Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dinar Update

Sent: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 10:21:47 PM
Subject: Dinar Update

GCR [Global Currency Reset], : Currently The Chinese have given America another reprieve because of the forward momentum that the USA has shown today and they are fully expecting to have a new world tomorrow (WED) by noon right now the Treasury is in process of syncing the TRNs [Treasury Reserve Note's], to the USN [United States Note],  at the banking Level and will be done before deadline.

Isn't it nice to finally see the United States wants to get along with the rest of the world? This being said; Pray hard there are no more problems I totally Believe that we are on time to the Schedule given to the world BY the Creator who is fully in charge of the Roll out of his Prosperity plan to release the endless cave of gold that King Solomon's hid and He owns....Happy Timber days Do well Kids.....I believe in all of you And I will see you When you get home................Promise. Comment 

10-7-14 wmawhite: The investors will not come until there is an internationally accepted currency. Plus, the economy will not grow until the currency becomes valuable...11.16 is not valuable

1 comment:

Gringosario said...

Hello, first of all my gratitude to the gurus of this page left "part of their lives" to keep alive our expectations.
What I'd like to know is, of the anciada producirce revaluation, is where to make the change because here in Spain, the most important banks do not even know what a dinar, to tell them that only accounts dolare habren and pounds.
Not sure what will happen in the exchange houses but what I would like to clarify is how that exchange group (without international level are USA or how to contact them, etc) all date will help me. No more strength and to always Rv.
P. D. Excuse me how to write and speak English and do not rely Translator