The Scariest Thought On Halloween
Imagine waking up next Wednesday morning, the day after the election, and
Harry Reid is STILL the Senate Majority Leader and knowing that we didn't
do every last thing we could to oust him-that is scary and a feeling
that we don't want to have!
give Harry Reid a rude awakening and prove him wrong come November 4th.
Failure to do so will result in two more years of President Obama and Harry
Reid working together to advance their progressive agenda.

are working around the clock to defeat these 6 Senators:
Mark Begich, Alaska
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Al Franken, Minnesota
Kay Hagan, North Carolina
Mark Pryor, Arkansas
Bruce Braley, Iowa
Reid has done everything in his power to push President Obama's radical
agenda through the U.S. Senate, and if we don't replace him as Majority
Leader this year, we can be sure that he will continue to stuff the rest of
President's liberal agenda down our throats over the next two years.
We the People have had enough of liberals like Barack Obama and Harry Reid
raising our taxes and spending our nation into debt. We must fire Harry
Reid and his Sinister 6 and put an end to the Democrats' extreme agenda.
With the Democrats spending millions of dollars to smear our conservative
candidates, we need every bit of help we can get to fight back.
So that's why I'm asking you to please consider
donating today. With your help we can fire Harry Reid as Majority Leader
and retake the U.S. Senate with a conservative majority in November!

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