Wednesday, March 8, 2017

CIA Docs Reveal US Consulate in Frankfurt - ISIL??

WikiLeaks  Says  CIA  Docs  Reveal  US  Consulate  in  Frankfurt  as  Hacking  BaseDo  They  Also  Control  ISIL  Underground  Training  Bases  In  Germany?

Katherine Frisk, Editor
March 8, 2017

The International Reporter has regularly covered Deutche Bank, gold price rigging, currency manipulation and money laundering for ISIL terrorism  in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and around the world.

My personal interest in Deutsche Bank goes back to the early 2000s when along with SASOL they almost crashed the Rand to Zimbabwe levels and completely destroyed the South African economy. 

I highly recommend reading “The Assault On the Rand“ by Barry Sergeant. This was a very close call and a near miss, something that has not escaped other countries. There is a long story behind the scenes regarding Deutsche Bank, SASOL, coal, and land grabs for reasons you would not imagine. But that is for another time and place….

The largest US military base outside of the USA is in Germany. Recently the German intelligence service and the CIA have become co-partners. And now that Wikileaks Vault 7 has been made available, we find out that Frankfort has been a CIA hacking base in Europe and its tentacles spread everywhere.

We also know that Obama, Clinton and the CIA were funding, training, arming and fighting alongside ISIL terrorists in Libya, Nigeria, Iraq and Syria. This whole “anti-Christ” exercise was also funded and supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Israel and Turkey.

General Wesley Clark: 
Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

The whole Deep State operation to destabilize 7 countries and replace their governments with Muslim Brotherhood Wahhabi extremists all have ties to the CIA, Deutche Bank and Germany. Which is not surprising. The Muslim Brotherhood was aligned with Hitler and Nazi Germany during WW2. The atrocities committed in the Middle East, across North Africa and in Eastern Ukraine today, are not dissimilar to the Genocide against Orthodox Christians in Armenia during WW1 and in Eastern Europe during WW2 while in this century John Brennan, a CIA operative converted to Wahhabi Islamic extremism and Obama is part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Armenian Genocide [ The Hidden Holocaust ]
1992 Documentary

Going back further, this association can be traced to the Teutonic Knights, the only Crusader order who killed Christians in Europe and the Middle East,  who with funding from the Khazar, Babylonian Talmud Bankers in Venice ( NOT Torah Palestinian Talmud Jews) , were responsible for sacking Constantinople in the 12th century and imposing Roman Catholicism on an Orthodox Christian country. They were eventually thrown out only to have the Islamic Turkic extremists, supported by Rome and the Franks who invaded the Byzantine Orthodox Christian Greece and turned the Haggia Sophia into a museum. Germany (Franks) and Turkey still remain in an alliance today as they did during WW1 and WW2.
I know I am repeating myself. But again we go back to the original anti-Christ. The Zionist-Babylonian-Talmudic – Caiaphas the high priest and money-lender of the Temple. The Emperor who rules the world from Rome-Pontius Pilate. The Sunni Islamic Wahhabi  Saudi Royal Family -Herod the Great. 
Again during WW2, it was the Teutonic, Nazi Jesuits (Illuminait-P2 lodge) who persecuted Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe, Croatia and in Greece.  Over and above the 6 million Jews who died in the Nazi camps, never mentioned is the over 12 million Protestants and the Orthodox Christians who were also genocided.   In the Soviet Union it was the atheist Babylonian Khazars and leaders of the Bolsheviks, again funded by the Venetian Wall Street bankers, who massacred almost 60 million Orthodox Christians in Russia during the USSR.

And as I have also mentioned a number of times, under the Muslim Brotherhood Morsi, who has since been removed from power, Egypt would have embarked on a war with Ethiopia under any pretenses, and no doubt created the same death, destruction and human tragedy that they have created in Nigeria, Libya and Syria.
Needless to point out, Ethiopia is an Orthodox Christian country, and one of the oldest centres of Judaism and Christianity in the world. Noah married Enoch’s daughter. Moses was married to an Ethiopian woman. And the Queen of Sheba bore Solomon’s son. Ethiopia was also one of the first countries in the world to declare Christianity a state religion.…before Rome.

Note the similarity in the shape of the Templar Cross and the Churches in Ethiopia. It is Red on a white background. Sacrificing their blood for Christ.

In the 11th century the Knights Templar from France traveled to Ethiopia, helped defend them from Islamic invasions and build their remarkable churches.

Lalibela  was called the New Jerusalem because the old Jerusalem had been overrun by Muslims. One of the major reasons why the Vatican Teutonic Knights -Franks-Jesuit Inquisition persecuted this order as well as embarking on the Cathar Crusade in the Languedoc and brought it to an end in the 13th century. Ethiopia is an Apostolic country, as was Cathar Languedoc, not a Pauline St Peter’s chair One World hierarchy, a political system that Jesus himself rejected in the wilderness when tempted by the Devil.

[Note: The Knights Templar completely dissociated themselves from the Pope after the Sacking of Constantinople, the Cathar massacres and the death of Jaque de Molay. They opposed the Frank Holy Roman Empire and the Teutonic Knight persecution of Apostolic Orthodox Christianity in Greece, Eastern Europe, Constantinople and the Middle East. Today any real Freemason does not give allegiance to the Pope. These were the Freemasons who wrote the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Any “Freemason” who does give allegiance to a foreign power, be that AIPAC Jewish lobby, the Pope, Brussels or Muslim Brotherhood Saudi Arabia, is not a Freemason, but part of the Teutonic-Jesuit-Illuminati-P2 Lodge, Bohemien Grove-Skull and Bones-Nazi-Bilderberg group]


Teutonic-Knights and Knights of Malta. Sacrificing the blood of others for the Pope who has declared himself Infallible and Christ on earth. See Jesuit Oath.

Add into this equation the attempts by the Jesuits  between 1555 - 1634 to convert the Ethiopians to Roman Catholicism. The end result was that the Ethiopians threw these charlatans out and those that would not willingly leave were killed.  But the Vatican never gave up on this quest.

They tried it again using Mussolini before and during WW2….. and they will try it again, this time using the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIL from a springboard in Yemen, now having failed to go through Egypt. …. since Muslim Brotherhood Morsi was thrown out by General Sisi.

”At this particular time all Ethiopian citizens shared martyrdom regardless of the differences of religion, race or creed. As is it common with every political corruption to divide a nation as a methods of winning or weakening it, the Italians attempted, by costly and malicious propaganda during the war to set the Muhammadans against the Christians. At first the Muhammadans themselves supported the idea. Later on a national spirit was awakened instead. Since the Italians were not only persecutors but also political and economic oppressors, the Muhammadans fought the invaders united with their Ethiopian brothers. During the attempt on the life of General Graziani in February 1937 and on several other occasions, thousands of Ethiopians were murdered, including bishops’ priests and Moslem sheiks.”
In the 21st Century the Nazi-CIA (Illuminati-Jesuit-Teutonic Knights of the Papist Holy Roman Empire) and Deutche Bank have laundered money for ISIL Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and as with similar alliances in WW2, would no doubt have also been behind a total Orthodox Christian Genocide in Ethiopia if General Sisi and the Egyptian military had not thrown out Morsi and his terrorist based government.
With regard to Deutche Bank, Germany and underground ISIL bases, I have recently posted articles  that add more pieces to this very vast and all-encompassing puzzle. I suggest that anyone who is interested read them to get the background.

The big question to my mind with Wkileaks Vault 7and the CIA in Frankfort Germany, is a needle in a haystack that would expose ISIL training camps in underground bases in Germany, Deutche Bank money laundering for Islamic extremists and the CIA connected with both. Also of relevance would be narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, organ harvesting, Satanic pedophile sex rings and Deep State links to Dyncorp, Haliburton , Bain Capital and their associations to Deutche Bank. … watch this space.

 US House Rep Cynthia McKinney Exposes 
Human Trafficking, 911 and
Missing Billions By The Government

@ 10 Minutes
“…they admit that within themselves at least 28% of them are terrorists, or potential terrorists and connected to ISIS one way or the other and it is going to get worse because there are underground cities where they are trained because here is what is really strange, they come in to the thousands and then all of a sudden disappear within 24 hours. They never appear again and we know from a whistleblower that they built all over Germany underground cities for these people to get trained for the takeover.  They find mass and mass of weapons, a container full with Kalashnikov and AK 47s and they are always next to a German ammunitions station, or weapons station or you know some kind of military facility. It is so highly orchestrated”. 


Muslim Horrors Are Crushing Europe!
  Jeff Rense & Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Mark Anthony Taylor, whose articles and videos have regularly appeared on this site, has personally attempted to take Deutsche Bank to court for precious metals manipulation having been defrauded and stripped of his hard-earned assets by this banking institution. We applaud him in his endeavours as one person amongst millions who has on his own, attempted to get some justice and reimbursement for what has been stolen from him. 

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