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Reach whatever conclusion you wish about the law and the legal system. That is your absolute right as an American. The law and the legal system is fair game for critism. But, do not base your conclusions about the law and the legal system on a pathetic internet hoax.
Whatever truth there is out there for us to consider in formulating our opinions, be advised that "Judge DALE" is a hoax. All of the online articles that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE" are also hoaxes. The people behind the "Judge DALE Hoax" have already admitted to it.
The online author of the LEGAL articles that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE" is actually "Rodney DALE Class", an amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education who was NEVER a judge (any where at any time). (The online author of the NON-LEGAL articles that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE" (the so-called "DINAR forgeries") is a different fraudulent impersonator, not Rodney DALE Class). Despite never going to college or to law school and despite never actually becoming a lawyer or a judge, "Rodney DALE Class" has simply made up an entire amateur belief system about the law and the legal system that he teaches to hundreds of other amateurs. Not a single one of "Rodney DALE Class'" amateur legal theories or self-glorifying "war stories" can withstand even the slightest amount of factual or legal verification. They are all verifiably false (ex: "I have obtained my fourth administrative ruling which proves that all governments and all government agencies are 'private entities', in fact, corporations."). But, the falsity of Rodney DALE Class' claims is not our concern. "Rodney DALE Class" is NOT the driving force behind the "Judge DALE Hoax".
The actual people behind the "Judge DALE Hoax" are professional hoaxers. These people decided to disseminate "Rodney DALE Class'" amateur belief system about the law and the legal system throughout the American people through a series of fake documents that they themselves created (their specialty), but which they fraudulently told the American people were written by a "retired federal judge" named, "Judge DALE" (using "Rodney DALE Class'" middle name, "DALE", as an inside joke). Among the fake documents that these people fraudulently attributed to this fake "retired federal judge" include: "Lawfully Yours"; "The Matrix And The US Constitution" and "The Great American Adventure; Secrets Of America". Virtually all of the online LEGAL forgeries that are fraudulently attributed to "Judge DALE" are actually re-prints of small sections of one of these three original forgeries under new names (usually section 5 of the forgery entitled, "The Great American Adventure" allegedly about the law and the legal system). Among these re-prints are articles entitled things like: "Judge Spills The Beans"; "Judge Turns Whistle Blower" and "Legal Advice From A Retired Federal Judge".
We wish to reiterate, we do not oppose the "Judge DALE Hoax" just because the contents of all the forgeries is false, fraudulent and intended to dupe the American people (although that would be enough for us to oppose them). Instead, we only oppose the "Judge DALE Hoax" because the charlatans behind the hoax fraudulently attributed this pathetic amateur belief system about the law and the legal system to a non-existent "retired federal judge", who allegedly had a formal education in the REAL law, who allegedly had a lifetime of REAL legal experience in the REAL legal system, who was allegedly a REAL member of the highest echelons of the REAL judicial branch of the REAL federal government of the United States. That lie is taking the lie about the amateur belief system too far.
"Rodney DALE Class" (who pretends to be "Judge DALE" and whose fake LEGAL articles are posted online) HAS LOST EVERY SINGLE CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOILVED (35 CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING).
If you would like to LOSE your own case too, then simply follow Rodney DALE Class' LOSING "legal advice" and be sure to use his LOSING "legal forms".
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