The first picture and the last picture are taken at
the beach in Santa Barbara right next to the pier.
There is a veterans group that started putting a cross
and candle for every death in Iraq and Afghanistan .
The amazing thing is that they only do it on the weekends. They put up this graveyard and take it down every weekend.
Guys sleep in the sand next to it and keep watch over
it at night so nobody messes with it.
Every cross has the name, rank and D.O.B. and
D.O.D. on it.
Very moving, very powerful??? So many young volunteers.
So many 30 to 40 year olds as well.
Amazing !

 Did you know that the ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed?
And another suit to end prayer from the military completely. They're making great progress.
The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer thanks to the ACLU and our new administration.
I'm not breaking this one.
If I get it a 1000 times, I'll forward it a 1000 times!
Please, let us pray... Please send this on after a short prayer. Prayer for our soldiers Don't break it!
'Heavenly Father, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in this our time of need. Amen.'
...part1/2....WED, FEBR 10, 2010 The ACLU has NOT filed suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed! I was forwarded this email today, causing me to shake my head at the ignorance of those who believe anything they read, no matter how ridiculous it is, if it conforms to their overall view of the world. Here's the message with my commentary interspersed. ....// *** Did you know that the ACLU American Civil Liberties Union has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed.*** How could you? They didn't. The ACLU has never filed such a suit, says the ACLU. Says Snopes, if you don't believe the ACLU. In addition, Arlington doesn't even have cross-shaped headstones. They all bear the standard rectangular shape. Go there and see for yourself. ...pix...This picture does not show religious crosses at Arlington. Instead, it shows NON-religious crosses at Arlington West, a project by Veterans for Peace, in which volunteers put markers on the beach in Santa Monica every Sunday, to raise awareness of how many soldiers are dying in our current wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The goal of the project is to end the wars. Why the cross? "The cross was chosen for its simplicity, not for its religious connotation," says the Arlington West site.***.... and another suit to end prayer from the military completely. They're making great progress. The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer thanks to the wretched ACLU and our new administration.*** Not true. There is no such ruling, and the ACLU has pressed for full religious freedom for all soldiers to practice their individual faiths without fear or favor. // *** I'm not breaking this one.*** But you should. You have the power to break the chain of disinformation being propagated by this inaccurate, and therefore dishonest, email. You dishonor our troops by passing around such falsities when they fight for truth and justice. There is no truth or justice in circulating false claims. Stop dishonoring the troops with false claims. The rest of the email asks for a prayer for the troops. That is always welcome, and necessary....... ...pix...This, too, is Arlington West, a peace project by military veterans. The coffins represent those who died that week. The people who honor the military in this manner each week are primarily leftists. ..... /// Anonymous said... 5:21 AM If the ACLU is not sueing anyone to remove flags from graves, please explain this artical on the ACLU website blog: "" Is this an ACLU blog? What does the 3rd paragraph say then? Real History Lisa said... 8:14 PM I'm glad you sent that link. If you click the links in the above, you would understand the ACLU filed suit about ONE cross on behalf of a Jewish community, who felt that one large cross made it look like only Christians were buried there, and not Jews who don't share that symbol. You have (and others have) dramatically misrepresented that one case. It's not about removing all crosses from all military headstones. It's not about crosses from ANY headstones. It's not about headstones at all. More info here.(link below )
/// The ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross shaped headstones removed- Fiction! Summary of the eRumor: A forwarded email that claims that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed suit to remove "military cross-shaped headstones." The email also says that the ACLU is forcing Navy Chaplains to cease praying in the name of Jesus and also wants to end all prayers in the military. The Truth: This is Fiction. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) posted a statement on their Frequently Asked Questions section saying that "The ACLU has never pursued the removal of religious symbols from personal gravestones." This wasn't a matter of the removal of religious symbols but one of diversity, however. The ACLU and the Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed a suit to convince the Department of Veterans Affairs to agree to allow family members to choose from 38 different religious symbols for headstones to represent the variety of faiths practiced in the US. Click for ACLU FAQ ...(...) //// Email chain letter claims the ACLU has filed lawsuits to remove all crosses from military gravesites and to prohibit military personnel from praying. It further states that 'thanks to the retched [sic] ACLU and our new (Obama) administration,' Navy chaplains can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer. Description: Email rumor / Chain letter
Circulating since: June 2009 Status: False .. /// .... Sole said he didn't know about any lawsuits to remove the crosses. So to sum up, the ACLU said it was not suing over that. ("The ACLU believes very deeply in the cherished value of religious freedom, and the right of all Americans to practice the religion of their choosing — or to practice no religion at all — freely and without fear or compulsion," Matthews said.) The U.S. Department of Veterans doesn't know about any lawsuit. And the American Battle Monuments Commission said there is no lawsuit. So we rate this statement Pants on Fire! /// Soledad cross foes want order reversed BY GREG MORAN, THURS, JANUARY 8, 2009. FEDERAL COURT — Opponents of the cross atop Mount Soledad urged a U.S. appeals court yesterday to overturn a federal judge's ruling in July that said the controversial La Jolla landmark could remain.The 70-page brief filed by lawyers for the Jewish War Veterans, who contend the cross violates the constitutional separation between government and religion, marked another round in the long-running fight over the monument..... /// There are a number of other similar temporary memorials in various locations across the United States. The memorials are certainly a very moving and heartfelt tribute, to fallen soldiers. However, the claims the message makes about the ACLU are untrue. The following YouTube video provides further details about the Arlington West project......
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