Sunday, October 5, 2014


I'm told I should not be surprised to get back only 3.  Well I would be dumfounded if that were true!  Americans if you love your country stand up, Christians if you love your God and freedom to worship then Stand up now and  unite openly and with a loud and clear voice.. We must vote the scum bag traitors of freedom out in November. Your country, your freedom and our Lord and all  is under attack from the vile communistic lying snakes we have entrusted with our future and an enema in Washington is long overdue. Lets flush them out in November.  Its clear, We either take our country and our constitution back now or we will lose them forever.  

Many of us despise the Muslim in the White House. His whole agenda, from the things you printed here, to letting go of the Muslim Warlords, to warning them of our every move to delaying all our efforts to protect our country and become independent on foreign oil; all of it is designed to strengthen the Muslims and it’s been his agenda from day one.
Now it’s time for retribution. 

Time for him and all of his communistic/ Muslim extremists to go.


I know there are some of you that are Democratic and are spell binded by and cling to the Illusions that our government and the Obama Administration will continue to take care of you and your family indefinitely, but lets leave that issue for now, this is a Christians issue first, politics later. I do pray that it doesn't offend anybody with the truth of the message, but it has to be sent. If you love your Lord first and your politics later, then you will appreciate this message. If you don't, I'm sorry, perhaps I misjudged your deduction insight and/or your pride and profound love for America and a free society perpetuated for our children and grand children. 
When we get 100,000,000, that's one hundred million willing Christians to BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back America with God's help. Become one of the One hundred million...
Then let's get 200 million. It can be done by sending this email to your friends. Do the math. It only takes a willing heart and a fed up soul. God Bless America and Shine your light on Her..  
    In 1952
    President Truman Established one day a year as a
    "National Day of Prayer."
    In 1988
    President Reagan Designated the First Thursday in May of each year as
    The National Day of Prayer.
    In June 2007
    (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Declared that the USA
    "Was no longer a Christian nation."
    This year President Obama Canceled the 21st annual National Day
    Of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of "not wanting to offend anyone"
    BUT... On September 25, 2009
    From 4 AM until 7 PM, A National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION Was Held on Capitol Hill,
    Beside the White House.  There were over 50,000 Muslims In D.C. That day.
    I guess it Doesn't matter If "Christians"
    Are offended by this event - We obviously
    Don't count as "anyone"  Anymore.
Now he is encouraging schools to teach the qua-ran for extra credit in schools, while they cannot even talk about the bible, God or salute the American Flag.
The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be Converted, they should be annihilated.
Send this to ten people And the person who sent it to you!... To let them know that indeed, it was sent out to many more.THIS IS HUGE LETS GO VIRAL!!!!!!!!!!

Live simply, Laugh Often, Love Deeply

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