Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A doctor questions VACCINE SAFETY and all hell breaks loose.

proof not to trust the lame stream ever

Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:40 PM
Subject: A doctor questions VACCINE SAFETY and all hell breaks loose.

Inge's Added Comment:
The consistency with which questioning-professional-opinions are being silenced in medicine and in science is extremely alarming.
It really means that "no one is permitted to question” any agenda that "those in authority" are determined to unjustifiablyimpose.

None are more dangerous than the present "medical dictated mandates", especially "Public Health Policy Mandates" - with Infant Vaccinations and Psychotropic drugging of children leading the list.
If there is not a constant and honest monitoring, review and evaluation of these medical practices and their consequences, then citizens become nothing more than unwitting guinea pigs at the mercy of agendas of "mass experimentation"- by "an industry" which has a business agenda that no longer bears any resemblance to "the healing arts". Medical Dictatorship is the most insidiously dangerous dictatorship possible. It usurps jurisdiction (ownership) over the individual's body.

Many years ago, when the demands for more "Government Protection" became the "societal cry", I warned that "Those who Protect you Completely, also OWN you Completely." Sadly, that warning has now become "the REALITY" as we flounder in a "Medically imposed Prison".
For decades we have witnessed the destruction of the lives of hundreds of thousands of infants after being subjected to a prescribed "vaccine schedule" in infancy.
No "pretesting" for this "infant age group” was ever done prior to the implementation of this "Public Health Mandate" for infants.
No one is monitoring. In fact, the Mantra of the Vaccination Religion is so entrenched that no "honest" monitoring is permitted.
It is the epitome of the ultimate heresy! How dare one challenge "an established mantra"! Science be damned.
No one seems to give a dam, as these children are simply discounted as coincidental "unfortunate collateral damage” -"for the Greater Good".

Not only are thousands upon thousands of children being sacrificed on the Vaccine Altar.
But now the courageous scientists and medical professionals who are whistle-blowing are also being "sacrificed" with impunity.

Why is this outrageous corruption possible?
Because WE, the public, have failed to educate ourselves in basic scientific principles; have permitted ourselves to be media-brainwashed into accepting fabricated pseudoscience; and WE have failed to DEMAND Scientific, Academic , Political and Media Integrity.

"The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance".
If good people remain silent, Corruption will abound unabated, with impunity.

Alarmingly, this is now the REALITY as the protectors of "the Sickness Industry" occupy the "seats of authority" in government, academia and the"professional policing agencies".
And a fearful, brainwashed public not only tolerates it, but protects it.

If we do not protect the professionals who are "courageously speaking out" to protect us, then soon there will be no professionals left to speak out - since they will continue to be silenced and "professionally eradicated".-
- unless WE stand in cohesive solidarity on their behalf.
We cannot afford to let them flounder in the winds of injustice under these assaults.

Note: I have added bold highlights and have changed the font of some quotes.
For the original article, go to



A Doctor Wants Safer Vaccines and All Hell Breaks Loose
by Dr. Brownstein

A doctor writes about wanting vaccines free of toxic agents and you would think he was a mass murderer by the way other doctors and the media are beating him up.
This firestorm should convince everyone that something is terribly wrong with conventional medicine and the media.
Are we not allowed to question the wisdom and safety of any medical therapy?
Shouldn’t all medical therapies be held to a high standard of care?

Dr. Daniel Neides, a family doctor and the director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute wrote a blog post about his concerns with childhood vaccines.

(http://www.cleveland.com/lyndhurst-south-euclid/index.ssf/2017/01/make_2017_the_year_to_avoid_to.html) in the news site http://cleveland.com/

He wrote, Does the vaccine burden – as has been debated for years – cause autism? I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with PRESERVATIVES AND ADJUVANTS IN THE VACCINES.”
(Note: Dr. Neides’ post was removed shortly after the firestorm began and put back up a few hours later.)
Adjuvants are items added to a vaccine to stimulate the immune system. Aluminum, a known neurotoxin, is one such adjuvant commonly added to many childhood and adult vaccines. Mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to mankind, is a preservative for many vaccines.
Dr. Neides continued his line of thought by writing, “Some of the vaccines have helped reduce the incidence of childhood communicable diseases, like meningitis and pneumonia. That is great news. But not at the expense of neurologic diseases like autism and ADHD increasing at alarming rates.”
When I read Dr. Neides comments, I was shocked that a physician employed by a large hospital organization would write something like that. I knew what would come next and it did.
Physicians chastised him and the Cleveland Clinic immediately distanced itself from Dr. Neides and his post.
He wrote this opinion piece on his own and it does not reflect the position of the Cleveland Clinic whatsoever, and we strongly support vaccinations and the protection of patients and employees,” said Eileen Sheil, executive director of corporate communications for the medical center.
Here are some comments that appeared after Dr. Neides’ post:
Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist at the Oregon Health and Sciences University, expressed disbelief on Twitter: Wow, this quack is the head of an institute of an actual medical center? Entire article empty rhetoric & harmful jenny McCarthy myths..
In an email to STAT, Prasad added, “That article … contains many of the tired, unsupported, irrational concerns about pediatric vaccines, as well as generally unsupported thoughts on ‘toxin’ exposure. Frankly, it is a little surprising it is written by a doctor, and not someone on the fringe, who lacks basic science and medical training.”
Dr. Jeffrey Matthews, chair of the University of Chicago’s Department of Surgery, tweeted:
Scientists and doctors were horrified about the misinformation contained in the article, especially given that the source is affiliated with such a prestigious medical institution. A spokesperson for Cleveland Clinic told STAT on Saturday that Neides “will not be doing an interview.”
Dr. Benjamin Mazer, a resident physician in pathology at Yale-New Haven Hospital who tweeted that the article was “one of the most vile, false things I have ever read by a doctor”, said in an interview that it wasn’t an isolated event.
This is really part of a larger movement that distrusts mainstream medicine, distrusts mainstream public health, and really trades in conspiracy theories,” he told STAT. “This article is a really prime example of that. It’s just a shame that it’s a physician spreading these conspiracy theories because people naturally trust physicians.”
He was especially appalled at the misinformation that Neides was spreading about hepatitis B vaccines, which, Mazer said, “have prevented thousands of deaths.
Wow. Maybe doctors should never question the prevailing opinions in medicine. Perhaps doctors should not have questioned whether cigarettes caused lung cancer because it took a massive campaign for the cigarette-lung cancer connection to come out.
Perhaps the above doctors need to recall the story of Dr. Semmelweis, who is probably rolling in his grave right now. In the 1800’s, before the germ theory was discovered, a Hungarian phsycian1 questioned whether the lack of handwashing by doctors while delivering babies was responsible for transmitting something to the mothers that resulted in a higher mortality rate than women delivered by midwives. You see, back then, midwives washed their hands before delivering a baby while a doctor did not.
Dr. Semmelweis performed a study where physicians washed their hands before delivery and the mortality rate fell nearly 9x—to the same rate as the midwives. Then, he started to wash the medical instruments before use and the mortality rate fell further.
After his study was completed, Dr. Semmelweis published his results and suffered the wrath of his peers. They simply could not accept that hand washing would improve mortality rates. In fact, it took nearly 20 years for his work to be accepted.
So, let’s move forward over 150 years to present-day time when a Cleveland Clinic doctor voices concern that vaccines should be safer by not containing carcinogens and neurotoxins. For that grievous (said with sarcasm) error, a resident physician claims this is one of the most vile, false things I have ever read by a doctor”.
Give me a break. Our children are vaccinated with more vaccines than any children on the planet.
Do we have healthier children for all these vaccinations?
We have the sickest children on the face of the earth. We have more children dying, more with autism, asthma, autoimmune disorders, cancer and chronic illness than nearly every other major Western country.
Show me where the pediatric vaccine schedule has been appropriately studied.
It hasn’t.
Show me where it is safe to inject mercury, aluminum, or formaldehyde into any living being?
It isn’t.
Show me where vaccinated children are healthier than non-vaccinated children?
You can’t because the CDC refuses to do the proper studies.
A whistle blower has come forth from the depths of the CDC stating that there is malfeasance at the CDC when it comes to the vaccine-autism connection. This whistle blower came out over two years ago—29 months ago. Why hasn’t he been called to testify, under oath, in front of Congress about his claims?
Dr. Neides is doing what any caring, intelligent physician should do when he/she recognizes something is wrong with a standard-of-care therapyin this case, he is questioning whether vaccines may be causing health problems in our children.
For that crime, he is made to apologize the very next day and the Cleveland Clinic promised that there will be appropriate discipline”


The very next day he stated,I apologize and regret publishing a blog that has caused so much concern and confusion for the public and medical community. I fully support vaccinations and my concern was meant to be positive around the safety of them.”
I don’t think Dr. Neides has anything to apologize for. In fact, I think he should be applauded.
If physicians never question anything in medicine, then how does anything change?
I think the Cleveland Clinic owes Dr. Neides an apology for not supporting him in voicing his opinion and starting a discussion about the safety of vaccines.


790 said...

Anyone who believes vaccines are safe, how the hell did you end up on this site?

Anonymous said...

The Origins of Vaccines Will Shock You!

Anonymous said...

Vaccination—Vatican's Medical Inquisition Revealed at Last!!

Olive Oyl said...

790 - "how the hell did you end up on this site?" Let's get this straight - NOW. Any more vulgarity like the comments I just deleted, and YOU won't be posted at this site. Take your f*** and the rest of your trashy comments and go fly a kite. This site is for the more mature reader, not the garbage mouth kind with limited 4 letter words. Your kind of written expression and vocabulary is NOT representative of what we want our readers and friends to be subjected to. How some of your comments got posted during the night is beyond me - but you can be assured any such comments from this moment on will not. No other site that we are 'friends' with would allow your foul mouth and thinking to be posted in their comments, and you can be assured that as long as I am around - yours won't be either. We work way too hard and too many hours - with NO pay - at this website to make it one of quality for our readers - your comments totally destroys that. Hasta la vista - don't let the door hit you in your **** on your way out of here.

TheVoice said...

Olive Oyl, your response is disproportionate in its punitive tone. He said the word "Hell." It is an actual word in the dictionary, and there are words FAR worse being said on television. Furthermore, 790's response to this article entitled "Doctor wants safer vaccines" actually SUPPORTS what is being said in the article. The kind of people who post on sites like Nesara are most likely anti-vaccine, whereas anyone who posted pro-vaccine views would most likely be trolls. He was calling out the trolls, in a way that was ironically Socratic and clever.

Olive Oyl said...

Voice - you are NOT aware of the full context of 790s post. You are looking at the comment above about vaccines - which is NOT the comment that is being addressed here. 790s comment was NOT posted to this article. The offensive comment was posted to a different article and was deleted. In short, you are looking at the situation from the 790 comment above - this is NOT what the situation is about, so your comments are incorrect. While I appreciate your opinion, it's best to not get involved in something you are not a party of - or to.

790! said...

Thanks The Voice!!!!!! Olive Oyl, I will admit I had a few drinks last night (I LIVE ON AN EVIL PLANET GIVE ME SOME SLACK) but this is the only reply I recall posting to this article. Ive been a loyal supporter and friend of this site and Freewill since he took over. I found your comments kind bizzare. I get very passionate about things sometimes and the poison that are vaccines i just get frustrated that people are so ignorant and trusting of a heathcare system that so obvious wants their money and them to die it couldnt be more hello! So you want to shut me up? Kinda contradicts your pov.......