The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
"America - Your Government and Your President are Traitors" - (Video)
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 5-Oct-2014 15:13:58
Assistant Secretary of State Rick Barton is a real piece of work.
Terrorist Rick Barton of the Corporate US predator state dept is a blatant example of a true psychopath.
Barton talks about paying his fellow terrorist of Al Nusra Front, and Al Qaeda/ISIS to destroy the infrastructure, the economy, and the stability of the sovereign country of Syria, like he talks about going to lunch.
Notice in the video, that no one from the Israeli/Mossad front Aspen Institute ask for him to justify the role of blatant terrorism the US Predator State Dept is playing in Syria.
Barton, like most of the a-holes operating within the US Fascist Corporate Terrorist Predator State, simply assumes the Great Satan can invade and destroy any country it chooses, only because it wants to steal resources, or militarily occupy a territory, and that is enough to justify whatever dirty deeds it chooses to make.
Notice how the lying SOB Barton claims to be "aiding the non-violent opposition - and stressing international humanitarian law" - all the while supplying weapons and paid insurgents to topple the legitimate Assad government.
What a load of bunk.
Barton is nothing more than another piece of crap international terrorist.
The greatest show on earth would be to see Barton, Kerry, McCain - and any member of Corporate Predator US Congress who voted to approve the $50 million for the 'Syrian opposition' - hauled away in orange jump suites with the plastic zip ties around their wrists.
U.S. Paying Syrian Rebels $150 Per Month
The United States has been paying thousands of Syrian police officers who deserted the regime of President Bashar Assad.
U.S. Paying Defected Syrian Police Officers $150/Monthly to Fight with Rebels
Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama has approved tens of millions of dollars to pay the salaries of police officers who joined the rebels.
They said the officers were working to maintain order in rebel-controlled territory, mostly in northern Syria.
“There are literally thousands of defected police inside of Syria,” Assistant Secretary of State Rick Barton said. “They are credible in their communities because they’ve defected.”
In an address to the Aspen Security Forum on July 19th, Barton, responsible for State Department stabilization operations, did not say how many Syrian police deserters were on the U.S. payroll.
He said the officers were receiving about $150 per month, a significant salary in Syria.
The address marked a rare disclosure of direct U.S. aid to Sunni rebels in Syria.
Congress has approved more than $50 million for the Syrian opposition, much of which has not been spent.
Barton said the police officers remained in their communities despite their defection from the Assad regime.
He said the U.S. stipend was meant to ensure that they stay on the job.
“We’d rather have a trained policeman who is trusted by the community than have to bring in a new crowd or bring in an international group that doesn’t know the place,” Barton said.
Barton said the rebel movement was awaiting a range of non-lethal U.S. equipment.
He cited night vision systems and medical supplies.
Syrian Girl points out that it’s not just defected Syrian police officers on the U.S. payroll, but rebel groups (many Al Qaeda affiliated) as well. Reports from both AFP and Channel4 in the past year show rebels who say they are getting paid the same amount, $150 per month.
Published on Jul 28, 2013
The US openly admits it gives the Syrian insurgents 150 USD per month, interestingly the exact same wage Al Qaeda is getting.
Obama Pays Al Qaeda $150 Per Month In Syria
Published on Jul 28, 2013 By SyrianGirlpartisan
The US openly admits it gives the Syrian insurgents 150 USD per month, interestingly the exact same wage Al Qaeda is getting.
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