Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Demo-RATS : latest update on the enemy withins tactics to overthrow

Washington and America Self-Implode at the Hands of a Treasonous, Obama Led Shadow Government


Anonymous said...

A long read, however it is eye-opening and worth reading more than once.

Anonymous said...

A person can demonstrate but if they riot they have committed a crime.

I understand that the people arrested for rioting at the Presidential Inauguration in D.C. will get about 20 years in prison. I would ask, was the money you received to riot from George Soros worth it?

I see this as a way to get some of the scum off the streets for 20 years. They will miss out on their $6 Million Dollars and their $100 thousand a month payments for 12 years as it will be over by the time they get out. Good luck with Big BuBa. Ken T.