Thursday, March 9, 2017

Black Goo - What You NEED TO KNOW!

Explains Black Goo
Harald Kautz Vella

Black Programmable Matter
Black Good - NWO Agenda
Harald Kautz Vella

Demons and Black Goo
Harald Kautz Vella

Black Good:  Most Mysterious Substance
is a DEMONIC Living Intelligent 
Liquid Crystal


Anonymous said...

Personally I'm among those who don't believe that any element of government should survive....ALL of it is bad and oughtta be killed off.
I also don't like preppers but that's another story..

Every member of any government does not deserve to exist.
In my time especially, I've seen enough to convince.
All of them are evil and should be shot.
Until the day arrives they come in guns and blazing and can be finally wiped out, this is a good alternative I'd say.

There are certain forces at work like the trumps, chris hitchens and lew rockwells. They seem to greatly fear the masses.
It is time that the people educate themselves, and then let loose on these dregs to abolish the CIA and shut it the hell down!

Anonymous said...

Here here!!! ABOLISH THE CIA !!!!

Anonymous said...

CIA?? More than ten people I know had all their google and hotmail accounts deactivated today by the criminal CIA! All work lost then had to be restored on a CLOUD USB device!! Fascists of the year!!! THEY ARE A TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL EVIL AGENCY!!! GET RID OF THE SCUM!!