Friday, February 16, 2018

A well armed peaceful population.


Anonymous said...

Democracy is mob rule.-- Democracy is when 50.01% of the people can vote to eat the other 49.09% of the people and the authorities tenderize the minority.

penny4yerthoughts said...

The United States is NOT a republic it is a Corporate Democracy. The united several states of America is a Republic.

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean the United Soviet States of Amerika? That's what Obastard turned it into, and it will be quite awhile 'til it ever returns to what it was before that aho was BOUGHT into the presidency-Trump is the only one, if anyone, to straighten out this fuster cluck that was shoved up our arses- It is going to take time, but I trust in him, and if anyone gets it done, and turned around, President Trump will-I happen to have great faith in the man, and his election has been planned for years- He is many steps ahead of the shadow Gov, and has been groomed especially for his task at hand-Things are swiftly turning around, he just needs the chance that the dems won't give him, and they are pushing against him at every turn, as they are going to lose, and they know it, and 90% of them will be imprisoned, or executed, depending on the severity of the charges of crimes against humanity, AND Treason, and we all should know, that Treason carries the death penalty-The end is drawing near for them, and they are s#i!!ing twinkies with razor blades in them- They know they are screwed, and they are scurrying like rats and cockroaches, and they won't go down without a bad fight-