no way that we need 100 Trillion US $. The national debt is only 17 Trillion US $. The point is that this person is doing the exchange technically and you are being paid by him and not the bank. Supposedly, you are allowed to open up your banking accounts as usual when you arrive at the bank with your dong. The "contract price" is because he brought in an aggregate amount. He is being paid by a private group, not the bank.2. This guy represents that you have to sign an nda which is not the one you would sign with the bank but with him, or his company. I read the NDA and I do not like if for reasons too long to report in this blog.3. You must travel to a certain bank in Texas, New York, Utah, Las Vegas, San Francisco, or Chicago and bring your dong. You do not bring your Dinar. You are not given what bank etc until later! Yet, you have to give them your personal information before you know the bank where to go. What is wrong with that? They do not trust you, but you have to trust them.4. He said that you would be put up in a hotel with other owners of dong. He said then you would be put on a bus and taken to a bank to do the private transaction. So all of these wealthy people holding probably $500 million are all put in the same hotel, and on the same bus, and taken somewhere, allegedly to a bank, or out to a deserted place or robbed, or whatever. You put all these people together, and that would make it easier for a group to come in and confiscate your dong while you are waiting for your "bus ride." They say they have tight security. Frankly, I would rather set up my own security. I believe in remaining "unknown." Your best security is that no one knows you have dong and when you are doing your exchange.5. This guy also is giving you a W-9 or W-8. Why? Because that means he has to report to the IRS how much you are receiving from him, not a bank. Who is this guy? What is the source of his money? Is he just a front man for the Chinese MAFIA?6. What if there is an accusation of money laundering? Is this guy licensed to do this transaction? If he is not, then the government can freeze the money during their investigation. He said in the video that present with them currently are the CIA, FBI, SEC, HOMELAND SECURITY, IRS, and every other initial. At least if you deal directly with the banks, you do not have to be concerned about this aspect.7. He says that he only wants your dong, not your dinar. Therefore, you have to go to the bank to exchange your dinar. By disposing of your dong elsewhere, then you have less currency to exchange at the banks, and your rate of exchange for both dinar and dong at the banks will be effected by the amount you have. If you have only dinar left, you may get a less rate of exchange than you would if bringing in your dong and dinar to exchange at the banks at the same time.8. You are very wealthy, and you are giving all your confidential information, including your SS# on the W-9 form, a copy of your Passport and Driver's License to "identify you", the amount of your dong, and this is very valuable information. Thus, this guy is going to have access to your personal identification, and perhaps a few thousand other people which he can sell to the highest bidder. You are going to be very wealthy, and if your name gets out on the street that you received this money by exchanging the dong, then would this constitute a breach of the NDA? If it does, then will that be grounds to confiscate your assets after the exchange? You may argue, "But I did not disclose the source of my wealth! Someone else divulged my information to the public." Prove it!9. Listen to this "front man" who sounds sincere, but he made several mistakes. He said an attorney in fact is different than a Power of Attorney for example. It is not. He is a front man with other "handlers" in the room. Why don't these guys come and put their faces on the camera? What if someone who "really owns the money" changes his mind and yells "fraud" and wants to rescind your agreement and files a major lawsuit against you and all others? I did not see a hold harmless agreement as part of the docs. I did not see a "sold as is without any warranties expressed or implied agreement or clause in any agreement."11. I am not saying nay or yea. I am only saying that these are the ideas I am considering. I want to see if Tony brings up these guys. The worse case is that it is a total scam and they take your dong when you arrive at a place that looks like a bank or security firm. You hand your dong to this guy who deposits your dong with others in his own account, and he then tells you that it will take a couple of days, and you leave. He then exchanges, and wires the money to a foreign account someonewhere in one of the clandestined Asian countries, and you never see your money again. On the other hand, you can believe the risk is worth it, that it is a legitimate deal since they say all the three initial agents are there watching, so you feel comfortable. This, too, is a viable decision. What happens afterwards?12. Personally, I am going to see what Tony says. I do not like this. There are too many unanswered questions. I am all for getting more money, but at what risk? By dealing directly with the banks, you have a secured transaction, a licensed transaction, and a normal transaction. A bank is under the law of privacy. They cannot give your information out to anyone. The banks will have their own security at the bank. Besides, I do not want other people know what bank I am doing my exchange nor what date and time.-- Edited by biblitarian on Monday 9th of June 2014 06:26:03 AM

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