Friday, January 13, 2017

Obama Admin Destroying Public Records

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Claims Obama Admin Destroying Public Records

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has accused the Obama administration of destroying public records en masse during his last days in office.

In fact, Assange is so confident that the destruction of records is taking place that he has offered a $30,000 reward for anyone who comes forward with proof.

“We are told that destruction of records is occurring now in different parts of the Obama administration in different departments or agencies,” he claimed.

“To destroy them is absolutely an egregious act,” Assange stated. “One understands the political motivation for it.”

But what about the legal ramifications? What could possibly be being covered up? We may never know unless someone accepts Assange’ offer.

Via WikiLeaks:

 Julian Assange: Obama administration 
destroying public records 'now' 

Assange, who has no partisan leanings one way or the other, said that the Obama administration wouldn’t be the only ones to have destroyed records in the waning days of a presidency.

“Past administrations of both Republican and Democratic players have engaged in mass destruction of records as they left office,” he explained.

In the here and now however, Assange is looking for “information leading to the arrest or exposure of any Obama admin agent destroying significant records.”

We increased the reward for the arrest or exposure 
of Obama admin officials destroying info to $30,000, 
thanks to a donor stepping forward.

It would be interesting if anyone came forward.

1 comment:

790 said...

I like his spunk but there is no proof of this. Sure obama is on the run but how jullian has inside proof this is going on, is as lame as the Russian hacks! Lets see some proof!!