Monday, May 13, 2013

The Seven Laws of the Great Spirit

The Seven Laws of the Great Spirit
Posted By: NotRob
Date: Monday, 13-May-2013 00:38:36
I, like many of you, watch the news on television and on June 29th, it was revealed that 39% of the people of America believe that American Culture is in permanent decline and that our deepening financial crisis will never be resolved. In response, I recalled the words of Paul Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson from their book ‘The Cultural Creatives’ published in the year 2000:
“We should take hope for we are traveling in the company of an enormous number of allies…”
Ray and Anderson revealed ten years ago that the number of people in the Transformational Community—those that they call the Cultural Creatives—then numbered between 50-60 million people in the US alone with another 90-100 million in Britain and Europe. These are not small numbers and they have grown considerably. A mutual friend revealed to me recently that Ray now feels that the transformationals now represent about 40% of the American people… or around 80 to 90 million souls.
This, in my opinion, is very good news.
A New Story for a New Time
We all know that we live in perilous times. Considering the issues, I might observe (dispassionately) that the moment has truly come for us to create a new cultural mythos—one that will redefine who we are, who we can be, as well as who we wish to become. This includes creating a new world that we wish to pass on to our grandchildren… and to their grandchildren.
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