Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wednesday Drake updates show his guest is a woman who was denied help at the VA Hospital

Wednesday Drake updates show - A little less than a quarter into the show his guest is a woman who was denied help at the VA Hospital - Talk about her Constitutional Rights being violated, she is lucky to be alive after the hell this woman went through!!
Drake is a little over the top when he talks about ET's, but for the most part he truly is an American patriot. This woman's story needs to be heard by every American who believes our country's in trouble.

For all of you who don't know the basics on how to download a File. I know a few of you - LOL

Scroll down to the where the play button is on the left side of the screen, you will see the word: Download.

Right click on that word "Download" - It will open a dialog box and you will see the phrase, "Save target as..." then left click on that phrase. it will begin to download inside the "My documents"  folder or the last folder you had opened.

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